1. 什么是自定义信息窗
2.1 创建信息窗内容
<div class="custom-info-window"> <h3>${point.title}</h3> <p>${point.description}</p> <img src="${point.image}" alt="Point Image"> </div>
2.2 添加信息窗交互 窗体点击事件
这里的content可以写一个方法把参数传递进去并返回html 后面有完整代码可以参考
marker.on("click", function(e) { // 在这里可以执行相应的操作,例如添加标记或弹出信息窗 var infoWindow = new AMap.InfoWindow({ content: createPopupContent(point), offset: new AMap.Pixel(0, -30), closeWhenClickMap: true }); infoWindow.open(map, marker.getPosition()); });
2.3. 窗体点击事件
<span onclick='handleBreak()' style=" color:red; font-size: 15px;">断油电</span>
createPopupContent(point) { return ` <div class="popup-container"> <div class="popup-header"></div> <div class="popup-content"> <p>车牌号码:<spen id="licenseName"> ${point.extra.licenseName}</spen></p> <p >设备编号:<spen id="Id"> ${point.extra.id}</spen></p> <p>行驶里程: ${point.baipaoGpsInfoBean.gpsMil}公里</p> <p>今日里程: ${point.baipaoGpsInfoBean.todayMil}公里</p> <p>最近定位位置: ${point.baipaoGpsInfoBean.location}</p> <p>是否在线: ${point.baipaoGpsInfoBean.online ? '在线' : '不在线'}</p> <span onclick='handleBreak()' style=" color:red; font-size: 15px;">断油电</span> <span onclick='handleRestore()'style="color:blue; font-size: 15px;">恢复油电</span> </div> </div> `; },
3 .实际应用示例
createPopupContent(point) 方法
<template> <div id="container"> <slot></slot> <a-modal v-model="modalBreak" title="断油电" @ok="handleBreakOk"> <div style="font-size: 16px; font-weight: bolder;"><img src="../../assets/jingao.png" width="40px" height="40px"></img>您确定要下发<span style="font-size: 18px; color: red;"> 断油电</span> 指令吗?</div> <a-radio-group v-model="triggerType" style="margin-top: 30px;"> <a-radio :value="1">合同未交款断油电</a-radio> <a-radio :value="2">违竟断油电</a-radio> <a-radio :value="3">其他:</a-radio> </a-radio-group> <a-input v-model="optRemark" style="margin-top: 30px;"> </a-input> </a-modal> <a-modal v-model="modalRestore" title="恢复油电" @ok="handleRestoreOk"> <div style="font-size: 16px; font-weight: bolder;"><img src="../../assets/jingao.png" width="40px" height="40px"></img>您确定要执行<span style="font-size: 18px; color: red;"> 恢复油电</span> 指令吗?</div> </a-modal> </div> </template> <script> import Vue from 'vue' import { getAction, httpAction, postAction } from '../../api/manage' export default { props: { licence: { type: String, // 参数的数据类型 required: true // 参数是否必需 } }, data() { return { modalBreak: false, // 模态框可见状态 modalRestore: false, triggerType: 1, manageId: null, //断油点的设备 numberplate:null,//断油电车牌号 optRemark: "", //其他原因 url: { gps: '/jeecg-customers/car/carBaipaoGpsController/gps', //断油电 executeCmd: '/jeecg-customers/car/carBaipaoGpsController/executeCmd', //恢复油电 executeRestoreCmd: '/jeecg-customers/car/carBaipaoGpsController/executeRestoreCmd', }, map: '', // pointList: [ // { // weight: 8, // "lat": 22.736123564564537, // "lng": 114.12164859841218, // "dir": 196, // "vehDeviceType": 10, // "isWireless": "no", // "deviceCode": "868035047710447", // "id": "745535770052698112", // "vehNum": "粤BDV1915_1", // "online": 1 // }, // // ... rest of the points // ], pointList: [], popup: null, // licence:"粤BAZ2508", G: { pi: 3.141592653589793, a: 6378245, ee: .006693421622965943, x_pi: 52.35987755982988 }, // arr: [{ lat: 116.405285, long: 39.905989 }, { lat: 116.405285, long: 39.909689 }, { lat: 116.405285, long: 39.915989 }, { lat: 116.405285, long: 39.908989 }] } }, provide: function() { return { removeOlver: this.removeOlver, addOverlay: this.addOverlay, markers: [], } }, components: {}, created() { //初始化窗口点击事件 window.handleBreak = () => { this.handleBreak(); } window.handleRestore = () => { this.handleRestore(); } }, mounted() { console.log('Received licence:', this.licence); //测试读取精准位置 // var a =this.transfor2Mars(22.663673, 114.126843) // console.log("读取位置", a); Vue.prototype.$map = new AMap.Map('container', { zoom: 10, //级别 center: [114.16129136801659, 22.64461948509109], //默认中心点坐标 resizeEnable: true, averageCenter: true // mapStyle: 'amap://styles/1938caab0264493fa2a847243b88e511', }); this.map = Vue.prototype.$map this.gps().then((gpsData) => { this.createMarkerClusterer(); }).catch((error) => { console.error(error); }); // this.createMarkerClusterer(); }, methods: { gps() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // 根据车牌号查询Gps定位数据 getAction(this.url.gps, { licence: this.licence }).then((res) => { console.log(res); if (res.success) { //如果为List列表在改 var t = res.result; // t.forEach(function(e) { // // e.online = e.online ? 1 : 0; // var a = D.transfor2Mars(e.lat, e.lng); // e.lng = a.Lng, // e.lat = a.Lat // }); // console.log(t.gps.lat) var a = this.transfor2Mars(parseFloat(t.baipaoGpsInfoBean.gps.lat), parseFloat(t.baipaoGpsInfoBean .gps.lng)); t.baipaoGpsInfoBean.gps.lng = a.Lng, t.baipaoGpsInfoBean.gps.lat = a.Lat // this.pointList=t this.pointList.push(t); // this.map.setCenter([this.pointList[0].lng, this.pointList[0].lat]); this.setCenter(this.pointList[0].baipaoGpsInfoBean.gps.lng, this.pointList[0].baipaoGpsInfoBean .gps.lat); // 设置新的中心点经纬度 resolve(res.result); // 返回参数 } else { reject(new Error('Failed to get GPS data.')); // 返回错误 this.$message.info(res.message) } }); }); }, /** * 动态更改中心点位 */ setCenter(lng, lat) { console.log('New center:', lng, lat); this.map.setCenter(new AMap.LngLat(lng, lat)); }, removeOlver(overlay) { this.$nextTick(() => { if (overlay) { this.map.remove(overlay) } }) }, addOverlay(overlay) { this.$nextTick(() => { // console.log(this.map); this.map && this.map.add(overlay) }) }, delOne() { // 删除了数组的元素,但是没用,需要调用地图的清除标记的方法 // this.arr.pop() }, // 海量点聚合,10w数量以下 createMarkerClusterer() { let _this = this let markers = [] // 利用styles属性修改点聚合的图标样式,这个是聚合之后的显示效果,在这里定义 var styles = [{ url: "https://a.amap.com/jsapi_demos/static/images/blue.png", size: new AMap.Size(32, 32), offset: new AMap.Pixel(-16, -16) }, { url: "https://a.amap.com/jsapi_demos/static/images/green.png", size: new AMap.Size(32, 32), offset: new AMap.Pixel(-16, -16) }, { url: "https://a.amap.com/jsapi_demos/static/images/orange.png", size: new AMap.Size(36, 36), offset: new AMap.Pixel(-18, -18) }, { url: "https://a.amap.com/jsapi_demos/static/images/red.png", size: new AMap.Size(48, 48), offset: new AMap.Pixel(-24, -24) }, { url: "https://a.amap.com/jsapi_demos/static/images/darkRed.png", size: new AMap.Size(48, 48), offset: new AMap.Pixel(-24, -24) }]; _this.pointList.forEach(point => { // 这里是点击到无法聚合,到单个点的时候展示的效果 var marker = new AMap.Marker({ position: new AMap.LngLat(point.baipaoGpsInfoBean.gps.lng, point.baipaoGpsInfoBean.gps.lat), title: point.extra.licenseName, content: `<div><img style="height:35px;width:30px; -moz-transform:rotate(0deg);-webkit-transform:rotate(0deg);"src="${require("@/assets/car.png")}" alt="Car Icon" ></div><div style="width:100px;padding-left:3px;font-size:14px;margin-left:5px;height:20px;background:#fff;border:1px solid #000;text-align:canter;line-height:20px;font-size: 14px;">${ point.extra.licenseName}</div>`, }); //给marker增加click事件 marker.on("click", function(e) { // Create a popup instance var popup = new AMap.InfoWindow({ content: _this.createPopupContent(point), offset: new AMap.Pixel(0, -30), closeWhenClickMap: true // Close the popup when the map is clicked }); popup.open(_this.map, marker.getPosition()); _this.popup = popup; // Store reference to the active popup window }); markers.push(marker); }); //添加聚合组件 _this.map.plugin(["AMap.MarkerClusterer"], function() { new AMap.MarkerClusterer( _this.map, // 地图实例 markers, // 海量点组成的数组 { styles: styles, gridSize: 80 } ); }); }, // clickMarker (e) { // console.log(e); // this.$message.success('你点击我了') // }, createPopupContent(point) { return ` <div class="popup-container"> <div class="popup-header"></div> <div class="popup-content"> <p>车牌号码:<spen id="licenseName"> ${point.extra.licenseName}</spen></p> <p >设备编号:<spen id="Id"> ${point.extra.id}</spen></p> <p>行驶里程: ${point.baipaoGpsInfoBean.gpsMil}公里</p> <p>今日里程: ${point.baipaoGpsInfoBean.todayMil}公里</p> <p>最近定位位置: ${point.baipaoGpsInfoBean.location}</p> <p>是否在线: ${point.baipaoGpsInfoBean.online ? '在线' : '不在线'}</p> <span onclick='handleBreak()' style=" color:red; font-size: 15px;">断油电</span> <span onclick='handleRestore()'style="color:blue; font-size: 15px;">恢复油电</span> </div> </div> `; }, handleBreakOk() { if (this.manageId == null) { this.$message.info("设备id为空") return } if (this.triggerType == null) { this.$message.info("类型选择为空") return } httpAction(this.url.executeCmd, { "manageId": this.manageId, "triggerType": this.triggerType, "optRemark": this.optRemark, "numberplate":this.numberplate }, 'post').then((res) => { if (res) { console.log(res) this.$message.info(res.result) } }) this.modalBreak = false; // 关闭模态框 }, handleRestoreOk() { if (this.manageId == null) { this.$message.info("设备id为空") return } httpAction(this.url.executeRestoreCmd, { "manageId": this.manageId, "numberplate":this.numberplate }, 'post').then((res) => { if (res) { console.log(res) this.$message.info(res.result) } }) this.modalRestore = false; // 关闭模态框 }, handleBreak() { this.modalBreak = true; // 打开模态框 let id = document.getElementById("Id").innerText; let licenseName = document.getElementById("licenseName").innerText; this.manageId = id; this.numberplate=licenseName // this.currentRecord = record.id; // 保存当前记录 }, handleRestore() { this.modalRestore = true; // 打开模态框 let id = document.getElementById("Id").innerText; let licenseName = document.getElementById("licenseName").innerText; this.manageId = id; this.numberplate=licenseName }, isOutOfChina(e, a) { return a < 72.004 || a > 137.8347 || (e < .8293 || e > 55.8271) }, transforLat(e, a) { var t = 2 * e - 100 + 3 * a + .2 * a * a + .1 * e * a + .2 * Math.sqrt(Math.abs(e)); return t += 2 * (20 * Math.sin(6 * e * this.G.pi) + 20 * Math.sin(2 * e * this.G.pi)) / 3, t += 2 * (20 * Math.sin(a * this.G.pi) + 40 * Math.sin(a / 3 * this.G.pi)) / 3, t += 2 * (160 * Math.sin(a / 12 * this.G.pi) + 320 * Math.sin(a * this.G.pi / 30)) / 3 }, transforLng(e, a) { var t = 300 + e + 2 * a + .1 * e * e + .1 * e * a + .1 * Math.sqrt(Math.abs(e)); return t += 2 * (20 * Math.sin(6 * e * this.G.pi) + 20 * Math.sin(2 * e * this.G.pi)) / 3, t += 2 * (20 * Math.sin(e * this.G.pi) + 40 * Math.sin(e / 3 * this.G.pi)) / 3, t += 2 * (150 * Math.sin(e / 12 * this.G.pi) + 300 * Math.sin(e / 30 * this.G.pi)) / 3 }, transfor2Mars(e, a) { if (this.isOutOfChina(e, a)) return { Lat: e, Lng: a }; var t = this.transforLat(a - 105, e - 35), r = this.transforLng(a - 105, e - 35), n = e / 180 * this.G.pi, o = Math.sin(n); o = 1 - this.G.ee * o * o; var s = Math.sqrt(o); return { Lat: e + (t = 180 * t / (this.G.a * (1 - this.G.ee) / (o * s) * this.G.pi)), Lng: a + (r = 180 * r / (this.G.a / s * Math.cos(n) * this.G.pi)) } }, } } </script> <style lang="less" scoped> #container { width: 100%; height: 800px; } ::v-deep .marker-route { width: 60px; height: 30px; text-align: center; line-height: 30px; background-color: red; } .button { color: blue; font-size: 18px; } </style>