AliGenie AR Fuels the Ali New Retail Strategy - Commodity Show

简介: AR is used to display the product,which has great advantages. The users can see, know and operate the product virtually before buying them.

AR is used to display the product,which has great advantages. The users can see, know and operate the product virtually before buying them. We have developed several applications for the mobile users. I will introduce some of them for you. ARDetail shows the details information of products. At the same time, the user can see actual appearance and size under real environment. SLAM and various kinds of detections are integrated intelligently to make the tracking fast and stably. There is a robot car rendered in this video. Although we vibrated the phone, you can see the robot stayed firmly on the screen.


This video shows our Product Description application. After the customer shoots at the object, such as electric appliance, the application will pop up the 3D model of this appliance cover the real one. The customer can press the button of the model, which led the application to give useful information to the customer. It helps the customer to understand the product correctly and completely. The model-based tracking suits to this condition.


AR can be used to measure the size of the object. We applied the similar method named ARRuler to measure the person’s feet. The result we achieved is prettry good. The error is less than 4mm. For example, there is an AR page for man shoes on Taobao, pv/day is 49 thousands, uv/day is 34 thousands. Every watch time is 28 seconds. Direct GMV for one marketing activities is more than 10 millions yuan.


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【8月更文挑战第31天】虚拟现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)技术正深刻改变生活,从教育、娱乐到医疗、工业,应用广泛。Unity作为强大的游戏开发引擎,适用于构建高质量的VR/AR应用,支持Oculus Rift、HTC Vive、Microsoft HoloLens、ARKit和ARCore等平台。本文将介绍如何使用Unity创建沉浸式虚拟体验,包括设置项目、添加相机、处理用户输入等,并通过具体示例代码展示实现过程。无论是完全沉浸式的VR体验,还是将数字内容叠加到现实世界的AR应用,Unity均提供了所需的一切工具。
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vr&ar C# 图形学
WPF与AR/VR的激情碰撞:解锁Windows Presentation Foundation应用新维度,探索增强现实与虚拟现实技术在现代UI设计中的无限可能与实战应用详解
【8月更文挑战第31天】增强现实(AR)与虚拟现实(VR)技术正迅速改变生活和工作方式,在游戏、教育及工业等领域展现出广泛应用前景。本文探讨如何在Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF)环境中实现AR/VR功能,通过具体示例代码展示整合过程。尽管WPF本身不直接支持AR/VR,但借助第三方库如Unity、Vuforia或OpenVR,可实现沉浸式体验。例如,通过Unity和Vuforia在WPF中创建AR应用,或利用OpenVR在WPF中集成VR功能,从而提升用户体验并拓展应用功能边界。
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