1.string 类对象的部分修改操作
push_back 在字符串后尾插字符c append 在字符串后追加一个字符串
operator+= (重点)在字符串后追加字符串
void string5() { string s("Hello World"); string s1("I love you"); s.push_back('c'); cout << s << endl; s.append(" and you");//字符串添加 cout << s << endl; s1.append(s,6);//添加某字符串第n字符之后到另一字符串 cout << s1 << endl; s1.append(5, 't');//添加n个字符 cout << s1 << endl; s1.append("you", 2);//添加2个字符yo到s1 cout << s1 << endl; string s2("Thanks");//加减字符串和字符 s2 += " you"; s2 += '!'; s2 += s; cout << s2 << endl; }
str c_str(重点)返回C格式字符串
string str;
str.push_back(' '); // 在str后插入空格
str.append("hello"); // 在str后追加一个字符"hello"
str += 'w'; // 在str后追加一个字符'b'
str += "orld"; // 在str后追加一个字符串"it"
cout << str << endl;
cout << str.c_str() << endl; // 以C语言的方式打印字符串
find + npos(重 点) 从字符串pos位置开始往后找字符c, 返回该字符在字符串中的位置
void string6() { // 获取file的后缀 string file("string.cpp"); string s("test.cpp.zip"); size_t find1 = s.find('.'); size_t find2 = s.rfind('.'); cout << find1 << endl; cout << find2 << endl; size_t pos = file.rfind('.'); string suffix(file.substr(pos, file.size() - pos)); cout << suffix << endl; // npos是string里面的一个静态成员变量 // static const size_t npos = -1; }
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main () { string str="We think in generalities, but we live in details."; string str2 = str.substr (3,5); // "think",第三个位置后的五个字符 size_t pos = str.find("live"); // position of "live" in str string str3 = str.substr (pos); // get from "live" to the end cout << str2 << ' ' << str3 << '\n'; return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main () { string str ("This is an example sentence."); cout << str << '\n'; //删除第10个字符后面8个 str.erase (10,8); cout << str << '\n'; // "This is an sentence." str.erase (str.begin()+9); // 删除指向的字符 ^ cout << str << '\n'; // "This is a sentence." str.erase (str.begin()+5, str.end()-9); // cout << str << '\n'; // "This sentence." string s("hello world"); // 头删 s.erase(0, 1); cout << s << endl; s.erase(s.begin()); cout << s << endl; // 尾删 s.erase(--s.end()); cout << s << endl; s.erase(s.size()-1, 1); cout << s << endl; return 0; }
swap() 函数
- 功能:交换两个字符串的内容。
- 参数:接收两个std::string类型的参数。
- 返回值:无返回值。
replace() 函数
- 功能:用新的字符串替换字符串中的一个子串。
- 参数:
- 第一个参数:起始迭代器,指定要替换的子串的起始位置。
- 第二个参数:结束迭代器,指定要替换的子串的结束位置(不包括结束位置)。
- 第三个参数:新的字符串,用于替换子串。
void string7() { /* string s1("hello world"); string s2("I love you"); string s3("thank you"); s1.swap(s2); cout << s1 << endl; s3.replace(0, s3.size(), "Programming"); cout << "After replace: " << s3 << std::endl; */ //替换空格为指定字符 string s("hello world and today!"); size_t pos = s.find(" "); while (pos != string::npos) { s.replace(pos, 1, "%%"); cout << s << endl; pos = s.find(" ", pos + 2); } cout << s << endl; //s.replace(5, 1, "%%"); } void string8() { string s("hello world and today!"); string temp; temp.reserve(s.size()); for (auto ch :s) { if (ch == ' ') temp += "%%"; else temp += ch; } //cout << temp << endl; s. swap(temp); cout << s << endl; }
void string9() { string str("Please, replace the vowels in this sentence by asterisks."); /* size_t found = str.find_first_not_of("abcdef"); while (found != string::npos) { str[found] = '*'; found = str.find_first_not_of("abcdef", found + 1); } cout << str << endl; */ size_t found = str.find_first_of("abcdef"); while (found != string::npos) { str[found] = '*'; found = str.find_first_of("abcdef", found + 1); } cout << str << endl; }
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main(){ string s1("hello"); string s2("world"); s1=s1+s2; cout<<s1<<endl; s1=s1+"and bit"; cout<<s1<<endl; return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; main () { string name; cout << "Please, enter your name: "; cin >> name; cout << "Hello, " << name << "!\n"; return 0; }
请注意,istream 提取操作使用空格作为分隔符;因此,此操作只会从流中提取可被视为单词的内容
void string11() { string s; cout << "please enter your name:" << endl; getline(cin, s); cout << "name:" << s << endl; //自己设置终止符 string s1; getline(cin, s1, '#'); cout << s1 << endl; }
// string comparisons #include <iostream> #include <vector> int main () { std::string foo = "alpha"; std::string bar = "beta"; if (foo==bar) std::cout << "foo and bar are equal\n"; if (foo!=bar) std::cout << "foo and bar are not equal\n"; if (foo< bar) std::cout << "foo is less than bar\n"; if (foo> bar) std::cout << "foo is greater than bar\n"; if (foo<=bar) std::cout << "foo is less than or equal to bar\n"; if (foo>=bar) std::cout << "foo is greater than or equal to bar\n"; return 0; }