Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, mkdir

简介: Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, mkdir




rsync报错: Operation not permitted (1)
[rsync报错:rsync: chgrp “.initial-setup-ks.cfg.jaXlVz” (in backup) failed: Operation not permitted (1)] 问题背景:在配置好rsync服务和客户端后,客户端从服务端拉取是正常的,但从客户端推送到服务端报错。 a,单独推送目录会报这个错误 rsync: recv_generator: mkdir “opt” (in backup) failed: Permission denied (13)
1819 0
缓存 JavaScript
Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, mkdir ‘C:\Program Files\nodejs‘TypeError: Cannot read proper
Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, mkdir ‘C:\Program Files\nodejs‘TypeError: Cannot read proper
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remount of the / superblock failed: Permission denied remount failed
remount of the / superblock failed: Permission denied remount failed
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Install fail! Error: EBUSY: resource busy or locked, symlink
Install fail! Error: EBUSY: resource busy or locked, symlink
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Go iOS开发
The operation couldn’t be completed. Unable to log in with account 'myappleid'. An unexpected failure occurred while logging in (Underlying error code 1100).解决方法
The operation couldn’t be completed. Unable to log in with account 'myappleid'. An unexpected failure occurred while logging in (Underlying error code 1100).解决方法
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SQL 监控
backup log is terminating abnormally because for write on file failed: 112(error not found)
昨天遇到一个案例,YourSQLDba做事务日志备份时失败,检查YourSQLDba输出的错误信息如下:   yMaint.backups backup log [gewem] to disk = 'M:\DB_BACKUP\LOG_BACKUP\xxxx_[2016-11-22_01h11m05_Tue]_logs.
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Unix Linux
Symantec Backup Exec 报"Access denied to directory xxx" Error Code E0008488
使用Symantec Backup Exec将几台Linux服务器上的RMAN备份收带时,偶尔会遇到作业备份失败的情况,检查Job History,就会发现有“Access denied to directory u05/backup/backupsets" 这类错误,当然实际路径为/u05/backup/backupsets.
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