
简介: android模拟器安装问题

folder failed to be renamed or moved on SDK installT


he following is my solution:

1. Find the "temp" folder and you can find the "" or other

files which you will update.

2.unzip it. you will find the "tools_r05-windows" and copy all the files in the file.

which should be updated file.

4.copy to the "tools" folder.


In a word, the solution is our manual update the files.

按照网上大多数的教程安装了jre,eclipse plugin,android sdk,却发现eclipse中的android sdk and avd manager中始终建不了virual devices。

提示:An Android Virtual Device that failed to load 。。。。

原因是没有安装成功android sdk 。找不到Target 。

哎,谁曾想到android 2.0 必须装 JDK 而不是JRE。。

之后重新安装android sdk,总算出现了很多可以下载的包。。。

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