
简介:  NFT是元宇宙的核心和底层支撑之一。As a polymer of equity certificates and smart contracts,NFT has been highly consistent with digital art,intellectual property rights and other market attractive assets since its emergence.It is almost difficult for brands to completely ignore NFT in their own business consideratio

 NFT是元宇宙的核心和底层支撑之一。As a polymer of equity certificates and smart contracts,NFT has been highly consistent with digital art,intellectual property rights and other market attractive assets since its emergence.It is almost difficult for brands to completely ignore NFT in their own business considerations.

  The unique heterogeneity of NFT will further promote the mutual mapping of meta universe from reality to virtual and from virtual to real.The development of digital collection trading NFT platform,digital art NFT system,NFT trading platform system and NFT trading platform,as well as the processes,can be analyzed by Baichang technology digital collection editor!


  唯一性:NFT is issued in the form of smart contract,recording unique token ID,resource storage address and various information of each NFT.Each NFT is unique on the blockchain.

  透明披露:The issuance and purchase records related to NFT can be publicly queried on the chain.Each NFT contains the latest ownership information and is open and transparent to users.

  可验证性:Based on the storage function of blockchain,NFT and its metadata and ownership can track the source of information and realize public verification

  不可分割性:NFT data is stored on the blockchain through smart contracts and is indivisible.Each NFT has fixed information and cannot be divided at will.

  不可篡改:According to the characteristics of blockchain,NFT metadata and its transaction records are stored continuously.Once a transaction is confirmed,it cannot be manipulated or tampered with.


  1.The digital version of the platform is released,the blockchain digital collection trading system is developed,and the digital text innovation platform is built,which can quickly realize the realization,and the profit sharing through the transaction in the later stage can benefit for a long time.

  2.Through blockchain copyright authentication,a unique digital identity is generated for works of art.The creator can be used to store the registration information on the blockchain after the platform submits materials to the certification authority.

  3.The unit price of digital works of art and collections is much lower than that of physical versions,and multiple copies can be released.Each collection does not pay much.The combined purchase amount of many collectors is very objective.

存储 前端开发 JavaScript
NFT数字藏品平台的前端技术一般采用 React、Vue 等现代化的 Web 框架进行开发,这些框架能够快速构建复杂的用户界面和丰富的交互体验。此外,还可以使用 JavaScript、CSS、HTML 等技术进行页面布局和样式设计。通过前端技术,NFT数字藏品平台可以提供用户友好的界面和丰富的交互体验。
存储 监控 测试技术
存储 JSON 安全
算法 安全 区块链
存储 前端开发 JavaScript
NFT数字藏品平台的前端技术一般采用 React、Vue 等现代化的 Web 框架进行开发,这些框架能够快速构建复杂的用户界面和丰富的交互体验。
存储 JSON 算法
存储 区块链
  在区块链中,每个块包含了一定数量的交易信息和该块的唯一标识符,同时还包含了前一个块的哈希值。这样的设计保证了区块之间的顺序和完整性,一旦一个块被添加到区块链中,它就不可更改。This makes blockchain a secure and trustworthy distributed ledger that can be used to record and verify various types of transactions
  智能合约(Smart contract)是依托计算机在网络空间运行的合约,它以信息化方式传播、验证或执行合同,由计算机读取、执行,具备自助的特点。而区块链的去中心化,数据的防篡改,决定了智能合约更加适合于在区块链上来实现