AliGenie AR Fuels the Ali New Retail Strategy - Interactive Marketing Activities

简介: As you know, AR technologies provide powerful perception of physical world, nature human interaction and enhanced visual impact.

As you know, AR technologies provide powerful perception of physical world, nature human interaction and enhanced visual impact. Therefore it will change our everyday life from shopping, reading and traveling etc.
Alibaba are always making great efforts to promote AR technologies and had developed many AR applications running on mobile phones
We will talk about them from various businesses we have done.

Interactive Marketing Activities

This video shows one of our AR activities used in this years’ TMall double 11 shopping festival. It was called “Super Star arrives at your home”. Thousands of millions of people had played this game during the 11.11 ‘s party. We used markerless tracking and live video stream technologies to accomplish the fantastic effect,which gave the customers deep impressions, and let a lot of people realize that TMall is becoming more and more fashionable and innovative.


There are signs, logos and posters around us. We can regard these pictures as mark and event trigger for us. We support both local and cloud recognitions. During 2016 Olympic games, we designed an AR marketing activity for Crest. The picture of Olympic rings is the mark. It is anywhere around China, such as on TV, on the poster, even the rings are drawn on the paper by the users themselves. After finding the rings through scanning by mobile users, a lovely avatar representing Crest product would appear and dance on the screen, give coupons for the users. This marketing activity increased the order conversion rate greatly. We have done lots of similar activities these 2 years. The Olympic Rings is one of successful examples.

机器学习/深度学习 vr&ar
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人工智能 编解码 5G
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vr&ar 图形学 开发者
【8月更文挑战第31天】虚拟现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)技术正深刻改变生活,从教育、娱乐到医疗、工业,应用广泛。Unity作为强大的游戏开发引擎,适用于构建高质量的VR/AR应用,支持Oculus Rift、HTC Vive、Microsoft HoloLens、ARKit和ARCore等平台。本文将介绍如何使用Unity创建沉浸式虚拟体验,包括设置项目、添加相机、处理用户输入等,并通过具体示例代码展示实现过程。无论是完全沉浸式的VR体验,还是将数字内容叠加到现实世界的AR应用,Unity均提供了所需的一切工具。
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vr&ar C# 图形学
WPF与AR/VR的激情碰撞:解锁Windows Presentation Foundation应用新维度,探索增强现实与虚拟现实技术在现代UI设计中的无限可能与实战应用详解
【8月更文挑战第31天】增强现实(AR)与虚拟现实(VR)技术正迅速改变生活和工作方式,在游戏、教育及工业等领域展现出广泛应用前景。本文探讨如何在Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF)环境中实现AR/VR功能,通过具体示例代码展示整合过程。尽管WPF本身不直接支持AR/VR,但借助第三方库如Unity、Vuforia或OpenVR,可实现沉浸式体验。例如,通过Unity和Vuforia在WPF中创建AR应用,或利用OpenVR在WPF中集成VR功能,从而提升用户体验并拓展应用功能边界。
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