/** 出库入库饼状图
public Map data1(WResInfo info) {
Map map = new HashMap<>();
List wResInfoList = wResInfoMapper.selectWResInfoList(info);
List collect = wResInfoList.stream().filter(s -> s.getCtState().equals("1")).collect(Collectors.toList());
map.put(String.valueOf(collect.size()), "入库");
map.put(String.valueOf(wResInfoList.size() - collect.size()), "出库");
return map;
* 入库柱状图
* @return
public Map<String, Object> data2(WResInfo info) {
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
List<WResInfo> wResInfoList = wResInfoMapper.data2(info);
List<String> ctWzName = wResInfoList.stream().map(e -> e.getDictLabel()).collect(Collectors.toList());
List<String> num = wResInfoList.stream().map(e -> e.getCtOther1()).collect(Collectors.toList());
map.put("name",ctWzName );
map.put("num",num );
return map;
* 出库柱状图
* @return
public Map<String, Object> data3(WResInfo info) {
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
List<WResInfo> wResInfoList = wResInfoMapper.data3(info);
List<String> ctWzName = wResInfoList.stream().map(e -> e.getDictLabel()).collect(Collectors.toList());
List<String> num = wResInfoList.stream().map(e -> e.getCtOther1()).collect(Collectors.toList());
map.put("name",ctWzName );
map.put("num",num );
return map;
<select id="selectWResInfoList" parameterType="WResInfo" resultMap="WResInfoResult">
<include refid="selectWResInfoVo"/>
<if test="ctWzName != null and ctWzName != ''"> and ct_wz_name like concat('%', #{ctWzName}, '%')</if>
<if test="ctState != null and ctState != ''"> and ct_state = #{ctState}</if>
<if test="ctWzType != null and ctWzType != ''"> and ct_wz_type = #{ctWzType}</if>
<if test="dtRksjDate != null "> and dt_rksj_date >= #{dtRksjDate}</if>
<if test="dtCksjDate != null "> or dt_cksj_date >= #{dtCksjDate}</if>
<select id="data2" parameterType="WResInfo" resultMap="WResInfoResult">
b.DICT_LABEL as dictLabel,
count(b.DICT_LABEL) as ct_other1
from w_res_info AS a left join sys_dict_data as b on a.ct_wz_type = b.dict_value and b.dict_type = 'wz_type'
<if test="dtRksjDate != null "> and a.dt_rksj_date >= #{dtRksjDate}</if>
<if test="dtCksjDate != null "> or a.dt_cksj_date >= #{dtCksjDate}</if>
and a.ct_state = '1'
group by b.DICT_LABEL
<select id="data3" parameterType="WResInfo" resultMap="WResInfoResult">
b.DICT_LABEL as dictLabel,
count(b.DICT_LABEL) as ct_other1
from w_res_info AS a left join sys_dict_data as b on a.ct_wz_type = b.dict_value and b.dict_type = 'wz_type'
<if test="dtRksjDate != null "> and a.dt_rksj_date >= #{dtRksjDate}</if>
<if test="dtCksjDate != null "> or a.dt_cksj_date >= #{dtCksjDate}</if>
and a.ct_state = '0'
group by b.DICT_LABEL
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