并发程序方法为:JAVA 并发程序
这个程序定时执行,调用远端的webservice,来传输xml数据,来同步两个系统的数据。但是现在的问题是如果xml数据取的过多,这个并发程序会报out of memory的错。
-- To implement the solution, please execute the following steps::
Perform the following steps:
* Log on as System Administrator.
* Open form (Define)Concurrent Program.
Navigation Concurrent >> Program >> Define.
* Search for Program 'FCH: XML Generator'
* Under 'Executable' section, set 'Options' field with -mx2048m -ms512m
Note on the ms and mx settings:
-ms (-Xms after Java 2) is used to specify the initial heap size when the JVM starts up; and
-mx (-Xmx after Java 2) is used to specify the maximum heap size that the JVM is allowed to grow to.
* Save the Program.
Then please try to re-run the process to confirm the error no longer persists. If the error
persists, contact Oracle Support.