
Linux: Most distributions include and use NTFS-3G by default. Please use that one unless it’s an old version. If you wish to install NTFS-3G from the source code then make sure you have installed the basic development tools (gcc compiler, libc-dev libraries). Then type:

make install # or 'sudo make install' if you aren't root
Non-Linux: Please see the OS specific installation and source packages above.

If there was no error during installation then the NTFS volume can be mounted in read-write mode for everybody as follows. Unmount the volume if it had already been mounted, replace /dev/sda1 and /mnt/windows, if needed.

mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows
Please see the NTFS-3G Manual for more options and examples.

You can also make NTFS to be mounted during boot by adding the following line to the end of the /etc/fstab file:

/dev/sda1 /mnt/windows ntfs-3g defaults 0 0

IDE Linux 开发工具
CentOS系统 NTFS-3G挂载NTFS分区
CentOS系统 NTFS-3G挂载NTFS分区
714 0
存储 数据安全/隐私保护 iOS开发
Paragon NTFS2022最新版NTFS文件系统驱动工具
Mac 本身没有支持 NTFS 硬盘 Windows 移动硬盘的写入操作。 需要安装第三方应用。 用过 Mac 的可能都知道,在 Mac 上接 Windows NTFS 格式的 U 盘或移动硬盘,只能读不能写。也就是可以看到 NTFS 磁盘里的文件,但是不能往磁盘里添加和修改文件。如果要在 Mac 上顺利读写 NTFS 磁盘,可以在 macOS 上安装 NTFS 支持软件。
163 0
Linux 数据安全/隐私保护 Unix