使用 InstallShield limited edition 打包部署Outlook 2013 Office add-in插件

简介: 原文: Outlook: Deploying an Outlook 2013 add-in (using InstallShield LE)   Today I had to create an installer for an Outlook 2013 add-in (created usin...

原文: Outlook: Deploying an Outlook 2013 add-in (using InstallShield LE)


Today I had to create an installer for an Outlook 2013 add-in (created using Visual Studio 2013), and as the process is different to previous versions I thought I'd document it here.  I will only detail the differences from previous versions - I am assuming that you have completed the first three steps that are the same as described here.

Add a new project to the solution, and select InstallShield Limited Edition Project (note that you will have to have installed this - the first time you select to add it, you will be guided through the process)

Select Application Information, and enter details for your add-in.

Select the installation requirements for your add-in.  Currently it seems that Office 2013 is not available as a pre-requisite, so the only one to include is .Net 4.5 (or whichever framework your add-in uses).

 Add the application files.  As for previous versions of VSTO, you need to add the project output, and also the manifest and vsto files from the output folder of the add-in project.

Set the registry keys.  These also are the same as previous versions.  The screenshot here shows the keys for a 32 bit add-in (i.e. with 32 bit Outlook).  64 bit would use the 64 bit registry.




Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 
"LoadBehavior"=3    ------------------DWORD Value

Choose your options for the installation interface.

Finally, check the setting for your build.  I chose a single image build, as this creates a setup.exe.  Once done, you can build the setup project and then locate the setup.exe in the output folder.  This can be deployed to users.


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