111169 | Internal error of tdump64.exe | Command Line Tools |
111737 | OnUDPRead incompatibility with closure | Compatibility |
111480 | [C++\Clang\FE] ICE assigning an overloaded function to a event | Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG |
111474 | [C++\CLANG\BE] bcc64 crash building ACE 5.6.7 | Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\BCC |
111455 | [C++\Bcc+Clang\DataSnap] TDSAuthenticationManager OnUserAuthenticate event doesn't work: something wrong with UnicodeString "by value" params | Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\BCC, Compiler\C++\CLANG |
111377 | [C++\Bcc64\Delphisms] Passing record object between Delphi built unit and Cpp crash if record contains dynamic array | Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG, Compiler\C++\CLANG\Delphi interop |
111267 | Header files on XE3 don't have correct header guard | Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\BCC |
111243 | No 64-bit DirectX | Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG |
111180 | BCC64, ICE when using __uuidof() | Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG, Compiler\C++\CLANG\Front End |
111119 | [C++\Clang\FE] SEH in template methods problem | Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG |
110675 | [C++\Clang\RTL] Large Memory Allocation fails with malloc and new using non-Dynamic RTL build | Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG |
110262 | [C++\Clang\SOAP] WSDL Importer generate invalid code using the char '\\' | Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG, SOAP |
111308 | [C++\Bcc\Linker32\Regression] Adding a delphi unit that uses System.Generics.Collections in a CPP console application fails | Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\BCC |
109480 | [C++\Clang\RTL] Missing cosf in math.h | Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG |
109248 | [Unicode] string literal encoding is unexpected! | Compiler, Compiler\C++, Compiler\C++\CLANG |
111136 | [Beta 11] The IDE hang-up by debugging of TWebBrowser application | Debugger |
111172 | Missing Boost_Thread-BCB64-MT-D-1_50.dll | File Delivery, RTL, RTL\C++, RTL\C++\Other |
111456 | Creating and freeing a form leaks memory on OSX | FireMonkey |
111773 | [Regression in XE3] UML Design Project is not saved | IDE, Modeling |
111308 | [Regression in Update 1] Link errors when .pas unit is added to project | Linker |
111110 | [C++\CLANG\RTL] The fucntion "nan" is missed in math.h | Linker |
110990 | ilink64 complains about library files not named with '.a' as invalid | Linker |
110492 | cpprtl build fails out-of-box | RTL, RTL\C++, RTL\C++\Other |
107087 | __VCL_clear_EH totally broken | RTL, RTL\C++, RTL\C++\Exception Handling |
111190 | Inherited TStringGrid causes access violations in 64 bit | VCL, VCL\Additional |