# 导入需要的模块 from enum import Enum, auto, unique # 定义一个枚举类 MoveCategory,表示一个移动类别 @unique class MoveCategory(Enum): """Enumeration, represent a move category.""" # 定义枚举值 PHYSICAL,表示物理攻击类别 PHYSICAL = auto() # 定义枚举值 SPECIAL,表示特殊攻击类别 SPECIAL = auto() # 定义枚举值 STATUS,表示状态类别 STATUS = auto() # 定义 __str__ 方法,返回枚举值的名称和描述信息 def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.name} (move category) object"
from __future__ import annotations # 导入未来版本的注解特性 from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union # 导入类型提示相关的模块 from poke_env.data import GenData, to_id_str # 从 poke_env.data 模块导入 GenData 和 to_id_str 函数 from poke_env.environment.effect import Effect from poke_env.environment.move import SPECIAL_MOVES, Move from poke_env.environment.pokemon_gender import PokemonGender from poke_env.environment.pokemon_type import PokemonType from poke_env.environment.status import Status from poke_env.environment.z_crystal import Z_CRYSTAL # 导入与 Pokemon 类相关的环境和效果模块 import math # 导入数学模块 class Pokemon: __slots__ = ( "_ability", "_active", "_active", "_base_stats", "_boosts", "_current_hp", "_data", "_effects", "_first_turn", "_gender", "_heightm", "_item", "_last_details", "_last_request", "_level", "_max_hp", "_moves", "_must_recharge", "_possible_abilities", "_preparing_move", "_preparing_target", "_protect_counter", "_shiny", "_revealed", "_species", "_status", "_status_counter", "_terastallized", "_terastallized_type", "_type_1", "_type_2", "_weightkg", ) # 定义 Pokemon 类的属性列表 def __init__( self, gen: int, *, species: Optional[str] = None, request_pokemon: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, details: Optional[str] = None, ): # Base data self._data = GenData.from_gen(gen) # Species related attributes self._base_stats: Dict[str, int] self._heightm: int self._possible_abilities: List[str] self._species: str = "" self._type_1: PokemonType self._type_2: Optional[PokemonType] = None self._weightkg: int # Individual related attributes self._ability: Optional[str] = None self._active: bool self._gender: Optional[PokemonGender] = None self._level: int = 100 self._max_hp: Optional[int] = 0 self._moves: Dict[str, Move] = {} self._shiny: Optional[bool] = False # Battle related attributes self._active: bool = False self._boosts: Dict[str, int] = { "accuracy": 0, "atk": 0, "def": 0, "evasion": 0, "spa": 0, "spd": 0, "spe": 0, } self._current_hp: Optional[int] = 0 self._effects: Dict[Effect, int] = {} self._first_turn: bool = False self._terastallized: bool = False self._terastallized_type: Optional[PokemonType] = None self._item: Optional[str] = self._data.UNKNOWN_ITEM self._last_request: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = {} self._last_details: str = "" self._must_recharge: bool = False self._preparing_move: Optional[Move] = None self._preparing_target = None self._protect_counter: int = 0 self._revealed: bool = False self._status: Optional[Status] = None self._status_counter: int = 0 # 根据不同情况更新属性 if request_pokemon: self.update_from_request(request_pokemon) elif details: self._update_from_details(details) elif species: self._update_from_pokedex(species) # 返回对象的字符串表示形式 def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__str__() def __str__(self) -> str: # 如果状态为空,则状态表示为 None if self._status is None: status_repr = None else: status_repr = self._status.name # 返回包含种类、活跃状态和状态的字符串表示 return ( f"{self._species} (pokemon object) " f"[Active: {self._active}, Status: {status_repr}]" ) def _add_move(self, move_id: str, use: bool = False) -> Optional[Move]: """Store the move if applicable.""" # 获取移动的 ID id_ = Move.retrieve_id(move_id) # 如果不应该存储该移动,则返回 if not Move.should_be_stored(id_, self._data.gen): return # 如果移动不在已有移动列表中,则创建新的移动对象并存储 if id_ not in self._moves: move = Move(move_id=id_, raw_id=move_id, gen=self._data.gen) self._moves[id_] = move # 如果需要使用该移动,则调用移动对象的 use 方法 if use: self._moves[id_].use() return self._moves[id_] def boost(self, stat: str, amount: int): # 增加指定属性的增益值,并确保在 -6 到 6 之间 self._boosts[stat] += amount if self._boosts[stat] > 6: self._boosts[stat] = 6 elif self._boosts[stat] < -6: self._boosts[stat] = -6 def cant_move(self): # 重置首回合标志和保护计数器,如果状态为睡眠则增加状态计数器 self._first_turn = False self._protect_counter = 0 if self._status == Status.SLP: self._status_counter += 1 def clear_active(self): # 清除活跃状态 self._active = False def clear_boosts(self): # 将所有属性的增益值清零 for stat in self._boosts: self._boosts[stat] = 0 def _clear_effects(self): # 清除所有效果 self._effects = {} def clear_negative_boosts(self): # 将所有负增益值清零 for stat, value in self._boosts.items(): if value < 0: self._boosts[stat] = 0 def clear_positive_boosts(self): # 将所有正增益值清零 for stat, value in self._boosts.items(): if value > 0: self._boosts[stat] = 0 def copy_boosts(self, mon: Pokemon): # 复制另一个 Pokemon 对象的增益值 self._boosts = dict(mon._boosts.items()) # 更新精灵的状态,可以传入一个状态字符串,默认为 None def cure_status(self, status: Optional[str] = None): # 如果传入了状态并且状态与当前状态相同,则将当前状态置为 None,并重置状态计数器 if status and Status[status.upper()] == self._status: self._status = None self._status_counter = 0 # 如果状态为 None 并且精灵没有失去意识,则将当前状态置为 None elif status is None and not self.fainted: self._status = None # 造成伤害的方法,设置精灵的生命状态 def damage(self, hp_status: str): self.set_hp_status(hp_status) # 结束效果的方法,根据效果字符串结束对应效果 def end_effect(self, effect_str: str): effect = Effect.from_showdown_message(effect_str) # 如果效果存在于精灵的效果列表中,则移除该效果 if effect in self._effects: self._effects.pop(effect) # 结束物品效果的方法,将精灵的物品置为 None def end_item(self, item: str): self._item = None # 如果物品为 "powerherb",则重置准备中的招式和目标 if item == "powerherb": self._preparing_move = None self._preparing_target = False # 结束回合的方法,处理中毒状态计数和效果的回合计数 def end_turn(self): # 如果精灵处于中毒状态,则中毒计数加一 if self._status == Status.TOX: self._status_counter += 1 # 遍历精灵的效果列表,如果效果需要计数回合,则计数加一 for effect in self.effects: if effect.is_turn_countable: self.effects[effect] += 1 # 精灵失去意识的方法,将当前生命值置为 0,状态置为 FNT def faint(self): self._current_hp = 0 self._status = Status.FNT # 改变形态的方法,根据传入的种类字符串更新精灵的形态 def forme_change(self, species: str): species = species.split(",")[0] self._update_from_pokedex(species, store_species=False) # 恢复生命值的方法,设置精灵的生命状态 def heal(self, hp_status: str): self.set_hp_status(hp_status) # 反转增益的方法,将精灵的增益值取反 def invert_boosts(self): self._boosts = {k: -v for k, v in self._boosts.items()} # 超级进化的方法,根据传入的进化石字符串进行超级进化 def mega_evolve(self, stone: str): species_id_str = to_id_str(self.species) # 根据当前种类判断是否需要超级进化 mega_species = ( species_id_str + "mega" if not species_id_str.endswith("mega") else species_id_str ) # 如果超级进化后的种类存在于资料库中,则更新精灵的种类 if mega_species in self._data.pokedex: self._update_from_pokedex(mega_species, store_species=False) # 如果进化石的最后一个字符为 "XYxy" 中的一个,则进行特殊形态的超级进化 elif stone[-1] in "XYxy": mega_species = mega_species + stone[-1].lower() self._update_from_pokedex(mega_species, store_species=False) # 根据移动 ID 进行移动操作,可以设置失败标志和使用标志 def moved(self, move_id: str, failed: bool = False, use: bool = True): # 重置必须充能标志和准备移动和目标 self._must_recharge = False self._preparing_move = None self._preparing_target = None # 添加移动到精灵的移动列表中 move = self._add_move(move_id, use=use) # 如果移动是保护反击且未失败,则增加保护反击计数 if move and move.is_protect_counter and not failed: self._protect_counter += 1 else: self._protect_counter = 0 # 如果精灵处于睡眠状态,则增加状态计数 if self._status == Status.SLP: self._status_counter += 1 # 如果移动列表超过4个,则保留当前移动并替换其他移动 if len(self._moves) > 4: new_moves = {} # 保留当前移动 if move and move in self._moves.values(): new_moves = { move_id: m for move_id, m in self._moves.items() if m is move } for move in self._moves: if len(new_moves) == 4: break elif move not in new_moves: new_moves[move] = self._moves[move] self._moves = new_moves # 准备移动,设置准备移动和目标 def prepare(self, move_id: str, target: Optional[Pokemon]): self.moved(move_id, use=False) move_id = Move.retrieve_id(move_id) move = self.moves[move_id] self._preparing_move = move self._preparing_target = target # 激怒状态,根据精灵种类更新属性 def primal(self): species_id_str = to_id_str(self._species) primal_species = ( species_id_str + "primal" if not species_id_str.endswith("primal") else species_id_str ) self._update_from_pokedex(primal_species, store_species=False) # 设置属性提升,确保提升值在 -6 到 6 之间 def set_boost(self, stat: str, amount: int): assert ( abs(amount) <= 6 ), f"{stat} of mon {self._species} is not <= 6. Got {amount}" self._boosts[stat] = int(amount) # 设置生命值,调用设置生命状态的方法 def set_hp(self, hp_status: str): self.set_hp_status(hp_status) # 设置精灵的生命值状态 def set_hp_status(self, hp_status: str): # 如果生命值状态为 "0 fnt",则将精灵设为失去意识状态并返回 if hp_status == "0 fnt": self.faint() return # 如果生命值状态中包含空格,则分割出生命值和状态 if " " in hp_status: hp, status = hp_status.split(" ") # 将状态转换为大写形式并存储在精灵的状态属性中 self._status = Status[status.upper()] else: hp = hp_status # 提取生命值中的数字部分并分割出当前生命值和最大生命值 hp = "".join([c for c in hp if c in "0123456789/"]).split("/") self._current_hp = int(hp[0]) self._max_hp = int(hp[1]) # 启动效果 def start_effect(self, effect_str: str): # 从效果字符串中创建效果对象 effect = Effect.from_showdown_message(effect_str) # 如果效果不在精灵的效果列表中,则添加到列表中;如果效果可以计数,则增加计数 if effect not in self._effects: self._effects[effect] = 0 elif effect.is_action_countable: self._effects[effect] += 1 # 如果效果会打破保护状态,则将保护计数器设为0 if effect.breaks_protect: self._protect_counter = 0 # 交换攻击和特攻提升 def _swap_boosts(self): self._boosts["atk"], self._boosts["spa"] = ( self._boosts["spa"], self._boosts["atk"], ) # 精灵交换上场 def switch_in(self, details: Optional[str] = None): self._active = True # 如果有详细信息,则更新精灵状态 if details: self._update_from_details(details) self._first_turn = True self._revealed = True # 精灵交换下场 def switch_out(self): self._active = False self.clear_boosts() self._clear_effects() self._first_turn = False self._must_recharge = False self._preparing_move = None self._preparing_target = None self._protect_counter = 0 # 如果精灵处于中毒状态,则将中毒计数器设为0 if self._status == Status.TOX: self._status_counter = 0 # 转变为特殊状态 def terastallize(self, type_: str): # 将精灵的特殊状态类型设为给定类型,并标记为特殊状态 self._terastallized_type = PokemonType.from_name(type_) self._terastallized = True # 转变为另一个精灵 def transform(self, into: Pokemon): current_hp = self.current_hp # 更新精灵的信息为另一个精灵的信息,但不存储物种信息 self._update_from_pokedex(into.species, store_species=False) self._current_hp = int(current_hp) self._boosts = into.boosts.copy() # 从宝可梦图鉴更新信息,包括种类、基础属性、类型、能力、身高和体重 def _update_from_pokedex(self, species: str, store_species: bool = True): # 将种类名称转换为小写字符串 species = to_id_str(species) # 获取宝可梦图鉴中该种类的信息 dex_entry = self._data.pokedex[species] # 如果需要存储种类信息,则更新当前实例的种类属性 if store_species: self._species = species # 更新当前实例的基础属性 self._base_stats = dex_entry["baseStats"] # 更新当前实例的第一个类型 self._type_1 = PokemonType.from_name(dex_entry["types"][0]) # 如果宝可梦只有一个类型,则第二个类型为空 if len(dex_entry["types"]) == 1: self._type_2 = None else: self._type_2 = PokemonType.from_name(dex_entry["types"][1]) # 将宝可梦可能的能力转换为小写字符串列表 self._possible_abilities = [ to_id_str(ability) for ability in dex_entry["abilities"].values() ] # 如果宝可梦只有一种可能的能力,则将其设置为当前实例的能力 if len(self._possible_abilities) == 1: self.ability = self._possible_abilities[0] # 更新当前实例的身高和体重属性 self._heightm = dex_entry["heightm"] self._weightkg = dex_entry["weightkg"] # 从给定的详情字符串更新属性 def _update_from_details(self, details: str): # 如果详情字符串与上次相同,则直接返回 if details == self._last_details: return else: # 更新上次的详情字符串 self._last_details = details # 如果详情字符串中包含", shiny",则设置为闪光属性并移除该部分 if ", shiny" in details: self._shiny = True details = details.replace(", shiny", "") else: self._shiny = False # 将详情字符串按", "分割 split_details = details.split(", ") gender = None level = None # 遍历分割后的详情字符串 for split_detail in split_details: # 如果以"tera:"开头,则设置特拉斯化类型并移除该部分 if split_detail.startswith("tera:"): self._terastallized_type = PokemonType.from_name(split_detail[5:]) split_details.remove(split_detail) break # 根据分割后的长度确定物种、等级和性别 if len(split_details) == 3: species, level, gender = split_details elif len(split_details) == 2: if split_details[1].startswith("L"): species, level = split_details else: species, gender = split_details else: species = to_id_str(split_details[0]) # 根据性别设置性别属性 if gender: self._gender = PokemonGender.from_request_details(gender) else: self._gender = PokemonGender.NEUTRAL # 根据等级设置等级属性 if level: self._level = int(level[1:]) else: self._level = 100 # 如果物种不同于当前物种,则更新属性 if species != self._species: self._update_from_pokedex(species) # 从请求中更新精灵信息 def update_from_request(self, request_pokemon: Dict[str, Any]): # 更新精灵的活跃状态 self._active = request_pokemon["active"] # 如果请求的精灵信息与上次请求相同,则直接返回 if request_pokemon == self._last_request: return # 根据请求中是否包含能力信息来更新精灵的能力 if "ability" in request_pokemon: self.ability = request_pokemon["ability"] elif "baseAbility" in request_pokemon: self.ability = request_pokemon["baseAbility"] # 更新上次请求的精灵信息 self._last_request = request_pokemon # 根据请求中的状态信息更新精灵的血量状态 condition = request_pokemon["condition"] self.set_hp_status(condition) # 更新精灵的持有物品 self._item = request_pokemon["item"] # 更新精灵的详细信息 details = request_pokemon["details"] self._update_from_details(details) # 添加请求中的招式到精灵的招式列表中 for move in request_pokemon["moves"]: self._add_move(move) # 如果招式数量超过4个,则只保留最新的4个招式 if len(self._moves) > 4: moves_to_keep = { Move.retrieve_id(move_id) for move_id in request_pokemon["moves"] } self._moves = { move_id: move for move_id, move in self._moves.items() if move_id in moves_to_keep } # 使用 Z 招式 def used_z_move(self): # 将精灵的持有物品设为 None self._item = None # 判断是否被幻觉术影响 def was_illusioned(self): # 重置精灵的血量、最大血量和状态 self._current_hp = None self._max_hp = None self._status = None # 保存上次请求的精灵信息 last_request = self._last_request self._last_request = None # 如果存在上次请求的信息,则更新精灵信息并切换出场 if last_request: self.update_from_request(last_request) # 切换出场 self.switch_out() # 根据请求中的信息获取可用的移动列表 def available_moves_from_request(self, request: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[Move]: # 初始化一个空的移动列表 moves: List[Move] = [] # 从请求中提取可用的移动列表 request_moves: List[str] = [ move["id"] for move in request["moves"] if not move.get("disabled", False) ] # 遍历请求中的每个移动 for move in request_moves: # 如果移动在当前角色的移动列表中 if move in self.moves: # 如果当前角色处于极巨化状态,则添加极巨化后的移动 if self.is_dynamaxed: moves.append(self.moves[move].dynamaxed) else: moves.append(self.moves[move]) # 如果移动是特殊移动 elif move in SPECIAL_MOVES: moves.append(Move(move, gen=self._data.gen)) # 如果移动是"hiddenpower"且只有一个隐藏能力 elif ( move == "hiddenpower" and len([m for m in self.moves if m.startswith("hiddenpower")]) == 1 ): moves.append( [v for m, v in self.moves.items() if m.startswith("hiddenpower")][0] ) else: # 断言当前角色的移动列表中包含特定的移动 assert { "copycat", "metronome", "mefirst", "mirrormove", "assist", "transform", "mimic", }.intersection(self.moves), ( f"Error with move {move}. Expected self.moves to contain copycat, " "metronome, mefirst, mirrormove, assist, transform or mimic. Got" f" {self.moves}" ) moves.append(Move(move, gen=self._data.gen)) # 返回最终的移动列表 return moves def damage_multiplier(self, type_or_move: Union[PokemonType, Move]) -> float: """ Returns the damage multiplier associated with a given type or move on this pokemon. This method is a shortcut for PokemonType.damage_multiplier with relevant types. :param type_or_move: The type or move of interest. :type type_or_move: PokemonType or Move :return: The damage multiplier associated with given type on the pokemon. :rtype: float """ # 如果输入的是 Move 对象,则获取其类型 if isinstance(type_or_move, Move): type_or_move = type_or_move.type # 调用 PokemonType.damage_multiplier 方法计算伤害倍率 return type_or_move.damage_multiplier( self._type_1, self._type_2, type_chart=self._data.type_chart ) @property def ability(self) -> Optional[str]: """ :return: The pokemon's ability. None if unknown. :rtype: str, optional """ # 返回宝可梦的能力 return self._ability @ability.setter def ability(self, ability: Optional[str]): # 设置宝可梦的能力,如果输入为 None,则设为 None,否则转换为小写字符串 if ability is None: self._ability = None else: self._ability = to_id_str(ability) @property def active(self) -> Optional[bool]: """ :return: Boolean indicating whether the pokemon is active. :rtype: bool """ # 返回一个布尔值,指示宝可梦是否处于活跃状态 return self._active @active.setter def active(self, value: Optional[bool]): # 设置宝可梦的活跃状态 self.active = value @property def available_z_moves(self) -> List[Move]: """ Caution: this property is not properly tested yet. :return: The set of moves that pokemon can use as z-moves. :rtype: List[Move] """ # 检查是否持有 Z 水晶道具,如果是则返回可以使用的 Z 招式列表 if isinstance(self.item, str) and self.item.endswith("iumz"): type_, move = Z_CRYSTAL[self.item] if type_: return [ move for move in self._moves.values() if move.type == type_ and move.can_z_move ] elif move in self._moves: return [self._moves[move]] return [] @property def base_species(self) -> str: """ :return: The pokemon's base species. :rtype: str """ # 返回精灵的基础种类 dex_entry = self._data.pokedex[self._species] if "baseSpecies" in dex_entry: return to_id_str(dex_entry["baseSpecies"]) return self._species @property def base_stats(self) -> Dict[str, int]: """ :return: The pokemon's base stats. :rtype: Dict[str, int] """ # 返回精灵的基础属性 return self._base_stats @property def boosts(self) -> Dict[str, int]: """ :return: The pokemon's boosts. :rtype: Dict[str, int] """ # 返回精灵的属性提升 return self._boosts @boosts.setter def boosts(self, value: Dict[str, int]): self._boosts = value @property def current_hp(self) -> int: """ :return: The pokemon's current hp. For your pokemons, this is the actual value. For opponent's pokemon, this value depends on showdown information: it can be on a scale from 0 to 100 or on a pixel scale. :rtype: int """ # 返回精灵的当前生命值,如果为对手的精灵,则根据信息返回不同的值 return self._current_hp or 0 @property def current_hp_fraction(self) -> float: """ :return: The pokemon's current remaining hp fraction. :rtype: float """ # 计算当前剩余 HP 占总 HP 的比例 if self.current_hp: return self.current_hp / self.max_hp return 0 @property def effects(self) -> Dict[Effect, int]: """ :return: A Dict mapping the effects currently affecting the pokemon and the associated counter. :rtype: Dict[Effect, int] """ # 返回当前影响宝可梦的效果及其计数的字典 return self._effects @property def fainted(self) -> bool: """ :return: Wheter the pokemon has fainted. :rtype: bool """ # 返回宝可梦是否已经倒下 return Status.FNT == self._status @property def first_turn(self) -> bool: """ :return: Wheter this is this pokemon's first action since its last switch in. :rtype: bool """ # 返回这只宝可梦自上次交换以来是否第一次行动 return self._first_turn @property def gender(self) -> Optional[PokemonGender]: """ :return: The pokemon's gender. :rtype: PokemonGender, optional """ # 返回宝可梦的性别 return self._gender @property def height(self) -> float: """ :return: The pokemon's height, in meters. :rtype: float """ # 返回宝可梦的身高,单位为米 return self._heightm @property def is_dynamaxed(self) -> bool: """ :return: Whether the pokemon is currently dynamaxed :rtype: bool """ # 返回宝可梦当前是否处于极巨化状态 return Effect.DYNAMAX in self.effects @property def item(self) -> Optional[str]: """ :return: The pokemon's item. :rtype: str | None """ # 返回宝可梦携带的物品 return self._item @item.setter def item(self, item: Optional[str]): # 设置宝可梦携带的物品 self._item = item @property def level(self) -> int: """ :return: The pokemon's level. :rtype: int """ # 返回宝可梦的等级 return self._level @property def max_hp(self) -> int: """ :return: The pokemon's max hp. For your pokemons, this is the actual value. For opponent's pokemon, this value depends on showdown information: it can be on a scale from 0 to 100 or on a pixel scale. :rtype: int """ # 返回精灵的最大生命值,如果没有则返回0 return self._max_hp or 0 @property def moves(self) -> Dict[str, Move]: """ :return: A dictionary of the pokemon's known moves. :rtype: Dict[str, Move] """ # 返回精灵已知招式的字典 return self._moves @property def must_recharge(self) -> bool: """ :return: A boolean indicating whether the pokemon must recharge. :rtype: bool """ # 返回一个布尔值,指示精灵是否需要充能 return self._must_recharge @must_recharge.setter def must_recharge(self, value: bool): # 设置精灵是否需要充能 self._must_recharge = value @property def pokeball(self) -> Optional[str]: """ :return: The pokeball in which is the pokemon. :rtype: str | None """ # 返回精灵所在的精灵球 if self._last_request is not None: return self._last_request.get("pokeball", None) @property def possible_abilities(self) -> List[str]: """ :return: The list of possible abilities for this pokemon. :rtype: List[str] """ # 返回该精灵可能的能力列表 return self._possible_abilities @property def preparing(self) -> bool: """ :return: Whether this pokemon is preparing a multi-turn move. :rtype: bool """ # 返回一个布尔值,指示该精灵是否正在准备多回合招式 return bool(self._preparing_target) or bool(self._preparing_move) @property def preparing_target(self) -> Optional[Union[bool, Pokemon]]: """ :return: The moves target - optional. :rtype: Any """ # 返回准备的招式目标,可选 return self._preparing_target @property def preparing_move(self) -> Optional[Move]: """ :return: The move being prepared - optional. :rtype: Move, optional """ # 返回正在准备的招式,可选 return self._preparing_move @property def protect_counter(self) -> int: """ :return: How many protect-like moves where used in a row by this pokemon. :rtype: int """ # 返回该精灵连续使用保护类招式的次数 return self._protect_counter @property def revealed(self) -> bool: """ :return: Whether this pokemon has appeared in the current battle. :rtype: bool """ # 返回该精灵是否已经在当前战斗中出现过 return self._revealed @property def shiny(self) -> bool: """ :return: Whether this pokemon is shiny. :rtype: bool """ # 返回该精灵是否为闪光精灵 return bool(self._shiny) @property def species(self) -> str: """ :return: The pokemon's species. :rtype: str | None """ # 返回该精灵的种类 return self._species @property def stats(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, Optional[int]]]: """ :return: The pokemon's stats, as a dictionary. :rtype: Dict[str, int | None] """ # 如果上一个请求存在,则返回上一个请求中的stats,否则返回默认值 if self._last_request is not None: return self._last_request.get( "stats", {"atk": None, "def": None, "spa": None, "spd": None, "spe": None}, ) @property def status(self) -> Optional[Status]: """ :return: The pokemon's status. :rtype: Optional[Status] """ # 返回该精灵的状态 return self._status # 计算精灵的属性值,包括IV和EV def calculate_stats(self, ivs=(31,) * 6, evs=(85,) * 6): # 定义一个内部函数,用于计算精灵的属性值 def common_pkmn_stat_calc(stat: int, iv: int, ev: int, level: int): return math.floor(((2 * stat + iv + math.floor(ev / 4)) * level) / 100) # 创建一个新的属性字典 new_stats = dict() # 计算并更新HP属性值 new_stats['hp'] = common_pkmn_stat_calc( self._base_stats['hp'], ivs[0], evs[0], self._level ) + self._level + 10 # 计算并更新攻击属性值 new_stats['atk'] = common_pkmn_stat_calc( self._base_stats['atk'], ivs[1], evs[1], self._level ) + 5 # 计算并更新防御属性值 new_stats['def'] = common_pkmn_stat_calc( self._base_stats['def'], ivs[2], evs[2], self._level ) + 5 # 计算并更新特攻属性值 new_stats['spa'] = common_pkmn_stat_calc( self._base_stats['spa'], ivs[3], evs[3], self._level ) + 5 # 计算并更新特防属性值 new_stats['spd'] = common_pkmn_stat_calc( self._base_stats['spd'], ivs[4], evs[4], self._level ) + 5 # 计算并更新速度属性值 new_stats['spe'] = common_pkmn_stat_calc( self._base_stats['spe'], ivs[5], evs[5], self._level ) + 5 # 将属性值转换为整数 new_stats = {k: int(v) for k, v in new_stats.items()} # 返回新的属性字典 return new_stats # 属性装饰器 @property # 返回宝可梦的状态回合计数。只计算中毒和睡眠状态。 def status_counter(self) -> int: """ :return: The pokemon's status turn count. Only counts TOXIC and SLEEP statuses. :rtype: int """ return self._status_counter # 设置宝可梦的状态 @status.setter def status(self, status: Optional[Union[Status, str]]): self._status = Status[status.upper()] if isinstance(status, str) else status # 返回宝可梦的STAB倍数 @property def stab_multiplier(self) -> float: """ :return: The pokemon's STAB multiplier. :rtype: float """ if self._terastallized and self._terastallized_type in ( self._type_1, self._type_2, ): return 2 return 1 # 返回宝可梦当前是否处于terastallized状态 @property def terastallized(self) -> bool: """ :return: Whether the pokemon is currently terastallized :rtype: bool """ return self._terastallized # 返回宝可梦的第一个类型 @property def type_1(self) -> PokemonType: """ :return: The pokemon's first type. :rtype: PokemonType """ if self._terastallized and self._terastallized_type is not None: return self._terastallized_type return self._type_1 # 返回宝可梦的第二个类型 @property def type_2(self) -> Optional[PokemonType]: """ :return: The pokemon's second type. :rtype: Optional[PokemonType] """ if self._terastallized: return None return self._type_2 # 返回宝可梦的类型,以元组形式返回 @property def types(self) -> Tuple[PokemonType, Optional[PokemonType]]: """ :return: The pokemon's types, as a tuple. :rtype: Tuple[PokemonType, Optional[PokemonType]] """ return self.type_1, self._type_2 # 返回宝可梦的重量,单位为千克 @property def weight(self) -> float: """ :return: The pokemon's weight, in kilograms. :rtype: float """ return self._weightkg
PokéLLMon 源码解析(三)(2)https://developer.aliyun.com/article/1483645