笔记:Six Pointers for Creating Strong Operational Business Values

简介: 这篇文章讲的是关于怎样创造强壮而且可操作的商业价值的六点内容,有些新意,不过最后意思的是这张图,这张图一个自上而下的组织的示意图,搞得好传神,够我笑一天的: 其他的: Key Takeaways Businesses need to take into account that the future will be driven by a millennial workforce.


Key Takeaways
Businesses need to take into account that the future will be driven by a millennial workforce.
Empowering employees to take decisions in the interest of the organization leads to better productivity.
Training and collaboration are essential to keep operations running smoothly.
Encouraging employees to be creative in a way they want has significant payoffs.
Promoting from within is one of the best ways to fuel motivation.


  1. Create an Ownership Mentality
  2. Invest in Collaboration
  3. Encourage Creativity
  4. Promote from Within
  5. Advocate Honest Feedback
  6. Keep it Simple


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