想到要如何为所有的对象增加实例变量吗? 使用Category可以很方便地为现有的类增加方法,但却无法直接增加实例变量(有为此使用查表法的,也算曲线救国吧)。不过从Mac OS X v10.6开始,系统提供了Associative References,这个问题就很容易解决了。
我根据Objective-C Reference中的示例修改了一下,直接上代码了。重点是其中objc_setAssociatedObject的使用, 并且其中Key是一个地址,而不是字串。
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import <objc/runtime.h> int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { @autoreleasepool { /*Seciton 0. 关联数据的Key和Value*/ static char overviewKey; static const char *myOwnKey = "VideoProperty\0"; static const char intValueKey = 'i'; NSArray *array = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@ "One", @"Two", @"Three", nil]; // For the purposes of illustration, use initWithFormat: to ensure // we get a deallocatable string NSString *overview = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%@", @"First three numbers"]; NSString *videoKeyValue = @"This is a video"; NSNumber *intValue = [[NSNumber alloc]initWithInt:5]; /*Section 1. 关联数据设置部分*/ objc_setAssociatedObject ( array, &overviewKey, overview, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN ); [overview release]; objc_setAssociatedObject ( array, myOwnKey, videoKeyValue, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN ); objc_setAssociatedObject ( array, &intValueKey, intValue, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN ); /*Section 3. 关联数据查询部分*/ NSString *associatedObject = (NSString *) objc_getAssociatedObject (array, &overviewKey); NSLog(@"associatedObject: %@", associatedObject); NSString *associatedObject2 = (NSString *) objc_getAssociatedObject(array, myOwnKey); NSLog(@"Video Key value is %@", associatedObject2); NSString *assObject3 = (NSString *) objc_getAssociatedObject(array, &myOwnKey); if( assObject3 ) { NSLog(@"不会进入这里! assObject3 应当为nil!"); } else { NSLog(@"OK. 通过myOwnKey的地址是得不到数据的!"); } NSNumber *assKeyValue = (NSNumber *) objc_getAssociatedObject(array, &intValueKey); NSLog(@"Int value is %d",[assKeyValue intValue]); /*Section 3. 关联数据清理部分*/ objc_setAssociatedObject ( array, &overviewKey, nil, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_ASSIGN ); objc_setAssociatedObject ( array, myOwnKey, nil, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_ASSIGN ); objc_setAssociatedObject ( array, &intValueKey, nil, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_ASSIGN ); [array release]; } return 0; }
clang -o associates -g -x objective-c++ -Wall associates.mm -framework Foundation -lobjc