[ 序 言 ]
[ Lite_Queue_Config.h 代 码 实 现 ]
#ifndef __LITE_QUEUE_CONFIG_H__ #define __LITE_QUEUE_CONFIG_H__ #define QUEUE_ENABLE 1 #define QUEUE_DISABLE !QUEUE_ENABLE #define QUEUE_DEBUG_ENABLE QUEUE_ENABLE #if(QUEUE_DEBUG_ENABLE) #define log_i(x...) printf(x) #else #define log_i(x...) #endif #define QUEUE_ERROR_CALLBACK QUEUE_DISABLE #endif /* __LITE_QUEUE_CONFIG_H__ */
[ Lite_Queue.h 代 码 实 现 ]
#ifndef __LITE_QUEUE_H__ #define __LITE_QUEUE_H__ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdint.h> #include "Lite_Queue_Config.h" typedef enum { QUEUE_SEND_TO_BACK = 0, /* After the queue is full, if more data is added to the queue, it will return to the initial position and start joining the queue. */ QUEUE_DISCARD, /* After the queue is full, if more data is added to the queue, the current data will be discarded. */ }QueueWriteMode; typedef enum { LITE_QUEUE_LOCK = 0, LITE_QUEUE_UNLOCK, LITE_QUEUE_IDLE, LITE_QUEUE_WRITE_BUSY, LITE_QUEUE_READ_BUSY, LITE_QUEUE_ERR, LITE_QUEUE_OK, LITE_QUEUE_EMPTY, LITE_QUEUE_NONEMPTY, LITE_QUEUE_FULL, LITE_QUEUE_NONEFULL, }LiteQueue_Status; typedef void (*LiteQueue_Callback_t)(LiteQueue_Status status); /* *tail: Move this pointer when writing data ↓ item_num_1 item_num_2 item_num_x --------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- | LiteQueue | | item_size | | item_size | ...... | item_size | --------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ↑ *head: Move the pointer when reading data LiteQueue : Structure describing queue parameters. item_num_x: Number of items. item_size : The size of each list item set when creating the queue, unit: bytes, used to store data received in the queue. */ typedef struct { volatile uint8_t queue_write_lock; /* write queue lock */ volatile uint8_t queue_read_lock; /* read queue lock */ uint8_t *head; /* Point to the head of the queue, du from the head of the queue */ uint8_t *tail; /* Point to the end of the queue and write data from the end of the queue */ size_t item_num; /* The number of list items in the queue */ size_t item_size; /* How much address space each list item occupies, unit: bytes */ size_t unread_item; /* The number of unread list items remaining in the queue */ LiteQueue_Callback_t LiteQueue_Callback; /* Callback function when queue exception occurs */ }LiteQueue, *pLiteQueue; #define LITE_QUEUE_WRITE_LOCK(__QUEUE__) do{ \ if((__QUEUE__)->queue_write_lock == LITE_QUEUE_LOCK) \ { \ (__QUEUE__)->LiteQueue_Callback(LITE_QUEUE_WRITE_BUSY); \ return LITE_QUEUE_WRITE_BUSY; \ } \ else \ { \ (__QUEUE__)->queue_write_lock = LITE_QUEUE_LOCK; \ } \ }while(0) #define LITE_QUEUE_WRITE_UNLOCK(__QUEUE__) do{ \ (__QUEUE__)->queue_write_lock = LITE_QUEUE_UNLOCK; \ }while(0) #define LITE_QUEUE_READ_LOCK(__QUEUE__) do{ \ if((__QUEUE__)->queue_read_lock == LITE_QUEUE_LOCK) \ { \ (__QUEUE__)->LiteQueue_Callback(LITE_QUEUE_READ_BUSY); \ return LITE_QUEUE_READ_BUSY; \ } \ else \ { \ (__QUEUE__)->queue_read_lock = LITE_QUEUE_LOCK; \ } \ }while(0) #define LITE_QUEUE_READ_UNLOCK(__QUEUE__) do{ \ (__QUEUE__)->queue_read_lock = LITE_QUEUE_UNLOCK; \ }while(0) extern LiteQueue *xLiteQueue_Create(size_t item_num, size_t item_size, LiteQueue_Callback_t callback); extern LiteQueue_Status xWrite_To_LiteQueue(LiteQueue *queue, uint8_t *buff, QueueWriteMode WriteMode); extern LiteQueue_Status Read_From_LiteQueue(LiteQueue *queue, uint8_t *buff); extern LiteQueue_Status isLiteQueue_Empty(LiteQueue *queue); extern LiteQueue_Status isLiteQueue_Full(LiteQueue *queue); extern LiteQueue_Status LiteQueue_Clear(LiteQueue *queue); extern LiteQueue_Status LiteQueue_Delete(LiteQueue *queue); #if(QUEUE_ERROR_CALLBACK == QUEUE_ENABLE) #define LiteQueue_Create(item_num, item_size, callback) xLiteQueue_Create(item_num, item_size, callback) #else #define LiteQueue_Create(item_num, item_size) xLiteQueue_Create((item_num), (item_size), NULL) #endif #define Write_Back_To_LiteQueue(queue, buff) xWrite_To_LiteQueue((queue), (buff), (QUEUE_SEND_TO_BACK)) #define Write_Discard_LiteQueue(queue, buff) xWrite_To_LiteQueue((queue), (buff), (QUEUE_DISCARD)) #endif /* __LITE_QUEUE_H__ */
[ Lite_Queue.c 代 码 实 现 ]
#include "Lite_Queue.h" /* * @ brief : Create message queue. * @ param : {size_t } item_num : The number of list items in the queue. {size_t } item_size: The size of each list item, unit: bytes. * @ return: {LiteQueue *} queue : Message queue handle pointer. * @ author: bagy. * @ note : Create a queue and initialize the queue items to 0, with the head and tail pointers pointing to the starting position of the list items. */ LiteQueue *xLiteQueue_Create(size_t item_num, size_t item_size, LiteQueue_Callback_t callback) { if((item_num < 1) || (item_size < 1)) return NULL; LiteQueue *queue = (LiteQueue *)malloc(sizeof(LiteQueue) + item_num * item_size); if(queue == NULL) { log_i("LiteQueue malloc failed.\r\n"); return NULL; } memset((uint8_t *)queue, 0, sizeof(LiteQueue) + item_num * item_size); queue->head = (uint8_t *)((uint8_t *)queue + sizeof(LiteQueue)); queue->tail = queue->head; queue->item_num = item_num; queue->item_size = item_size; queue->queue_read_lock = LITE_QUEUE_UNLOCK; queue->queue_write_lock = LITE_QUEUE_UNLOCK; queue->unread_item = 0; queue->LiteQueue_Callback = callback; return queue; } /* * @ brief : Write data to the queue. * @ param : {LiteQueue *} queue : Message queue handle pointer. {uint8_t *} buff : Data to be written to the queue. {QueueWriteMode } WriteMode: Strategies for writing to the queue. * @ return: {LiteQueue_Status} Returns the status of the queue. * @ author: bagy. * @ note : Writing data when the queue is full will automatically overwrite the first frame of data. */ LiteQueue_Status xWrite_To_LiteQueue(LiteQueue *queue, uint8_t *buff, QueueWriteMode WriteMode) { if((queue == NULL) || (buff == NULL)) return LITE_QUEUE_ERR; LITE_QUEUE_WRITE_LOCK(queue); if(isLiteQueue_Full(queue) == LITE_QUEUE_FULL) { queue->LiteQueue_Callback(LITE_QUEUE_FULL); if(WriteMode == QUEUE_SEND_TO_BACK) log_i("The queue is full, overwriting the data that first entered the queue.\n"); else { LITE_QUEUE_WRITE_UNLOCK(queue); log_i("Queue is full, discard current frame.\n"); return LITE_QUEUE_FULL; } } memcpy(queue->tail, buff, queue->item_size); if(queue->tail == (uint8_t *)queue + sizeof(LiteQueue) + (queue->item_num - 1) * queue->item_size) queue->tail = (uint8_t *)queue + sizeof(LiteQueue); else queue->tail += queue->item_size; queue->unread_item++; if(queue->unread_item >= queue->item_num) queue->unread_item = queue->item_num; LITE_QUEUE_WRITE_UNLOCK(queue); return LITE_QUEUE_OK; } /* * @ brief : Read data from queue. * @ param : {LiteQueue *} queue: Message queue handle pointer. {uint8_t *} buff : Data to be read from the queue. * @ return: {LiteQueue_Status} Returns the status of the queue. * @ author: bagy. * @ note : Read data starting from the position of the head pointer and save it to the buff. */ LiteQueue_Status Read_From_LiteQueue(LiteQueue *queue, uint8_t *buff) { if((queue == NULL) || (buff == NULL) || (isLiteQueue_Empty(queue) == LITE_QUEUE_EMPTY)) return LITE_QUEUE_ERR; LITE_QUEUE_READ_LOCK(queue); memcpy(buff, queue->head, queue->item_size); if(queue->head == (uint8_t *)queue + sizeof(LiteQueue) + (queue->item_num - 1) * queue->item_size) queue->head = (uint8_t *)queue + sizeof(LiteQueue); else queue->head += queue->item_size; queue->unread_item--; LITE_QUEUE_READ_UNLOCK(queue); return LITE_QUEUE_OK; } /* * @ brief : Determine whether the queue is empty. * @ param : {LiteQueue *} queue: Message queue handle pointer. * @ return: {LiteQueue_Status} Returns the status of the queue. * @ author: bagy. * @ note : Determine whether the queue is empty based on the comparison between the number of remaining unread list items and the total list items of the queue. If the number of remaining unread list items is 0, it means that the queue is empty and the queue is not empty. */ inline LiteQueue_Status isLiteQueue_Empty(LiteQueue *queue) { if(queue == NULL) return LITE_QUEUE_ERR; if(!queue->unread_item) return LITE_QUEUE_EMPTY; else return LITE_QUEUE_NONEMPTY; } /* * @ brief : Determine if the queue is full. * @ param : {LiteQueue *} queue: Message queue handle pointer. * @ return: {LiteQueue_Status} Returns the status of the queue. * @ author: bagy. * @ note : Determine whether the queue is full by comparing the number of remaining unread list items with the total list items of the queue. If they are the same, it means the queue is full, otherwise there is still space left in the queue. */ inline LiteQueue_Status isLiteQueue_Full(LiteQueue *queue) { if(queue == NULL) return LITE_QUEUE_ERR; if(queue->unread_item == queue->item_num) return LITE_QUEUE_FULL; else return LITE_QUEUE_NONEFULL; } /* * @ brief : Clear the message queue. * @ param : {LiteQueue *} queue: Message queue handle pointer. * @ return: {LiteQueue_Status} Returns the status of the queue. * @ author: bagy. * @ note : Determine whether the head and tail pointers are the same. If they are the same, it means there is no data in the queue, otherwise it means there is still data that has not been read out. */ LiteQueue_Status LiteQueue_Clear(LiteQueue *queue) { if(queue == NULL) return LITE_QUEUE_ERR; LITE_QUEUE_WRITE_LOCK(queue); LITE_QUEUE_READ_LOCK(queue); queue->head = (uint8_t *)((uint8_t *)queue + sizeof(LiteQueue)); queue->tail = queue->head; queue->unread_item = 0; memset(queue->head, 0, queue->item_num * queue->item_size); LITE_QUEUE_WRITE_UNLOCK(queue); LITE_QUEUE_READ_UNLOCK(queue); return LITE_QUEUE_OK; } /* * @ brief : Clear the message queue. * @ param : {LiteQueue *} queue: Message queue handle pointer. * @ return: {LiteQueue_Status} Returns the status of the queue. * @ author: bagy. * @ note : Determine whether the head and tail pointers are the same. If they are the same, it means there is no data in the queue, otherwise it means there is still data that has not been read out. */ LiteQueue_Status LiteQueue_Delete(LiteQueue *queue) { if(queue == NULL) return LITE_QUEUE_ERR; LITE_QUEUE_WRITE_LOCK(queue); LITE_QUEUE_READ_LOCK(queue); memset((uint8_t *)queue, 0, sizeof(LiteQueue) + queue->item_num * queue->item_size); queue->head = NULL; queue->tail = NULL; queue->LiteQueue_Callback = NULL; free(queue); queue = NULL; return LITE_QUEUE_OK; }
[ main.c 测 试 代 码 实 现 ]
#include "Lite_Queue.h" #define QUEUE_ITEM_NUM 3 #define QUEUE_ITEM_SIZE 10 /* * @ brief : Print the contents of each list item in the queue. * @ param : {LiteQueue *} queue: Message queue handle pointer. * @ return: None. * @ author: bagy. * @ note : None. */ static void PrintLiteQueue(LiteQueue *queue) { if(queue == NULL) return; for(int i = 0; i < queue->item_num; i++) { log_i("[item_num:%d] ", i); for(int n = 0; n < queue->item_size; n++) { log_i("%d ", *((uint8_t *)queue + sizeof(LiteQueue) + i * queue->item_size + n)); } log_i("\n"); } } /* * @ brief : Print the data in buff. * @ param : {const char *} mode : Print mode. {LiteQueue *} queue: Message queue handle pointer. * @ return: None. * @ author: bagy. * @ note : Used to observe buff data changes and test to verify the correctness of written or read data. */ static void PrintBuff(const char *mode, uint8_t *buff, size_t len) { if((buff == NULL) || (len < 1)) return; if(strstr(mode, "write")) log_i("Write buff>>>:"); else log_i("Read buff <<<:"); for(size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { log_i("%d ", buff[i]); } log_i("\n\n"); } /* * @ brief : Queue callback function. * @ param : {LiteQueue_Status} sta: Queue status. * @ return: None. * @ author: bagy. * @ note : When the queue writes or reads abnormally, the upper application will be notified through the callback function. */ #if(QUEUE_ERROR_CALLBACK == QUEUE_ENABLE) void LiteQueue_Callback(LiteQueue_Status sta) { switch(sta) { case LITE_QUEUE_FULL : /*...*/ break; case LITE_QUEUE_WRITE_BUSY: /*...*/ break; case LITE_QUEUE_READ_BUSY : /*...*/ break; default:break; } } #endif int main(void) { uint8_t writebuff[QUEUE_ITEM_SIZE] = {0}; uint8_t readbuff[QUEUE_ITEM_SIZE] = {0}; /* Create message queue, 4 list items, each list item has 10 bytes of memory space */ #if(QUEUE_ERROR_CALLBACK == QUEUE_ENABLE) pLiteQueue msgQueue = LiteQueue_Create(QUEUE_ITEM_NUM, QUEUE_ITEM_SIZE, LiteQueue_Callback); #else pLiteQueue msgQueue = LiteQueue_Create(QUEUE_ITEM_NUM, QUEUE_ITEM_SIZE); #endif PrintLiteQueue(msgQueue); log_i("\n"); /* Simulate writing and reading to the queue 6 times, and observe the data in the queue by printing */ for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { /* Simulate data, change the writebuff data and write it to the queue */ for(int n = 0; n < msgQueue->item_size; n++) writebuff[n] = (i * msgQueue->item_size + n) % 256; /* Data is written to the queue */ Write_Back_To_LiteQueue(msgQueue, writebuff); PrintLiteQueue(msgQueue); log_i("\n"); } /* Read data from queue */ Read_From_LiteQueue(msgQueue, readbuff); PrintBuff("read", readbuff, sizeof(readbuff)); /* Read data from queue */ Read_From_LiteQueue(msgQueue, readbuff); PrintBuff("read", readbuff, sizeof(readbuff)); PrintBuff("write", writebuff, sizeof(writebuff)); /* Data is written to the queue */ Write_Back_To_LiteQueue(msgQueue, writebuff); PrintLiteQueue(msgQueue); return 0; }
[ Makefile ]
Lite_Queue: main.o Lite_Queue.o gcc -o Lite_Queue main.o Lite_Queue.o main.o: main.c Lite_Queue.h gcc -c main.c Lite_Queue.o: Lite_Queue.c Lite_Queue.h Lite_Queue_Config.h gcc -c Lite_Queue.c clean: del -f *.o *.gch
[ 编 译 相 关 ]
编译:make 清除:make clean 运行:.\Lite_Queue.exe