• General AWR data
This data has no security implications. It is safe to be shared among all tenants in a CDB. This data is accessible by all PDBs and is captured in both CDB-level and PDB-level snapshots. Examples of general AWR data include the names of statistics, latches, and parameters.
• AWR data for a CDB
This category aggregates data for all tenants in a CDB. This data contains the status of the database as a whole and is useful only for the CDB administrator. This data is captured only in the CDB-level snapshots.
• AWR data for individual PDBs
This data describes the individual PDBs in a CDB. It shows container-specific data that represents the contribution of each individual PDB to the whole database instance. Therefore, this data is useful for both the CDB and the PDB administrators. This data is captured in both CDB-level and PDB-level snapshots.
To enable automatic snapshots for a PDB, the PDB administrator must connect to that PDB, set the value for the AWR_PDB_AUTOFLUSH_ENABLED parameter to true