- 秒杀时大量用户会在同一时间同时进行抢购,网站瞬时访问流量激增。
- 秒杀一般是访问请求数量远远大于库存数量,只有少部分用户能够秒杀成功。
- 秒杀业务流程比较简单,一般就是下订单减库存。
秒杀系统一般要注意的问题就是 :
- 库存少卖,超卖问题(原子性)
- 流量削峰,这里我们设定的时候每个用户只能秒杀一次所以比较好处理
- 初始化数据,提前预热要秒杀的商品(项目里设置为启动,如果秒杀列表有就预热)
- 使用 redis 缓存秒杀的商品信息,使用redis来承担秒杀的压力最后生产秒杀到的用户,再到mysql生成订单
- 在秒杀时使用(事务,分布式锁两种方式都实现)对商品库存,保证原子性
开发语言 : Java 8 或 Java 11
框架技术: SpringBoot2.x ,Mybatis-plus ,Thymeleaf
中间件: Redis
数据库:MySQL 8.0
数据源: druid 1.16
测试工具: apache jmeter
- 商品表: id 商品id 商品name 商品图片 商品类别 商品价格 库存
- 秒杀商品表 : id 商品id 秒杀开始时间 秒杀结束时间 秒杀价 可秒杀的数量
- 订单表 id 订单id 商品id 秒杀价格 用户id 地址 电话
CREATE DATABASE /*!32312 IF NOT EXISTS*/`seckill` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 */ USE `seckill`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `goods`; CREATE TABLE `goods` ( `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `goods_id` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '商品id', `goods_name` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '商品名字', `goodtype` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '商品类别', `price` double DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '商品价格', `img_path` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '商品图片地址', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=6 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb3; /*Data for the table `goods` */ insert into `goods`(`id`,`goods_id`,`goods_name`,`goodtype`,`price`,`img_path`) values (5,'1001','华为手机','电子用品',5000,'/img/huaweiphone.jpg'); /*Table structure for table `goodsorder` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `goodsorder`; CREATE TABLE `goodsorder` ( `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `order_id` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `user_id` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `goods_id` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `telephone` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `address` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=10 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb3; /*Data for the table `goodsorder` */ /*Table structure for table `seckillgoods` */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `seckillgoods`; CREATE TABLE `seckillgoods` ( `id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `goods_id` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `seckill_price` double DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '秒杀价格', `stock_num` int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '秒杀库存', `start_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '开始时间', `end_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '结束时间', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb3; /*Data for the table `seckillgoods` */ insert into `seckillgoods`(`id`,`goods_id`,`seckill_price`,`stock_num`,`start_time`,`end_time`) values (1,'1001',3599,10,'2022-03-07 00:00:00','2022-03-09 00:00:00');
spring: datasource: username: root password: root url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/seckill? userSSL=true&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&serverTimezone=GMT%2B8 driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver redis: database: 0 host: port: 6379 password: root timeout: 1000 thymeleaf: cache: false prefix: classpath:/templates/ suffix: .html mybatis-plus: configuration: map-underscore-to-camel-case: false log-impl: org.apache.ibatis.logging.stdout.StdOutImpl # configuration: # log-impl: org.apache.ibatis.logging.stdout.StdOutImpl mapper-locations: classpath:mapper/*
redis 配置类
@Configuration public class RedisConfig { /** * @author 冷环渊 Doomwatcher * @context:redis 存储数据 序列化方式 * @date: 2022/3/7 21:19 * @param redisConnectionFactory * @return: org.springframework.data.redis.core.RedisTemplate<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object> */ @Bean public RedisTemplate<String, Object> redisTemplate(RedisConnectionFactory redisConnectionFactory) { RedisTemplate<String, Object> redisTemplate = new RedisTemplate<>(); redisTemplate.setConnectionFactory(redisConnectionFactory); //声明 key 和 value 的序列化方式 StringRedisSerializer keySerializer = new StringRedisSerializer(); GenericFastJsonRedisSerializer valueSerializer = new GenericFastJsonRedisSerializer(); redisTemplate.setKeySerializer(keySerializer); redisTemplate.setValueSerializer(valueSerializer); redisTemplate.setHashKeySerializer(keySerializer); redisTemplate.setValueSerializer(valueSerializer); //多种的序列化方式 最好是谁序列化的谁处理 //GenericFastJsonRedisSerializer //Jackson2JsonRedisSerializer return redisTemplate; } }
package com.hyc.seckillsystem.util; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.data.redis.core.RedisTemplate; import org.springframework.data.redis.core.SessionCallback; import org.springframework.data.redis.core.script.RedisScript; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * @projectName: seckillsystem * @package: com.hyc.seckillsystem.util * @className: RedisUtil * @author: 冷环渊 doomwatcher * @description: TODO * @date: 2022/3/7 21:25 * @version: 1.0 */ @Component public class RedisUtil { @Autowired private RedisTemplate<String, Object> redisTemplate; // 设置缓存 public void set(String key, Object value) { redisTemplate.opsForValue().set(key, value); } //设置缓存和超时时间 public void set(String key, Object value, long timeout) { redisTemplate.opsForValue().set(key, value, timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } //获取命中key 的内容 public Object get(String key) { if (!redisTemplate.hasKey(key)) { return null; } return redisTemplate.opsForValue().get(key); } //递减操作 public void decr(String key) { redisTemplate.opsForValue().decrement(key); } //触发 提交 参数里的sessionCallback 队列里的命令 public Object execute(SessionCallback sessionCallback) { return redisTemplate.execute(sessionCallback); } // 使用脚本语言 public Object execute(RedisScript script, List keylist) { return redisTemplate.execute(script, keylist); } // 是否存在 key public boolean hasKey(String key) { return redisTemplate.hasKey(key); } }
Controller -> servier -> dao
public class goods { @Id @TableId(type = IdType.AUTO) private Integer id; private String goods_id; private String goods_name; private String goodtype; private double price; private String img_path; @TableField(exist = false) private SeckillGoods seckillgoods; }
虽然使用了 mybatis-plus 但是我们还是根据自己的查询需求新增了自己的方法,
@Repository public interface GoodsMapper extends BaseMapper<goods> { goods getGoodsByGoodsId(String goodId); List<goods> selectGoods(); List<goods> getGoodList(); }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> <mapper namespace="com.hyc.seckillsystem.dao.GoodsMapper"> <select id="getGoodsByGoodsId" resultType="com.hyc.seckillsystem.pojo.goods"> select seckill.goods.goods_id, seckill.goods.goods_name, seckill.goods.goodtype, seckill.goods.price, seckill.goods.img_path from seckill.goods where goods_id = #{goodId}; </select> <select id="getGoodList" resultType="com.hyc.seckillsystem.pojo.goods"> select seckill.goods.goods_id, seckill.goods.goods_name, seckill.goods.goodtype, seckill.goods.price, seckill.goods.img_path from seckill.goods </select> <resultMap id="goodsResult" type="com.hyc.seckillsystem.pojo.goods"> <id property="id" column="id"/> <result property="goods_id" column="goods_id"/> <result property="goods_name" column="goods_name"/> <result property="goodtype" column="goods_type"/> <result property="price" column="price"/> <result property="img_path" column="img_path"/> <association property="seckillgoods" javaType="com.hyc.seckillsystem.pojo.SeckillGoods"> <result property="seckill_price" column="seckill_price"/> <result property="stock_num" column="stock_num"/> </association> </resultMap> <select id="selectGoods" resultMap="goodsResult"> SELECT a.`goods_id`, a.`goods_name`, a.`goodtype`, a.`price`, a.`img_path`, b.`seckill_price`, b.`stock_num` FROM seckill.goods AS a LEFT JOIN seckill.seckillgoods AS b ON a.`goods_id` = b.`goods_id` </select> </mapper>
service 实现类
逐个表 匹配查询selectGoods
返回商品详情(包括秒杀价格等)VO getGoodsDetail(String goodId)
service 层的设计思路就是 调用DAO层接口 实现对数据库中取出数据的处理,并且提供给controller封装好的接口
@Service public class GoodsServiceImpl implements GoodsService { @Autowired GoodsMapper goodsMapper; @Autowired SeckillGoodsMapper seckillGoodsMapper; /** * @author 冷环渊 Doomwatcher * @context:逐个表 匹配查询 * @date: 2022/3/7 16:20 * @param * @return: java.util.List<com.hyc.seckillsystem.vo.GoodVo> */ @Override public List<GoodVo> getlist() { /* 两种方式 * 每个表单独查询 * 从第一个表查多个数据,再根据数据去第二个表中查询 * */ List<goods> goods = goodsMapper.getGoodList(); ArrayList<GoodVo> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (goods good : goods) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap(); map.put("goods_id", good.getGoods_id()); SeckillGoods seckillGoods = seckillGoodsMapper.getSeckillByGoodsId(good.getGoods_id()); GoodVo vo = new GoodVo(); vo.setGoodsId(good.getGoods_id()); vo.setGoodsName(good.getGoods_name()); vo.setGoodType(good.getGoodtype()); vo.setPrice(good.getPrice()); vo.setImgPath(good.getImg_path()); vo.setSeckillPrice(seckillGoods.getSeckill_price()); vo.setStockNum(seckillGoods.getStock_num()); result.add(vo); } return result; } @Override //返回秒杀商品详情页面 public GoodsDetailVo getGoodsDetail(String goodId) { SeckillGoods seckillGoods = seckillGoodsMapper.getSeckillByGoodsId(goodId); goods good = goodsMapper.getGoodsByGoodsId(goodId); //商品表信息1 GoodsDetailVo goodsDetailVo = new GoodsDetailVo(); goodsDetailVo.setGoodsId(good.getGoods_id()); goodsDetailVo.setGoodsName(good.getGoods_name()); goodsDetailVo.setGoodType(good.getGoodtype()); goodsDetailVo.setPrice(good.getPrice()); goodsDetailVo.setImgPath(good.getImg_path()); //秒杀表信息 goodsDetailVo.setSeckillPrice(seckillGoods.getSeckill_price()); goodsDetailVo.setStockNum(seckillGoods.getStock_num()); goodsDetailVo.setStartTime(seckillGoods.getStart_time()); goodsDetailVo.setEndTime(seckillGoods.getEnd_time()); return goodsDetailVo; } /** * @author 冷环渊 Doomwatcher * @context: 联表查询 * @date: 2022/3/7 16:20 * @param * @return: com.hyc.seckillsystem.vo.GoodVo */ @Override public List<GoodVo> selectGoods() { List<goods> goods = goodsMapper.selectGoods(); ArrayList<GoodVo> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (goods good : goods) { GoodVo vo = new GoodVo(); vo.setGoodsId(good.getGoods_id()); vo.setGoodsName(good.getGoods_name()); vo.setGoodType(good.getGoodtype()); vo.setPrice(good.getPrice()); vo.setImgPath(good.getImg_path()); vo.setSeckillPrice(good.getSeckillGoods().getSeckill_price()); vo.setStockNum(good.getSeckillGoods().getStock_num()); result.add(vo); } return result; } }
Controller层,负责控制接口数据和渲染界面的值传递 , 跳转 , 这里基本上不包含业务代码
尽可能的再service层 封装好方法 让Controller只负责调用
@Controller @Slf4j public class GoodsController { @Autowired GoodsService goodsService; @GetMapping(value = "/index") public String list(Model model) { // 逐层调用 List<GoodVo> getlist = goodsService.getlist(); model.addAttribute("goodslist", getlist); return "list"; } @GetMapping(value = "/goodDetail/{goodsId}") public String getGoodDetail(@PathVariable String goodsId, Model model) { GoodsDetailVo goodsDetail = goodsService.getGoodsDetail(goodsId); model.addAttribute("GoodsDetail", goodsDetail); //获取到时间 Date startTime = goodsDetail.getStartTime(); Date endTime = goodsDetail.getEndTime(); Date nowtime = new Date(); /*设置状态值 * 0 未开始 * 1 正在秒杀 * 2 秒杀结束 * */ int status; int remainSeconds = -1; if (nowtime.before(startTime)) { // 秒杀未开始 status = 0; remainSeconds = (int) ((startTime.getTime() - nowtime.getTime()) / 1000); } else if (nowtime.after(endTime)) { //秒杀已经结束 status = 2; } else { //正在秒杀中 status = 1; } model.addAttribute("status", status); model.addAttribute("remainSeconds", remainSeconds); return "Detail"; } }
- 直接处理
- redis 事务处理
- 分布式锁 Lua处理
三种方式 由浅至深的来理解秒杀的思路和超卖问题的解决
- 判断用户id 的有效性 我们没有用户
- 判断goodsid的有效性
- 判断当前是否处于可以秒杀的状态
- 判断是否有剩余库存
- 判断用户的秒杀权限(是否秒杀过)
- 减少库存
- 生成新的订单
public String handle(String userId, String goodsId) { String stockkey = goodsId + "_count"; String startTimekey = goodsId + "_startTime"; String userkey = goodsId + "_" + userId; String dateStr = (String) redisUtil.get(startTimekey); SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Date startTime = null; try { startTime = format.parse(dateStr); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (startTime == null || new Date().before(startTime)) { return "秒杀还没开始"; } int stockNum = (int) redisUtil.get(stockkey); if (stockNum <= 0) { return "秒杀一空"; } if (redisUtil.get(userkey) != null) { return "用户秒杀成功过了"; } //减少库存 redisUtil.decr(stockkey); //限额 1 可以这么处理 //如果限额 多个 可以获取value 自增 redisUtil.set(goodsId + "_" + userId, 1); return userId + "用户秒杀成功"; }
这个时候启动 jmeter 来测试一下接口的结果
- 库存 10
- 一百个线程 抢这 10个 手机
查看 redis 中 库存 key 的数量 为 -4
优秀成熟的数据库 一定会有对事务的支持, redis 也不例外
- watch 设置一个key 表示开始对这个key的命令监听
- multi 将 后续的命令 加入到执行队列里
- exec 出发执行队列里的命令
- discard 停止提交,redis不能回滚
public String handleByTrans(String userId, String goodsId) { String stockkey = goodsId + "_count"; String startTimekey = goodsId + "_startTime"; String userkey = goodsId + "_" + userId; String dateStr = (String) redisUtil.get(startTimekey); SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Date startTime = null; try { startTime = format.parse(dateStr); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (startTime == null || new Date().before(startTime)) { return "秒杀还没开始"; } if (redisUtil.get(userkey) != null) { return "用户秒杀成功过了"; } SessionCallback sessionCallback = new SessionCallback() { @Override public Object execute(RedisOperations redisOperations) throws DataAccessException { // 编写事务逻辑 // 调用 watch 开始事务, mutil 开始将之后的命令加入队列 exec 执行队列里的命令 redisOperations.watch(stockkey); int stockNum = (int) redisUtil.get(stockkey); if (stockNum <= 0) { return "秒杀一空"; } redisOperations.multi(); redisUtil.decr(stockkey); redisUtil.set(userkey, 1); return redisOperations.exec(); } }; redisUtil.execute(sessionCallback); if (redisUtil.hasKey(userkey)) { return userId; } return userId + "秒杀失败"; }
和之前一样的案例 100 抢 10
可以发现使用了 事务之后我们解决了超卖的问题
那除了事务 还有什么方式可以解决超卖问题呢?
脚本语言 : lua
编写lua 脚本
--接受到参数1 local userId = KEYS[1]; --接收到参数2 local goodsId = KEYS[2]; --redis中的 key 存储为 局部变量 --秒杀商品数量 --.. 是lua 里面字符串的拼接 local cntkey = goodsId .. "_count"; --秒杀用户 id local orderkey = goodsId .. "_" .. userId; --判断是否秒杀过 local orderExists = redis.call("get", orderkey); if (orderExists and tonumber(orderExists) == 1) then return 2; end --判断库存是否为空 local num = redis.call("get", cntkey); if (num and tonumber(num) <= 0) then return 0; else -- 秒杀成功 redis.call("decr", cntkey); redis.call("set", orderkey, 1); end return 1
我们可以使用 DefaultRedisScript 类 来执行我们写在 resouce 下的lua脚本
script.setScriptSource(new ResourceScriptSource( new ClassPathResource("lua/sekill.lua")));
设置脚本的位置,之后用之前工具类封装的redis方法将脚本和需要的参数list 传入执行即可
//使用lua 脚本 保证原子性 (分布式锁) @Override public String handleByLua(String userId, String goodsId) { String startTimekey = goodsId + "_startTime"; String dateStr = (String) redisUtil.get(startTimekey); SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Date startTime = null; try { startTime = format.parse(dateStr); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (startTime == null || new Date().before(startTime)) { return "秒杀还没开始"; } DefaultRedisScript<Long> script = new DefaultRedisScript<>(); //设置返回脚本类型 script.setResultType(Long.class); script.setScriptSource(new ResourceScriptSource( new ClassPathResource("lua/sekill.lua"))); List<String> keylist = new ArrayList<>(); keylist.add(userId); keylist.add(goodsId); Object execute = redisUtil.execute(script, keylist); String resultStr = String.valueOf(execute); if ("0".equals(resultStr)) { return "秒杀库存已经空了"; } else if ("1".equals(resultStr)) { return userId; } else if ("2".equals(resultStr)) { return "该用户秒杀过了 =>" + userId; } else { return "秒杀和抢购可能出了点问题,正在紧急维护"; } }
同样的 100 -》 10 ,从结果来看,也是保证了不超卖,不少卖的
@Controller @Slf4j public class redisController { @Autowired redisService redisService; @Autowired RedisUtil redisUtil; // 为了 方面测试 每次重启项目都会重置秒杀次数 @PostConstruct public void initdata() { redisService.initdata(); } @PostMapping(value = "/seckillAPI") public String seckill(String userId, String goodsId, Model model) { String key = goodsId + "_" + userId; if (userId == null || goodsId == null) { return "参数异常"; } String result = redisService.seckill(userId, goodsId); if (redisUtil.hasKey(key)) { log.info(result); model.addAttribute("userId", result); model.addAttribute("goodsId", goodsId); } return "order"; } }
就是查询 必要的信息生成一个订单信息
service 实现类
@Service public class orderServiceImpl implements orderService { @Autowired GoodsMapper goodsMapper; @Autowired SeckillGoodsMapper seckillGoodsMapper; @Autowired orderMapper ordermapper; @Override public orderVo createOrder(order order) { int insert = ordermapper.insert(order); if (insert != 0) { List<order> orders = ordermapper.selectList(null); for (order o : orders) { goods goods = goodsMapper.getGoodsByGoodsId(o.getGoods_id()); SeckillGoods seckillGoods = seckillGoodsMapper.getSeckillByGoodsId(o.getGoods_id()); orderVo orderVo = new orderVo(); orderVo.setOrderId(String.valueOf(o.getId())); orderVo.setUserId(o.getUser_id()); orderVo.setGoodsId(o.getGoods_id()); orderVo.setTelephone(o.getTelephone()); orderVo.setAddress(o.getAddress()); orderVo.setImgPath(goods.getImg_path()); orderVo.setSeckillPrice(seckillGoods.getSeckill_price()); return orderVo; } } return null; } }
等待用户 确认信息之后 就可以生成订单 同步到数据库了
@Controller public class orderController { @Autowired orderService orderService; @PostMapping(value = "/create") public String createOrder(order order, Model model) { orderVo order1 = orderService.createOrder(order); model.addAttribute("orderinfo", order1); return "success"; } }
设计一个秒杀项目 其实要考虑的东西十分的多,我们这次的系统也不是最终的版本,先做出来的核心的,
套用鱼皮的话 先有 再调优 追求更好
- 页面动静分离
- nginx ip 分流
- MQ 流量削峰,异步任务
- 前端验证码
- 数据库与缓存同步策略(MQ redis 都可以实现)
这些都是我在考虑的范围内,今后会不断的学习 晚上其中的内容,