WM Define Strategy for Addition to Existing Stock(十五。3)

简介: Define Strategy for Addition to Existing Stock定义现有库存的附加策略Using this stock placement strategy, the SAP System tries to place a quant...

Define Strategy for Addition to Existing Stock
Using this stock placement strategy, the SAP System tries to place a quantity of material into a storage bin in which the material already exists.  To add to existing stock, there must be sufficient remaining capacity in the storage bin.  So you must switch on the capacity check for the relevant storage type to implement the strategy addition to existing stock.
If the system does not find a storage bin with enough remaining capacity in this storage type, it will call up the strategy " Empty storage bin".

1. Decide if you want to use this putaway strategy.决定你使用这个上架策略
2. Decide which type of capacity check you want to use.决定使用哪个类型的容量检查。
You can find out which capacity check types are currently supported via the possible entries field capacity check.
3. Enter the indicator for the putaway strategy "addition to existing stock" in the detail screen.
4. Activate the capacity check.

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