随着大语言模型能力的增强,传统应用不可避免的需要调用LLM接口,提升应用的智能程度和用户体验,但是一般来说大语言模型的输出都是字符串,除了个别厂商支持JSON Mode,或者使用function call强制大语言模型输出json格式,大部分情况下,还是需要业务放自己去处理JSON格式,下面我来总结一下在解析JSON过程中遇到的一些问题和解决方案。
你是一个翻译大师,我给你一段中文,你翻译为英文、日文、韩文。 返回JSON格式,包含三个属性,分别为:english、japanese、korean。 现在开始翻译,中文内容是: 阿里巴巴是一家伟大的公司。
```json { "english": "Alibaba is a great company.", "japanese": "アリババは素晴らしい会社です。", "korean": "알리바바는 위대한 회사입니다." } ```
const match = /```(json)?(.*)```/s.exec(s); if (!match) { return JSON.parse(s); } else { return JSON.parse(match[2]); }
Here is the translation in JSON format: { "english": "Alibaba is a great company.", "japanese": "アルイババは偉大な企業です。", "korean": "알리바바는 위대한 기업입니다." } Let me know if you need anything else! 😊
1.1 JSON mode
在调用 Openai 的 gpt-4-turbo-preview 或 gpt-3.5-turbo-0125 模型时,可以将 response_format 设置为 { "type": "json_object" } 以启用 JSON 模式。启用后,模型仅限于生成解析为有效 JSON 对象的字符串。具体可查看:
import OpenAI from "openai"; const openai = new OpenAI(); async function main() { const completion = await openai.chat.completions.create({ messages: [ { role: "system", content: "You are a helpful assistant designed to output JSON.", }, { role: "user", content: "Who won the world series in 2020?" }, ], model: "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125", response_format: { type: "json_object" }, }); console.log(completion.choices[0].message.content); } main();
"content": "{\"winner\": \"Los Angeles Dodgers\"}"`
值得注意的是:除了Openai,其他厂商基本都不支持JSON mode 。
1.2 function call
function call 其实本身不是解决JSON格式的,主要是解决将大型语言模型连接到外部工具的问题。可以在对话时描述函数,并让模型智能地选择输出包含调用一个或多个函数的参数的 JSON 对象。聊天完成 API 不会调用该函数,模型会生成 JSON,然后使用它来调用代码中的函数。
const messages = [ { role: 'system', content: 'You are a helpful assistant.' }, { role: 'user', content: '给wuqi.wl@alibaba-inc.com发一封邮件,主题是祝福他生日快乐,内容是祝福语', }, ]; const response = await openai.chat.completions.create({ messages: messages, model: 'gpt-4-1106-preview', tools: [ { type: 'function', function: { name: 'send_email', description: 'Send an email', parameters: { type: 'object', properties: { to: { type: 'string', description: 'Email address of the recipient', }, subject: { type: 'string', description: 'Subject of the email', }, body: { type: 'string', description: 'Body of the email', }, }, required: ['to', 'body'], } } } ], }); const responseMessage = response.choices[0].message; console.log(JSON.stringify(responseMessage));
{ "content": null, "role": "assistant", "tool_calls": [ { "function": { "arguments": "{\"to\":\"wuqi.wl@alibaba-inc.com\",\"subject\":\"祝你生日快乐\",\"body\":\"亲爱的无弃,祝你生日快乐!愿你新的一年里,幸福安康、梦想成真。\"}", "name": "send_email" }, "id": "call_JqC8t3jlmg25uDJg7mwHvvOG", "type": "function" } ] }
在这里我们就可以利用tools的function parameters来定义希望返回的JSON格式,parameters遵循了JSON chema的规范,https://json-schema.org/learn/getting-started-step-by-step。这个时候,返回的tool_calls的arguments就是一个标准的JSON字符串。
注意:也不是所有模型都支持function call的能力。
1.3 langchain结合Zod
import { z } from "zod"; const User = z.object({ username: z.string(), }); User.parseAsync({ username: "无弃" }); // => { username: "无弃" } User.parseAsync({ name: "无弃" }); // => throws ZodError
在langchian.js中,Structured output parser就是使用Zod来声明和校验JSON格式。
1.3.1 声明返回JSON格式
import { z } from "zod"; import { StructuredOutputParser } from "langchain/output_parsers"; const parser = StructuredOutputParser.fromZodSchema( z.object({ answer: z.string().describe("answer to the user's question"), sources: z .array(z.string()) .describe("sources used to answer the question, should be websites."), }) ); console.log(parser.getFormatInstructions()); /* Answer the users question as best as possible. You must format your output as a JSON value that adheres to a given "JSON Schema" instance. "JSON Schema" is a declarative language that allows you to annotate and validate JSON documents. For example, the example "JSON Schema" instance {{"properties": {{"foo": {{"description": "a list of test words", "type": "array", "items": {{"type": "string"}}}}}}, "required": ["foo"]}}}} would match an object with one required property, "foo". The "type" property specifies "foo" must be an "array", and the "description" property semantically describes it as "a list of test words". The items within "foo" must be strings. Thus, the object {{"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is a well-formatted instance of this example "JSON Schema". The object {{"properties": {{"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}}}} is not well-formatted. Your output will be parsed and type-checked according to the provided schema instance, so make sure all fields in your output match the schema exactly and there are no trailing commas! Here is the JSON Schema instance your output must adhere to. Include the enclosing markdown codeblock: ``` {"type":"object","properties":{"answer":{"type":"string","description":"answer to the user's question"},"sources":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"string"},"description":"sources used to answer the question, should be websites."}},"required":["answer","sources"],"additionalProperties":false,"$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#"} ``` What is the capital of France? */
在StructuredOutputParser.fromZodSchema中传入你想要声明的JSON格式,使用parser.getFormatInstructions()就可以得到一段prompt,描述了什么是"JSON Schema",以及举例,最后描述希望返回的"JSON Schema"格式。把这一段prompt放在最终调用大语言模型的prompt后面,就可以严格要求大语言模型返回这个JSON格式。
1.3.2 提取与校验
import { z } from "zod"; import { OpenAI } from "@langchain/openai"; import { RunnableSequence } from "@langchain/core/runnables"; import { StructuredOutputParser } from "langchain/output_parsers"; import { PromptTemplate } from "@langchain/core/prompts"; const chain = RunnableSequence.from([ PromptTemplate.fromTemplate( "Answer the users question as best as possible.\n{format_instructions}\n{question}" ), new OpenAI({ temperature: 0 }), parser, ]); const response = await chain.invoke({ question: "What is the capital of France?", format_instructions: parser.getFormatInstructions(), }); console.log(response); /* { answer: 'Paris', sources: [ 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris' ] } */
如果返回的格式不符合answer、sources的数据类型,会直接报错。也可以利用Auto-fixing parser来重试与修复:
你是翻译专家,负责把输入内容从中文翻译成英文,需要翻译的内容为:你好。 You must format your output as a JSON value that adheres to a given "JSON Schema" instance. "JSON Schema" is a declarative language that allows you to annotate and validate JSON documents. For example, the example "JSON Schema" instance {{"properties": {{"foo": {{"description": "a list of test words", "type": "array", "items": {{"type": "string"}}}}}}, "required": ["foo"]}}}} would match an object with one required property, "foo". The "type" property specifies "foo" must be an "array", and the "description" property semantically describes it as "a list of test words". The items within "foo" must be strings. Thus, the object {{"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}} is a well-formatted instance of this example "JSON Schema". The object {{"properties": {{"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}}}} is not well-formatted. Your output will be parsed and type-checked according to the provided schema instance, so make sure all fields in your output match the schema exactly and there are no trailing commas! Here is the JSON Schema instance your output must adhere to. Include the enclosing markdown codeblock: {"type":"object","properties":{"output":{"type":"string","description":"翻译后的结果"}},"required":["output"],"additionalProperties":false,"$schema":"http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#"}
```json { "type": "object", "properties": { "output": { "type": "string", "description": "翻译后的结果" } }, "required": ["output"], "additionalProperties": false, "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#" } ``` ```json { "output": "Hello." } ```
在这里,误将JSON schema的定义重新输出了一次,导致解析报错,虽然概率很小大概不到5%,但调用次数多了,还是会遇到。
1.4 TypeChat结合Typescript
你是一个翻译大师,我给你一段中文,你翻译为英文、日文、韩文。 返回JSON格式,符合typescript的interface: interface Response { english: string; japanese:string; korean: string; } 现在开始翻译,中文内容是: 阿里巴巴是一家伟大的公司。
import { TypeChat } from 'typechat'; interface CoffeeOrder { type: string; size: string; extras: string[]; } const typeChat = new TypeChat<CoffeeOrder>(); // 用户输入 const userInput = "I would like a large cappuccino with extra foam and a shot of vanilla."; // 使用 TypeChat 获取一个结构化的数据 const order = typeChat.process(userInput); console.log(order); // 输出: { type: 'cappuccino', size: 'large', extras: ['extra foam', 'shot of vanilla'] }
1.5 few shot
‒JSON mode大部分模型不支持;
‒function call模型支持度不高,对话也不一定会命中function;
‒langchain 结合 Zod 会产生一大段prompt,占用大量token,同时有一定概率误导了返回结果;
你是一个数据mock专家,我给你一段数据描述,你生成一份mock数据。 现在数据结构如下: ``` [ {"path":"param_0","text":"应用名","isArray":false}, {"path":"param_1","text":"应用图标","isArray":false}, {"path":"param_2","text":"应用描述","isArray":false} ] ``` 请生成mock数据。
{ "param_0":"oa审批", "param_1":"https://via.placeholder.com/300x200", "param_2":"oa审批是一个表单流程低码搭建平台,可以快速搭建一个审批流" }
// zod z.object({ mockData: z.string().describe("mock数据"), }) // typechat interface IResponse { mockData: string; // mock数据 }
// 正确: { "mockData": "{\"param_0\":\"oa审批\",\"param_1\":\"https://via.placeholder.com/300x200\",\"param_2\":\"oa审批是一个表单流程低码搭建平台,可以快速搭建一个审批流\"}" } // 错误,会导致校验不通过,因为mockdata的值不是一个string { "mockData": {"param_0":"oa审批","param_1":"https://via.placeholder.com/300x200","param_2":"oa审批是一个表单流程低码搭建平台,可以快速搭建一个审批流"} }
这种情况下,使用few shot也是一个不错的选择,举几个例子,然后从返回的结果中,直接提取出json内容:
你是一个数据mock助手,我给你一个生成数据的变量描述,请帮我按照需求生成mock数据。 我给你举几个例子: 举例一: ------ 输入: <interface> [{"path":"paramArray_0","text":"返回内容","isArray":true,"children":[{"path":"param_0","text":"商品标题","isArray":false},{"path":"param_1","text":"商品图片","isArray":false},{"path":"param_2","text":"商品价格","isArray":false},{"path":"param_3","text":"商品链接","isArray":false}]},{"path":"param_4","text":"今天(流程触发时间)","isArray":false}] <interface> 推理过程: paramArray_0代表返回内容,isArray为true,是一个数组,子级中,param_0代表商品标题,param_1代表商品图片,是一个http连接,param_2代表商品价格,应该是一个数字字符串,param_3代表商品链接,是一个http链接,param_4代表今日时间,是一个格式化的时间。 输出mock数据: ```json {"paramArray_0":[{"param_0":"苹果iPhone 14 Pro Max 5G智能手机 256GB 深空黑","param_1":"https://via.placeholder.com/300x200","param_2":"8999.99","param_3":"https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=37221120302"},{"param_0":"三星Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G旗舰手机 12GB+256GB 幻影黑","param_1":"https://via.placeholder.com/300x200","param_2":"8999.99","param_3":"https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=525519066299"}],"param_4":"2024-04-16 21:07:45"} ``` ------ 举例二: ------ 输入: <interface> [{"path":"param_0","text":"应用名","isArray":false},{"path":"param_1","text":"应用图标","isArray":false},{"path":"param_2","text":"应用描述","isArray":false}] <interface> 推理过程: param_0代表应用名;param_1代表应用图标,应该是一个图片http链接;param_2代表应用描述。 输出mock数据: ```json {"param_0":"oa审批","param_1":"https://via.placeholder.com/300x200","param_2":"oa审批是一个表单流程低码搭建平台,可以快速搭建一个审批流"} ``` ------ 现在正式开始: 输入: <interface> [{"path":"paramArray_0","originkey":"$.node_service.payload","text":"返回内容","pathText":"搜索商品.返回内容","isArray":true,"children":[{"path":"param_0","text":"商品标题","isArray":false},{"path":"param_1","text":"商品价格","isArray":false},{"path":"param_2","text":"商品图片","isArray":false},{"path":"param_3","text":"商品链接","isArray":false}]}] <interface> 请生成mock数据,生成的数据必须符合变量描述,只返回mock数据,不要返回其他内容。
```json { "paramArray_0": [ { "param_0": "Apple iPhone 14 Pro", "param_1": "5999.99", "param_2": "https://via.placeholder.com/300x200", "param_3": "https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=1111" }, { "param_0": "Samsung Galaxy S23", "param_1": "6999.99", "param_2": "https://via.placeholder.com/300x200", "param_3": "https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=2222" } ] } ```
这个时候使用正则表达式,直接提取出JSON,相对比较稳定,唯一的缺点是除了返回JSON之外,还会啰嗦的输出一些描述中文,需要反复强调 只返回mock数据,不要返回其他内容。
前端可以使用EJS 、nunjucks等模板渲染引擎,让大语言模型生成模板代码。
[ {% for item in paramArray_0 %} { \"type\": \"mediaContent\", \"value\": { \"link\": \"{{ item.param_3 }}\", \"title\": \"{{ item.param_0 }}\", \"cover\": \"{{ item.param_1 }}\", \"tagList\": [\"¥{{ item.param_2 }}\"] } }, {% endfor %} ]
import nunjucks from 'nunjucks'; const data = nunjucks.renderString( `[ {% for item in paramArray_0 %} { \"type\": \"mediaContent\", \"value\": { \"link\": \"{{ item.param_3 }}\", \"title\": \"{{ item.param_0 }}\", \"cover\": \"{{ item.param_1 }}\", \"tagList\": [\"¥{{ item.param_2 }}\"] } }, {% endfor %} ]`, { "paramArray_0": [ { "param_0": "Apple iPhone 14 Pro", "param_1": "5999.99", "param_2": "https://via.placeholder.com/300x200", "param_3": "https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=1111" }, { "param_0": "Samsung Galaxy S23", "param_1": "6999.99", "param_2": "https://via.placeholder.com/300x200", "param_3": "https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=2222" } ] } );
‒IETF JSON RFC (8259及以前的版本):这是互联网工程任务组(IETF)的官方规范。
3.1 JSON.parse
{"propertyName": "propertyValue"}
与 JavaScript 语法相比,JSON 语法受到限制,因此许多有效的 JavaScript 文本不会解析为 JSON。例如,JSON 中不允许使用尾随逗号,并且对象文本中的属性名称(键)必须用引号引起来。引号、注释、逗号、数字都必须符合规范,多了少了一点都会报错,特别是value是一个JSON字符串的时候,双引号需要转义,及其容易出错,最好避免这种返回格式。
{ "mockData": "{\"param_0\":\"oa审批\",\"param_1\":\"https://via.placeholder.com/300x200\",\"param_2\":\"oa审批是一个表单流程低码搭建平台,可以快速搭建一个审批流\"}" }
3.2 json5
JSON5 是对 JSON 的一种推荐扩展,旨在使人类更易于手动编写和维护。它通过直接从 ECMAScript 5 添加一些最小的语法功能来实现这一点,https://www.npmjs.com/package/json5。
import JSON5 from 'json5'; const obj = JSON5.parse('{unquoted:"key",trailing:"comma",}');
‒对象的 key 可以跟 JavaScript 中对象 key 完全一致
‒数字可以是 16 进制
4.1 编译原理
type LiteralValue = boolean | null; type PrimitiveValue = number | LiteralValue | string; type JSONArray = (PrimitiveValue | JSONArray | JSONObject)[]; type JSONObject = { [key: string]: PrimitiveValue | JSONArray | JSONObject }; type JSONValue = PrimitiveValue | JSONArray | JSONObject; type ParseResult<T extends JSONValue> = { success: boolean; // 如果转换成功,它的值表示值的最后一位在整个JSON字符串的位置 // 如果失败,它表示失败的那个位置 position: number; value?: T; }; enum MaybeJSONValue { LITERAL, NUMBER, STRING, ARRAY, OBJECT, UNKNOWN, } const ESCAPE_CHAR_MAP: { [key: string]: string; } = { '\\\\': '\\', '\\"': '"', '\\b': '\b', '\\f': '\f', '\\n': '\n', '\\r': '\r', }; export class JSONParserService { private input: string; private parseLiteral(cur = 0): ParseResult<LiteralValue> { cur = this.skipWhitespace(cur); if (this.input[cur] === 't') { if (this.input.substring(cur, cur + 4) === 'true') { return { success: true, position: cur + 3, value: true, }; } } else if (this.input[cur] === 'f') { if (this.input.substring(cur, cur + 5) === 'false') { return { success: true, position: cur + 4, value: false, }; } } else if (this.input[cur] === 'n') { if (this.input.substring(cur, cur + 4) === 'null') { return { success: true, position: cur + 3, value: null, }; } } return { success: false, position: cur, }; } private parseNumber(cur = 0): ParseResult<number> { cur = this.skipWhitespace(cur); const parseDigit = (cur: number, allowLeadingZero: boolean) => { let dights = ''; if (!allowLeadingZero && this.input[cur] === '0') { return ['', cur] as const; } let allowZero = allowLeadingZero; while ( (allowZero ? '0' : '1') <= this.input[cur] && this.input[cur] <= '9' ) { dights += this.input[cur]; cur++; allowZero = true; } return [dights, cur - 1] as const; }; let value = ''; let isFloat = false; // 负号 if (this.input[cur] === '-') { value += '-'; cur++; } // 小数点前的数字 if (this.input[cur] === '0') { value += '0'; } else { const [dights, endCur] = parseDigit(cur, false); // 非法情形1,以非数字开头或以多个0开头 if (dights.length === 0) { return { success: false, position: cur, }; } value += dights; cur = endCur; } // 小数点 if (this.input[cur + 1] === '.') { isFloat = true; value += '.'; cur++; // 此时input[cur]是小数点 // 移动到小数点之后的位置 const [dights, endCur] = parseDigit(cur + 1, true); // 非法情形2,小数点后没有数字了 if (dights.length === 0) { return { success: false, position: cur, }; } value += dights; cur = endCur; } // 科学计数法的指数 if (this.input[cur + 1] === 'e' || this.input[cur + 1] === 'E') { isFloat = true; value += 'e'; cur++; // 此时this.input[cur]是e或E if (this.input[cur + 1] === '+' || this.input[cur + 1] === '-') { cur++; value += this.input[cur]; // 此时this.input[cur]是符号 } const [dights, endCur] = parseDigit(cur + 1, false); // 非法情形3,E后面没有指数 if (dights.length === 0) { return { success: false, position: cur, }; } value += dights; cur = endCur; } return { success: true, value: isFloat ? parseFloat(value) : parseInt(value, 10), position: cur, }; } private parseString(cur = 0): ParseResult<string> { cur = this.skipWhitespace(cur); if (this.input[cur] !== '"') { return { success: true, position: cur, }; } let value = ''; cur++; while (this.input[cur] !== undefined && this.input[cur] !== '"') { if (this.input[cur] === '\\') { const maybeEscapeChar = this.input.slice(cur, cur + 2); const ch = ESCAPE_CHAR_MAP[maybeEscapeChar]; if (ch) { value += ch; cur += 2; continue; } else { return { success: false, position: cur, }; } } value += this.input[cur]; cur++; } return { success: true, position: cur, value, }; } private skipWhitespace(cur = 0): number { const isWhitespace = (cur: string) => { return ( cur === '\n' || cur === '\r' || cur === '\t' || cur === '\u0009' || cur === '\u000A' || cur === '\u000D' || cur === '\u0020' ); }; while (isWhitespace(this.input[cur])) { cur++; } return cur; } private parseArray(cur = 0): ParseResult<JSONArray> { cur = this.skipWhitespace(cur); if (this.input[cur] !== '[') { return { success: false, position: cur, }; } const result: JSONArray = []; cur++; let isFirstItem = true; while (this.input[cur] !== undefined && this.input[cur] !== ']') { cur = this.skipWhitespace(cur); if (!isFirstItem) { if (this.input[cur] !== ',') { return { success: true, position: cur, value: result, }; // return { // success: false, // position: cur, // }; } cur++; } const itemResult = this.parseJSON(cur); if (!itemResult.success) { // complete return { success: true, position: cur, value: result, }; // return itemResult as ParseResult<JSONArray>; } cur = itemResult.position + 1; result.push(itemResult.value!); isFirstItem = false; } return { success: true, position: cur, value: result, }; } private parseObject(cur = 0): ParseResult<JSONObject> { cur = this.skipWhitespace(cur); if (this.input[cur] !== '{') { return { success: false, position: cur, }; } const result: JSONObject = {}; let isFirstItem = true; cur++; cur = this.skipWhitespace(cur); while (this.input[cur] !== undefined && this.input[cur] !== '}') { if (!isFirstItem) { if (this.input[cur] !== ',') { return { success: true, value: result, position: cur, }; } cur++; } const keyResult = this.parseString(cur); cur = keyResult.position; cur = this.skipWhitespace(cur); cur++; if (this.input[cur] !== ':') { return { success: true, value: result, position: cur, }; } const valueResult = this.parseJSON(cur + 1); if (valueResult.value !== undefined) { result[keyResult.value!] = valueResult.value; } isFirstItem = false; cur = valueResult.position + 1; cur = this.skipWhitespace(cur); } return { success: true, value: result, position: cur, }; } private guessNextValueType(cur = 0): MaybeJSONValue { const leadingChar = this.input[cur]; if (/[-0-9]/.test(leadingChar)) { return MaybeJSONValue.NUMBER; } switch (leadingChar) { case '[': return MaybeJSONValue.ARRAY; case '{': return MaybeJSONValue.OBJECT; case '"': return MaybeJSONValue.STRING; case 'n': return MaybeJSONValue.LITERAL; case 't': return MaybeJSONValue.LITERAL; case 'f': return MaybeJSONValue.LITERAL; default: return MaybeJSONValue.UNKNOWN; } } private parseJSON(cur = 0): ParseResult<JSONValue> { cur = this.skipWhitespace(cur); const valueType = this.guessNextValueType(cur); switch (valueType) { case MaybeJSONValue.NUMBER: return this.parseNumber(cur); case MaybeJSONValue.ARRAY: return this.parseArray(cur); case MaybeJSONValue.OBJECT: return this.parseObject(cur); case MaybeJSONValue.STRING: return this.parseString(cur); case MaybeJSONValue.LITERAL: return this.parseLiteral(cur); case MaybeJSONValue.UNKNOWN: return { success: false, position: cur, }; } } public parse(input: string) { this.input = input; const result = this.parseJSON(); if (result.success) { return result.value!; } else { return undefined; } } }
const jsonParseService = new JSONParserService(); const jsonData = jsonParseService.parse(`[1, 2, {"a": "apple`); console.log(jsonData) // [1, 2, { a: 'apple' }]
4.2 开源库
4.2.1 jsonrepair
import { jsonrepair } from 'jsonrepair' try { // The following is invalid JSON: is consists of JSON contents copied from // a JavaScript code base, where the keys are missing double quotes, // and strings are using single quotes: const json = "{name: 'John'}" const repaired = jsonrepair(json) console.log(repaired) // '{"name": "John"}' } catch (err) { console.error(err) }
4.2.2 best-effort-json-parser
相对比较轻量,只有33k,对比jsonrepair 418k只有不到1/10:
import { parse } from 'best-effort-json-parser' let data = parse(`[1, 2, {"a": "apple`) console.log(data) // [1, 2, { a: 'apple' }]
4.3 服务端上的流式JSON解析
this.ctx.status = 200; let str = ''; this.ctx.set('Transfer-Encoding', 'chunked'); for await (const chunk of streamResponse) { str += chunk; // 注意:str还是会有```json这样的包裹,需要提前处理一下 const jsonStr = str.replace(/```json/, '').replace(/```/, ''); const json = this.JSONParserService.parse(str); if (typeof json === 'object') { this.ctx.res.write(JSON.stringify(json)); } this.ctx.res.write(chunk); } this.ctx.res.end();
4.4 浏览器上的流式JSON解析
import { useJsonStreaming } from "http-streaming-request"; const PeopleListWithHooks: React.FC = () => { const { data: people, run } = useJsonStreaming<Person[]>({ url: "/api/people", method: "GET", }); return ( <> {people && people.length > 0 && ( <div> {people.map((person, i) => ( <div key={i}> <div> <strong>Name:</strong> {person.name} </div> <div> <strong>Age:</strong> {person.age} </div> <div> <strong>City:</strong> {person.city} </div> <div> <strong>Country:</strong> {person.country} </div> </div> ))} </div> )} </> ); };
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作者 | 无弃