



namespace QuantConnect.Lean.Engine.DataFeeds
    /// <summary>
    /// Subscription data reader is a wrapper on the stream reader class to download, unpack and iterate over a data file.
    /// 订阅数据的读者是对数据流读取类的一个封装,负责下载、解压、遍历数据
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>The class accepts any subscription configuration and automatically makes it availble to enumerate</remarks>
    public class SubscriptionDataReader : IEnumerator<BaseData>
        /// Source string to create memory stream:
        private string _source = "";

        ///Default true to fillforward for this subscription, take the previous result and continue returning it till the next time barrier.
        private bool _isFillForward = true;

        ///Date of this source file.
        private DateTime _date = new DateTime();

        ///End of stream from the reader
        private bool _endOfStream = false;

        /// Internal stream reader for processing data line by line:
        private IStreamReader _reader = null;

        /// All streams done async via web protocols:
        private WebClient _web = new WebClient();

        /// Configuration of the data-reader:订阅数据的配置
        private SubscriptionDataConfig _config;

        /// Subscription Securities Access证券
        private Security _security;

        /// true if we can find a scale factor file for the security of the form: ..\Lean\Data\equity\factor_files\{SYMBOL}.csv
        private bool _hasScaleFactors = false;

        // Subscription is for a QC type:
        private bool _isDynamicallyLoadedData = false;

        //Symbol Mapping:
        private string _mappedSymbol = "";

        /// Location of the datafeed - the type of this data. 数据类型
        private readonly DataFeedEndpoint _feedEndpoint;

        /// Object Activator - Fast create new instance of "Type":
        private readonly Func<object[], object> _objectActivator;

        ///Create a single instance to invoke all Type Methods:
        private readonly BaseData _dataFactory;

        /// Remember edge conditions as market enters/leaves open-closed.这是什么鬼
        private BaseData _lastBarOfStream = null;
        private BaseData _lastBarOutsideMarketHours = null;

        //Start finish times of the backtest:
        private readonly DateTime _periodStart;
        private readonly DateTime _periodFinish;

        private readonly FactorFile _factorFile;
        private readonly MapFile _mapFile;

        // we set the price factor ratio when we encounter a dividend in the factor file
        // and on the next trading day we use this data to produce the dividend instance
        private decimal? _priceFactorRatio;

        // we set the split factor when we encounter a split in the factor file
        // and on the next trading day we use this data to produce the split instance
        private decimal? _splitFactor;

        /// <summary>
        /// Last read BaseData object from this type and source
        /// 最近一个读取出来的数据
        /// </summary>
        public BaseData Current
            private set;

        /// <summary>
        /// Explicit Interface Implementation for Current
        /// </summary>
        object IEnumerator.Current
            get { return Current; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Provides a means of exposing extra data related to this subscription.
        /// For now we expose dividend data for equities through here
        /// 额外数据:提供证券订阅数据额外相关的数据的存储,这里指股息
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// It is currently assumed that whomever is pumping data into here is handling the
        /// time syncing issues. Dividends do this through the RefreshSource method
        /// </remarks>
        public Queue<BaseData> AuxiliaryData { get; private set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Save an instance of the previous basedata we generated
        /// 上一个数据(比Current更前)
        /// </summary>
        public BaseData Previous
            private set;

        /// <summary>
        /// Source has been completed, load up next stream or stop asking for data.
        /// </summary>
        public bool EndOfStream
                return _endOfStream || _reader == null;
                _endOfStream = value;

        /// <summary>
        /// Subscription data reader takes a subscription request, loads the type, accepts the data source and enumerate on the results.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">Subscription configuration object 订阅配置</param>
        /// <param name="security">Security asset 证券</param>
        /// <param name="feed">Feed type enum 类型</param>
        /// <param name="periodStart">Start date for the data request/backtest 开始时间</param>
        /// <param name="periodFinish">Finish date for the data request/backtest 结束时间</param>
        public SubscriptionDataReader(SubscriptionDataConfig config, Security security, DataFeedEndpoint feed, DateTime periodStart, DateTime periodFinish)
            Console.WriteLine("SubscriptionDataReader,SubscriptionDataConfig:<symbol:{0},resolution:{1}>" ,config.Symbol,config.Resolution);

            //Save configuration of data-subscription:
            _config = config;//配置

            AuxiliaryData = new Queue<BaseData>();//额外数据队列

            //Save access to fill foward flag:是否向前填充
            _isFillForward = config.FillDataForward;

            //Save Start and End Dates:起止时间
            _periodStart = periodStart;
            _periodFinish = periodFinish;

            //Save access to securities
            _security = security;//证券
            _isDynamicallyLoadedData = security.IsDynamicallyLoadedData;//是否动态加载数据

            // do we have factor tables?
            _hasScaleFactors = FactorFile.HasScalingFactors(config.Symbol);//变换因子

            //Save the type of data we'll be getting from the source.数据类型
            _feedEndpoint = feed;

            //Create the dynamic type-activators:提供一种创建给定类型对象的方法
            _objectActivator = ObjectActivator.GetActivator(config.Type);

            if (_objectActivator == null) 
                Engine.ResultHandler.ErrorMessage("Custom data type '" + config.Type.Name + "' missing parameterless constructor E.g. public " + config.Type.Name + "() { }");
                _endOfStream = true;

            //Create an instance of the "Type":
            var userObj = _objectActivator.Invoke(new object[] { });
            _dataFactory = userObj as BaseData;

            //If its quandl set the access token in data factory:
            var quandl = _dataFactory as Quandl;
            if (quandl != null)
                if (!Quandl.IsAuthCodeSet)

            //Load the entire factor and symbol mapping tables into memory, we'll start with some defaults
            Console.WriteLine("load the entire factor and symbol mapping tables into memory");
            _factorFile = new FactorFile(config.Symbol, new List<FactorFileRow>());
            _mapFile = new MapFile(config.Symbol, new List<MapFileRow>());
                if (_hasScaleFactors)
                    _factorFile = FactorFile.Read(config.Symbol);
                    _mapFile = MapFile.Read(config.Symbol);
            catch (Exception err) 
                Log.Error("SubscriptionDataReader(): Fetching Price/Map Factors: " + err.Message);

        /// <summary>
        /// Try and create a new instance of the object and return it using the MoveNext enumeration pattern ("Current" public variable).
        /// 试图创建一个实例,付给Current
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>This is a highly called method and should be kept lean as possible.</remarks>
        /// <returns>Boolean true on successful move next. Set Current public property.</returns>
        public bool MoveNext() {
            // yield the aux data first附加数据优先
            if (AuxiliaryData.Count != 0)
                Previous = Current;//将现在这个付给Previous
                Current = AuxiliaryData.Dequeue();//将这个 附属数据弹出付给Current
                return true;

            BaseData instance = null;
            var instanceMarketOpen = false;
            Log.Debug("SubscriptionDataReader.MoveNext(): Starting MoveNext...");

                //Calls this when no file, first "moveNext()" in refresh source.
                if (_endOfStream || _reader == null || _reader.EndOfStream)
                    if (_reader == null)
                        //Handle the 1% of time:: getReader failed e.g. missing day so skip day:
                        Current = null;
                        //This is a MoveNext() after reading the last line of file:
                        _lastBarOfStream = Current;
                    _endOfStream = true;
                    return false;

                //Log.Debug("SubscriptionDataReader.MoveNext(): Launching While-InstanceNotNull && not EOS: " + reader.EndOfStream);
                //Keep looking until output's an instance:
                while (instance == null && !_reader.EndOfStream)
                    //Get the next string line from file, create instance of BaseData:读取一行
                    var line = _reader.ReadLine();//这个_reader里面其实会调用系统的输入流的readLine()
                        instance = _dataFactory.Reader(_config, line, _date, _feedEndpoint);//将字符行变成对象
                    catch (Exception err)
                        //Log.Debug("SubscriptionDataReader.MoveNext(): Error invoking instance: " + err.Message);
                        Engine.ResultHandler.RuntimeError("Error invoking " + _config.Symbol + " data reader. Line: " + line + " Error: " + err.Message, err.StackTrace);
                        _endOfStream = true;

                    if (instance != null)
                        // we care if the market was open at any time over the bar判断是否在开市时间段内
                        instanceMarketOpen = Exchange.IsOpenDuringBar(instance.Time, instance.EndTime, false);
                        //Apply custom user data filters:
                            if (!_security.DataFilter.Filter(_security, instance))
                                instance = null;
                        catch (Exception err)
                            Log.Error("SubscriptionDataReader.MoveNext(): Error applying filter: " + err.Message);
                            Engine.ResultHandler.RuntimeError("Runtime error applying data filter. Assuming filter pass: " + err.Message, err.StackTrace);

                        if (instance == null)
                            // REVIEW -- Is this condition heuristically possible?
                            Log.Trace("SubscriptionDataReader.MoveNext(): Instance null, continuing...");

                        //Check if we're in date range of the data request
                        if (instance.Time < _periodStart)//取出的数据不在订阅的数据范围内
                            _lastBarOutsideMarketHours = instance;
                            instance = null;
                        if (instance.Time > _periodFinish)//取出的数据比订阅的数据晚
                            // we're done with data from this subscription, finalize the reader
                            Current = null;
                            _endOfStream = true;
                            return false;

                        //Save bar for extended market hours (fill forward).
                        if (!instanceMarketOpen)
                            _lastBarOutsideMarketHours = instance;

                        //However, if we only want market hours data, don't return yet: Discard and continue looping.
                        if (!_config.ExtendedMarketHours && !instanceMarketOpen)
                            instance = null;

                //Handle edge conditions: First Bar Read: 
                // -> Use previous bar from yesterday if available
                if (Current == null)
                    //Handle first loop where not set yet:
                    if (_lastBarOfStream == null)
                        //For first bar, fill forward from premarket data where possible
                        _lastBarOfStream = _lastBarOutsideMarketHours ?? instance;
                    //If current not set yet, set Previous to yesterday/last bar read. 
                    Previous = _lastBarOfStream;
                    Previous = Current;

                Current = instance;

                //End of Stream: rewind reader to last
                if (_reader.EndOfStream && instance == null)
                    //Log.Debug("SubscriptionDataReader.MoveNext(): Reader EOS.");
                    _endOfStream = true;

                    if (_isFillForward && Previous != null)
                        //If instance == null, current is null, so clone previous to record the final sample:
                        Current = Previous.Clone(true);
                        //When market closes fastforward current bar to the last bar fill forwarded to close time.
                        Current.Time = _security.Exchange.TimeOfDayClosed(Previous.Time);
                        // Save the previous bar as last bar before next stream (for fill forwrd).
                        _lastBarOfStream = Previous;
                    return false;
                return true;
            catch (Exception err)
                Log.Error("SubscriptionDataReader.MoveNext(): " + err.Message);
                return false;

        /// <summary>
        /// For backwards adjusted data the price is adjusted by a scale factor which is a combination of splits and dividends. 
        /// This backwards adjusted price is used by default and fed as the current price.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="date">Current date of the backtest.</param>
        private void UpdateScaleFactors(DateTime date)
            switch (_config.DataNormalizationMode)
                case DataNormalizationMode.Raw:
                case DataNormalizationMode.TotalReturn:
                case DataNormalizationMode.SplitAdjusted:
                    _config.PriceScaleFactor = _factorFile.GetSplitFactor(date);

                case DataNormalizationMode.Adjusted:
                    _config.PriceScaleFactor = _factorFile.GetPriceScaleFactor(date);
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

        /// <summary>
        /// Check if this time is open for this subscription.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="time">Date and time we're checking to see if the market is open</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean true on market open</returns>
        public bool IsMarketOpen(DateTime time) 
            return _security.Exchange.DateTimeIsOpen(time);

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the associated exchange for this data reader/security
        /// </summary>
        public SecurityExchange Exchange
            get { return _security.Exchange; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Check if we're still in the extended market hours
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="time">Time to scan</param>
        /// <returns>True on extended market hours</returns>
        public bool IsExtendedMarketOpen(DateTime time) 
            return _security.Exchange.DateTimeIsExtendedOpen(time);

        /// <summary>
        /// Reset the IEnumeration
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Not used</remarks>
        public void Reset() 
            throw new NotImplementedException("Reset method not implemented. Assumes loop will only be used once.");

        /// <summary>
        /// Fetch and set the location of the data from the user's BaseData factory:
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="date">Date of the source file.</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean true on successfully retrieving the data</returns>
        public bool RefreshSource(DateTime date)
            //Update the source from the getSource method:
            _date = date;
            // if the map file is an empty instance this will always return true
            if (!_mapFile.HasData(date))
                // don't even bother checking the disk if the map files state we don't have ze dataz
                return false;

            // check for dividends and split for this security

            var newSource = "";

            //If we can find scale factor files on disk, use them. LiveTrading will aways use 1 by definition
            if (_hasScaleFactors)
                // check to see if the symbol was remapped
                _mappedSymbol = _mapFile.GetMappedSymbol(date);
                _config.MappedSymbol = _mappedSymbol;

                // update our price scaling factors in light of the normalization mode

            //Make sure this particular security is trading today:
            if (!_security.Exchange.DateIsOpen(date))
                _endOfStream = true;
                return false;

            //Choose the new source file, hide the QC source file locations
            newSource = GetSource(date);

            //When stream over stop looping on this data.
            if (newSource == "") 
                _endOfStream = true;
                return false;

            Log.Debug("SubscriptionDataReader.MoveNext(): Source Refresh: " + newSource,1);
            if (_source != newSource && newSource != "")
                //If a new file, reset the EOS flag:
                _endOfStream = false;
                //Set the new source.
                _source = newSource;
                //Close out the last source file.

                //Load the source:
                    Log.Trace("SubscriptionDataReader.RefreshSource(): Created new reader for source: " + _source);
                    _reader = GetReader(_source);
                catch (Exception err) 
                    Log.Error("SubscriptionDataReader.RefreshSource(): Failed to get reader: " + err.Message);
                    //Engine.ResultHandler.DebugMessage("Failed to get a reader for the data source. There may be an error in your custom data source reader. Skipping date (" + date.ToShortDateString() + "). Err: " + err.Message);
                    return false;

                if (_reader == null)
                    Log.Error("Failed to get StreamReader for data source(" + _source + "), symbol(" + _mappedSymbol + "). Skipping date(" + date.ToShortDateString() + "). Reader is null.");
                    //Engine.ResultHandler.DebugMessage("We could not find the requested data. This may be an invalid data request, failed download of custom data, or a public holiday. Skipping date (" + date.ToShortDateString() + ").");
                    if (_isDynamicallyLoadedData)
                        Engine.ResultHandler.ErrorMessage("We could not fetch the requested data. This may not be valid data, or a failed download of custom data. Skipping source (" + _source + ").");
                    return false;

                //Reset the public properties so we can explicitly set them with lastBar data.
                Current = null;
                Previous = null;

                //99% of time, populate the first "Current". 1% of of time no source file (getReader fails), so
                // method sets the Subscription properties as if no data.
                catch (Exception err) 
                    throw  new Exception("SubscriptionDataReader.RefreshSource(): Could not MoveNext to init stream: " + _source + " " + err.Message + " >> " + err.StackTrace);

            return true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Check for dividends and emit them into the aux data queue
        /// </summary>
        private void CheckForSplit(DateTime date)
            if (_splitFactor != null)
                var close = GetRawClose();
                var split = new Split(_config.Symbol, date, close, _splitFactor.Value);
                _splitFactor = null;

            decimal splitFactor;
            if (_factorFile.HasSplitEventOnNextTradingDay(date, out splitFactor))
                _splitFactor = splitFactor;

        /// <summary>
        /// Check for dividends and emit them into the aux data queue
        /// 检查股息,并将它写到附加数据队列中
        /// </summary>
        private void CheckForDividend(DateTime date)
            if (_priceFactorRatio != null)
                var close = GetRawClose();
                var dividend = new Dividend(_config.Symbol, date, close, _priceFactorRatio.Value);
                // let the config know about it for normalization
                _config.SumOfDividends += dividend.Distribution;
                _priceFactorRatio = null;

            // check the factor file to see if we have a dividend event tomorrow
            decimal priceFactorRatio;
            if (_factorFile.HasDividendEventOnNextTradingDay(date, out priceFactorRatio))
                _priceFactorRatio = priceFactorRatio;

        /// <summary>
        /// Un-normalizes the Previous.Value标准化什么鬼值
        /// </summary>
        private decimal GetRawClose()
            if (Previous == null) return 0m;

            var close = Previous.Value;

            switch (_config.DataNormalizationMode)
                case DataNormalizationMode.Raw:
                case DataNormalizationMode.SplitAdjusted:
                case DataNormalizationMode.Adjusted:
                    // we need to 'unscale' the price
                    close = close/_config.PriceScaleFactor;
                case DataNormalizationMode.TotalReturn:
                    // we need to remove the dividends since we've been accumulating them in the price
                    close -= _config.SumOfDividends;
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
            return close;

        /// <summary>
        /// Using this source URL, download it to our cache and open a local reader.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">Source URL for the data:</param>
        /// <returns>StreamReader for the data source</returns>
        private IStreamReader GetReader(string source)
            IStreamReader reader = null;

            if (_feedEndpoint == DataFeedEndpoint.LiveTrading)
                // live trading currently always gets a rest endpoint,如果是实时交易,则只能用Rest读取
                return new RestSubscriptionStreamReader(source);

            // determine if we're hitting the file system/backtest
            if (_feedEndpoint == DataFeedEndpoint.FileSystem || _feedEndpoint == DataFeedEndpoint.Backtesting)
                // construct a uri to determine if we have a local or remote file
                var uri = new Uri(source, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);

                if (uri.IsAbsoluteUri && !uri.IsLoopback)
                    reader = HandleRemoteSourceFile(source);
                    reader = HandleLocalFileSource(source);

            // if the reader is already at end of stream, just set to null so we don't try to get data for today
            if (reader != null && reader.EndOfStream)
                reader = null;

            return reader;

        /// <summary>
        /// Dispose of the Stream Reader and close out the source stream and file connections.
        /// 废弃该流
        /// </summary>
        public void Dispose() 
            if (_reader != null) 

            if (_web != null) 

        /// <summary>
        /// Get the source URL string for this datetime from the users GetSource() method in BaseData.
        /// 获取这个时间对应的文件URL
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="date">DateTime we're requesting.</param>
        /// <returns>URL string of the source file</returns>
        public string GetSource(DateTime date)
            var newSource = "";
            //Invoke our instance of this method.
            if (_dataFactory != null) 
                    newSource = _dataFactory.GetSource(_config, date, _feedEndpoint);
                catch (Exception err) 
                    Log.Error("SubscriptionDataReader.GetSource(): " + err.Message);
                    Engine.ResultHandler.ErrorMessage("Error getting string source location for custom data source: " + err.Message, err.StackTrace);
            //Return the freshly calculated source URL.
            return newSource;

        /// <summary>
        /// Opens up an IStreamReader for a local file source
        /// 打开一个本地文件数据流
        /// </summary>
        private IStreamReader HandleLocalFileSource(string source)
            if (!File.Exists(source))
                // the local uri doesn't exist, write an error and return null so we we don't try to get data for today
                Log.Trace("SubscriptionDataReader.GetReader(): Could not find QC Data, skipped: " + source);
                Engine.ResultHandler.SamplePerformance(_date.Date, 0);
                return null;

            // handles zip or text files压缩文件或者文本文件都可以读取
            return new LocalFileSubscriptionStreamReader(source);

        /// <summary>
        /// Opens up an IStreamReader for a remote file source
        /// 打开远端文件数据源
        /// </summary>
        private IStreamReader HandleRemoteSourceFile(string source)
            // clean old files out of the cache
            if (!Directory.Exists(Constants.Cache)) Directory.CreateDirectory(Constants.Cache);
            foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(Constants.Cache))
                if (File.GetCreationTime(file) < DateTime.Now.AddHours(-24)) File.Delete(file);//一天前的文件都删除掉

                // this will fire up a web client in order to download the 'source' file to the cache
                return new RemoteFileSubscriptionStreamReader(source, Constants.Cache);//创建一个远端文件读取流(先下载,后调用本地的读取流)
            catch (Exception err)
                Engine.ResultHandler.ErrorMessage("Error downloading custom data source file, skipped: " + source + " Err: " + err.Message, err.StackTrace);
                Engine.ResultHandler.SamplePerformance(_date.Date, 0);
                return null;

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上月公司来了一位大佬,入职不到一周就把公司现有项目的性能优化了一遍,直接给公司节省了一半的成本。 一问情况,才知道这位仁兄也是一路被虐过来的。去年年底被裁,本以为自己技术还行,看了一段时间面经,复习了基础知识,就开始投大厂简历。阿里最先给他面试机会,结果没能扛过三面,然后是各种大大小小的公司,在实际面试中被碾压得翻不了身。整整一个半月,一个offer都没拿到,最后针对性的恶补,才入职了我司。
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