1. 绘制网格线
import pyglet window = pyglet.window.Window(800, 600) color = (255, 255, 255, 255) # 白色 lines = [] for y in range(0, window.height, 40): lines.append(pyglet.shapes.Line(0, y, window.width, y, color=color)) for x in range(0, window.width, 40): lines.append(pyglet.shapes.Line(x, 0, x, window.height, color=color)) @window.event def on_draw(): window.clear() for line in lines: line.draw() pyglet.app.run()
2. 模拟按钮
import pyglet window = pyglet.window.Window(800, 600) GRAY = (220, 220, 220, 255) BLACK = (0, 0, 0, 255) RED = (255, 0, 0, 255) pattern = pyglet.image.SolidColorImagePattern(color=GRAY) image = pattern.create_image(100,50) button1 = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(image, 280, 200) button2 = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(image, 280+150, 200) labelb1 = pyglet.text.Label('按钮1', font_size=16, x=305, y=216, color=BLACK) labelb2 = pyglet.text.Label('按钮2', font_size=16, x=455, y=216, color=BLACK) message = pyglet.text.Label('', font_size=16, x=20, y=16) widgets = [message] widgets.extend([button1, button2, labelb1, labelb2]) @window.event def on_draw(): window.clear() for widget in widgets: widget.draw() @window.event def on_mouse_press(x, y, button, modifier): X, Y, W, H = button1.x, button1.y, button1.width, button1.height if x in range(X,X+W+1) and y in range(Y,Y+H+1): message.text = '你点击了按钮1' elif x in range(X+150,X+W+151) and y in range(Y,Y+H+1): message.text = '你点击了按钮2' @window.event def on_mouse_motion(x, y, dx, dy): X, Y, W, H = button1.x, button1.y, button1.width, button1.height if x in range(X,X+W+1) and y in range(Y,Y+H+1): labelb1.color = RED elif x in range(X+150,X+W+151) and y in range(Y,Y+H+1): labelb2.color = RED else: labelb1.color = BLACK labelb2.color = BLACK pyglet.app.run()
import pyglet from pyglet import shapes window = pyglet.window.Window(960, 540) batch = pyglet.graphics.Batch() circle = shapes.Circle(700, 150, 100, color=(50, 225, 30), batch=batch) square = shapes.Rectangle(200, 200, 200, 200, color=(55, 55, 255), batch=batch) rectangle = shapes.Rectangle(250, 300, 400, 200, color=(255, 22, 20), batch=batch) rectangle.opacity = 128 rectangle.rotation = 33 line = shapes.Line(100, 100, 100, 200, width=19, batch=batch) line2 = shapes.Line(150, 150, 444, 111, width=4, color=(200, 20, 20), batch=batch) star = shapes.Star(800, 400, 60, 40, num_spikes=20, color=(255, 255, 0), batch=batch) @window.event def on_draw(): window.clear() batch.draw() pyglet.app.run()
import pyglet from pyglet import shapes window = pyglet.window.Window(960, 540) circle = shapes.Circle(700, 150, 100, color=(50, 225, 30)) square = shapes.Rectangle(200, 200, 200, 200, color=(55, 55, 255)) rectangle = shapes.Rectangle(250, 300, 400, 200, color=(255, 22, 20)) rectangle.opacity = 128 rectangle.rotation = 33 line = shapes.Line(100, 100, 100, 200, width=19) line2 = shapes.Line(150, 150, 444, 111, width=4, color=(200, 20, 20)) star = shapes.Star(800, 400, 60, 40, num_spikes=20, color=(255, 255, 0)) widgets = circle, square, rectangle, line, line2, star @window.event def on_draw(): window.clear() for batch in widgets: batch.draw() pyglet.app.run()
import pyglet window = pyglet.window.Window(800, 500 , caption='Batch&Group') batch = pyglet.graphics.Batch() # 创建一个Batch对象 group = [pyglet.graphics.Group(i) for i in range(4)] # 创建一组Group对象 circle1 = pyglet.shapes.Circle(x=250, y=250, radius=80, color=(255, 0, 0, 255), batch=batch, group=group[0]) rectangle1 = pyglet.shapes.Rectangle(x=150, y=200, width=200, height=100, color=(0, 0, 255, 255), batch=batch, group=group[1]) circle2 = pyglet.shapes.Circle(x=550, y=250, radius=80, color=(255, 0, 0, 255), batch=batch, group=group[3]) rectangle2 = pyglet.shapes.Rectangle(x=450, y=200, width=200, height=100, color=(0, 0, 255, 255), batch=batch, group=group[2]) @window.event def on_draw(): window.clear() batch.draw() # 在窗口上绘制batch中的所有图形对象 pyglet.app.run()
class Batch
Help on class Batch in module pyglet.graphics: class Batch(builtins.object) Manage a collection of drawables for batched rendering. Many drawable pyglet objects accept an optional `Batch` argument in their constructors. By giving a `Batch` to multiple objects, you can tell pyglet that you expect to draw all of these objects at once, so it can optimise its use of OpenGL. Hence, drawing a `Batch` is often much faster than drawing each contained drawable separately. The following example creates a batch, adds two sprites to the batch, and then draws the entire batch:: batch = pyglet.graphics.Batch() car = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(car_image, batch=batch) boat = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(boat_image, batch=batch) def on_draw(): batch.draw() While any drawables can be added to a `Batch`, only those with the same draw mode, shader program, and group can be optimised together. Internally, a `Batch` manages a set of VertexDomains along with information about how the domains are to be drawn. To implement batching on a custom drawable, get your vertex domains from the given batch instead of setting them up yourself. Methods defined here: __init__(self) Create a graphics batch. draw(self) Draw the batch. draw_subset(self, vertex_lists) Draw only some vertex lists in the batch. The use of this method is highly discouraged, as it is quite inefficient. Usually an application can be redesigned so that batches can always be drawn in their entirety, using `draw`. The given vertex lists must belong to this batch; behaviour is undefined if this condition is not met. :Parameters: `vertex_lists` : sequence of `VertexList` or `IndexedVertexList` Vertex lists to draw. get_domain(self, indexed, mode, group, program, attributes) Get, or create, the vertex domain corresponding to the given arguments. invalidate(self) Force the batch to update the draw list. This method can be used to force the batch to re-compute the draw list when the ordering of groups has changed. .. versionadded:: 1.2 migrate(self, vertex_list, mode, group, batch) Migrate a vertex list to another batch and/or group. `vertex_list` and `mode` together identify the vertex list to migrate. `group` and `batch` are new owners of the vertex list after migration. The results are undefined if `mode` is not correct or if `vertex_list` does not belong to this batch (they are not checked and will not necessarily throw an exception immediately). `batch` can remain unchanged if only a group change is desired. :Parameters: `vertex_list` : `~pyglet.graphics.vertexdomain.VertexList` A vertex list currently belonging to this batch. `mode` : int The current GL drawing mode of the vertex list. `group` : `~pyglet.graphics.Group` The new group to migrate to. `batch` : `~pyglet.graphics.Batch` The batch to migrate to (or the current batch). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Data descriptors defined here: __dict__ dictionary for instance variables (if defined) __weakref__ list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class Group
Help on class Group in module pyglet.graphics: class Group(builtins.object) Group(order=0, parent=None) Group of common OpenGL state. `Group` provides extra control over how drawables are handled within a `Batch`. When a batch draws a drawable, it ensures its group's state is set; this can include binding textures, shaders, or setting any other parameters. It also sorts the groups before drawing. In the following example, the background sprite is guaranteed to be drawn before the car and the boat:: batch = pyglet.graphics.Batch() background = pyglet.graphics.Group(order=0) foreground = pyglet.graphics.Group(order=1) background = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(background_image, batch=batch, group=background) car = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(car_image, batch=batch, group=foreground) boat = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(boat_image, batch=batch, group=foreground) def on_draw(): batch.draw() :Parameters: `order` : int Set the order to render above or below other Groups. Lower orders are drawn first. `parent` : `~pyglet.graphics.Group` Group to contain this Group; its state will be set before this Group's state. :Variables: `visible` : bool Determines whether this Group is visible in any of the Batches it is assigned to. If ``False``, objects in this Group will not be rendered. `batches` : list Read Only. A list of which Batches this Group is a part of. Methods defined here: __eq__(self, other) Return self==value. __hash__(self) Return hash(self). __init__(self, order=0, parent=None) Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature. __lt__(self, other) Return self<value. __repr__(self) Return repr(self). set_state(self) Apply the OpenGL state change. The default implementation does nothing. set_state_recursive(self) Set this group and its ancestry. Call this method if you are using a group in isolation: the parent groups will be called in top-down order, with this class's `set` being called last. unset_state(self) Repeal the OpenGL state change. The default implementation does nothing. unset_state_recursive(self) Unset this group and its ancestry. The inverse of `set_state_recursive`. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Readonly properties defined here: batches order ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Data descriptors defined here: __dict__ dictionary for instance variables (if defined) __weakref__ list of weak references to the object (if defined) visible
import pyglet window = pyglet.window.Window(800, 600, caption='绘制网络线') color = (255, 255, 255, 255) lines = pyglet.graphics.Batch() for y in range(0, window.height, 40): exec(f'y{y//40} = pyglet.shapes.Line(0, y, window.width, y, color=color, batch=lines)') for x in range(0, window.width, 40): exec(f'x{x//40} = pyglet.shapes.Line(x, 0, x, window.height, color=color, batch=lines)') @window.event def on_draw(): window.clear() lines.draw() pyglet.app.run()
import pyglet window = pyglet.window.Window(800, 600, caption='按钮模拟') GRAY = (220, 220, 220, 255) BLACK = (0, 0, 0, 255) RED = (255, 0, 0, 255) batch = pyglet.graphics.Batch() pattern = pyglet.image.SolidColorImagePattern(color=GRAY) image = pattern.create_image(100,50) button1 = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(image, 280, 200, batch = batch) button2 = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(image, 280+150, 200, batch = batch) labelb1 = pyglet.text.Label('按钮1', font_size=16, x=305, y=216, color=BLACK, batch = batch) labelb2 = pyglet.text.Label('按钮2', font_size=16, x=455, y=216, color=BLACK, batch = batch) message = pyglet.text.Label('', font_size=16, x=20, y=16, batch = batch) @window.event def on_draw(): window.clear() batch.draw() @window.event def on_mouse_press(x, y, button, modifier): X, Y, W, H = button1.x, button1.y, button1.width, button1.height if x in range(X,X+W+1) and y in range(Y,Y+H+1): message.text = '你点击了按钮1' elif x in range(X+150,X+W+151) and y in range(Y,Y+H+1): message.text = '你点击了按钮2' @window.event def on_mouse_motion(x, y, dx, dy): X, Y, W, H = button1.x, button1.y, button1.width, button1.height if x in range(X,X+W+1) and y in range(Y,Y+H+1): labelb1.color = RED elif x in range(X+150,X+W+151) and y in range(Y,Y+H+1): labelb2.color = RED else: labelb1.color = BLACK labelb2.color = BLACK pyglet.app.run()