2015 最简单的 Spring MVC 入门教程

简介: 2015 最简单的 Spring MVC 入门教程太阳火神的美丽人生 (http://blog.csdn.net/opengl_es)本文遵循“署名-非商业用途-保持一致”创作公用协议转载请保留此句:太阳火神的美丽人生 -  本博客专注于 敏捷开发及移动和物联设备研究:iOS、Android、Html5、Arduino、pcDuino,否则,出自本博客的文章拒绝转载或再转载,谢谢合作。

2015 最简单的 Spring MVC 入门教程

太阳火神的美丽人生 (http://blog.csdn.net/opengl_es)


转载请保留此句:太阳火神的美丽人生 -  本博客专注于 敏捷开发及移动和物联设备研究:iOS、Android、Html5、Arduino、pcDuino否则,出自本博客的文章拒绝转载或再转载,谢谢合作。

Simplest Spring MVC Hello World Example / Tutorial – Spring Model – View – Controller Tips

Do you have any one of below question?

  • Developing a Spring Framework MVC 4 application step-by-step..
  • java – Spring MVC tutorial from the scratch
  • Spring MVC Fast Tutorial
  • Spring MVC Framework Tutorial
  • First Spring MVC application tutorial
  • Spring 4 MVC Tutorials, AJAX Demo, jQuery Demo, JavaScript Demo, Tips & Tricks Spring 4 MVC

Then you are at right place. Here I’ll demonstrate simple Spring MVC framework for building web applications.

First thing first. I’m using below tools which you may need to download if you don’t have already.

  1. Tomcat 7.0.65 – Download link.
  2. Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers (Mars v4.5.1) – Download link.
  3. Spring 4.2.2 (No download required) – we will use Maven dependency.
  4. JDK 1.8 – Download link.

Main goal for this tutorial to create Spring MVC Application in the simplest way. This is how ourapplication result will look like. This is a final result once you complete all below steps.

Welcome page ==> index.jsp

CrunchifySpringMVCTutorial index.jsp page

Result returns from Controller Class :)

Message Coming from Controller

Now Let’s get started


Open Eclipse and Create Dynamic Web Project CrunchifySpringMVCTutorial.

Create Dynamic Web Project in Eclipse

Crunchify Spring MVC Example


Make sure you use Target Runtime as Apache Tomcat 7.0


Convert Project to Maven Project to add all required Spring MVC dependencies to project.


  • Right click on project
  • Configure
  • Convert to Maven project

Convert CrunchifySpringMVCTutorial to Maven project


Open pom.xml file and add below jar dependencies to project.

Srping MCV Dependencies - Crunchify Spring Tutorial

Here is my pom.xml file.


Create Spring Configuration Bean file. /WebContent/WEB-INF/crunchify-servlet.xml

In the above crunchify-servlet.xml  configuration file, we have defined a tag <context:component-scan> . This will allow Spring to load all the components from package com.crunchify.controller  and all its child packages.

This will load our CrunchifyHelloWorld.class . Also we have defined a bean viewResolver. This bean will resolve the view and add prefix string /WEB-INF/jsp/  and suffix .jsp to the view in ModelAndView. Note that in our CrunchifyHelloWorld class, we have return a ModelAndView object with view name welcome. This will be resolved to path /WEB-INF/jsp/welcome.jsp .


Map Spring MVC in /WebContent/WEB-INF/web.xml file.

NOTE: if you don’t see web.xml file in your “dynamic web project” then follow these steps.

The above code in web.xml will map DispatcherServlet with url pattern /welcome.jsp. Also note that we have define index.jsp as welcome file.

One thing to note here is the name of servlet in <servlet-name> tag in web.xml. Once the DispatcherServlet is initialized, it will looks for a file name [servlet-name]-servlet.xml  in WEB-INF folder of web application. In this example, the framework will look for file called crunchify-servlet.xml.


Create Controller Class.

  • Package: com.crunchify.controller
  • Filename: CrunchifyHelloWorld.java

Create Spring Controller Class CrunchifyHelloWorld

Note that we have annotated the CrunchifyHelloWorld class with @Controller and@RequestMapping("/welcome"). When Spring scans our package, it will recognize this bean as being a Controller bean for processing requests. The @RequestMapping annotation tells Spring that this Controller should process all requests beginning with /welcome in the URL path. That includes/welcome/* and /welcome.html.

The helloWorld() method returns ModelAndView object. The ModelAndView object tries to resolve to a view named “welcome” and the data model is being passed back to the browser so we can access the data within the JSP. The logical view name will resolve to /WEB-INF/jsp/welcome.jsp . Logical name “welcome” which is return in ModelAndView object is mapped to path /WEB-INF/jsp/welcome.jsp.

The ModelAndView object also contains a message with key “message” and Detailed value. This is the data that we are passing to our view. Normally this will be a value object in form of java bean that will contain the data to be displayed on our view. Here we are simply passing a string.


The View – Create /WebContent/index.jsp.

Create /WebContent/WEB-INF/jsp/welcome.jsp  file.

After everything this is how your workspace should look like.

CrunchifySpringMVCTutorial by Crunchify - Eclipse Package Structure


Right Click on Project -> Run As -> Maven Build...

Maven Run-as - Maven Build in Eclipse IDE

Add Goals: clean install. Click Apply and Run.

Clean Install maven Spring project

You should see build success message:

Build Successful - Maven clean install task in Eclipse

Where are all of my .jar files?

You will see all .jar files under /target folder. Screenshot.


Deploy project to Apache Tomcat and start tomcat.

Start Tomcat Server

Make sure you see below logs. That means your application is successfully deployed on Tomcat Web Server.

Application Successfully Deployed on Tomcat Server in Eclipse Mars IDE


Visit: http://localhost:8080/CrunchifySpringMVCTutorial/ and you should be all set.

Hurrey.. Now you know Hello World Spring MVC 4 Example. Let me know if you encounter any exception while running this. There are lot more example you can find here.

Do you want to include JS, CSS and images into JSP file? Follow this tutorial: Best way to Add/Integrate JS, CSS and images into JSP file using ‘mvc:resources mapping’

Having trouble? Any issue?

Triaging step-1

Make sure you add Apache Tomcat Server to Targeted Runtime. Which you may have selected in Step-1. Tomcat 7 or 8 any – server should work.

Add Target Runtime on project

Triaging Step-2

Make sure to update all maven dependencies.

Force Update dependencies - Spring MVC tutorial

Have anything to add to this article? Please chime in and join the conversion.

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