import os import platform import re import subprocess from common import path from common.exception import AndroidSDKUninstalledError, AndroidDevicesNotFoundError from common.logger import logger class ADBRunner: def __init__(self): self._check_adb_is_installed() @staticmethod def run_adb(command): try: result = subprocess.run(command, capture_output=True, text=True, check=True, shell=True) logger.debug(f"Execute adb command: {command}") return result.stdout.strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: logger.error(f"Execute adb command failure: {e}") return None def _check_adb_is_installed(self): result = self.run_adb("adb --version") if not result: raise AndroidSDKUninstalledError('Android SDK is not installed or configured.') return result def adb_connect_device(self, device): return self.run_adb(f'adb connect {device}') def get_connected_device_udids(self): """ 获取所有连接设备的序列号udid """ res = self.run_adb('adb devices') pattern = r'\b((?!of\b)\S+)\s+device' devices = re.findall(pattern, res) if not devices: raise AndroidDevicesNotFoundError('No connected mobile devices found.') logger.info(f'Devices found: {devices}') return devices @property def _grep(self): if platform.system() == 'Windows': return 'findstr' else: return 'grep' def get_activities(self, udid=None): """ 获取当前设备的所有top activities, 输出结果示例: ['com.android.settings/.Settings c4e2e17 pid=3637', 'com.mumu.launcher/.Launcher 9392da7 pid=1434', 'com.android.browser/com.android.settings de68b73 pid=3722'] """ if not udid: udid = self.get_connected_device_udids()[0] command = f'adb -s {udid} shell dumpsys activity top | {self._grep} ACTIVITY' tops = self.run_adb(command).split('ACTIVITY') tops = [top.strip(' ').strip('\n') for top in tops if top] logger.debug(f'The top activities on device {udid} are: {tops}') return tops def get_app_package_and_activity(self, udid=None): """ 从 com.android.settings/.Settings c4e2e17 pid=3637,获取包名和活动页面名称 输出:['com.android.settings', '.Settings'] 用途: capabilities = { "platformName": "Android", "automationName": "uiautomator2", "deviceName": "9YS0220306003185", "appPackage": "com.tencent.mm", # 包名 "appActivity": ".ui.LauncherUI", # 活动页面名称 } """ last_activity_info = self.get_activities(udid)[-1] pattern = r'(\S+) (\S+) pid=(\d+)' match = re.match(pattern, last_activity_info) if match: package, activity = match.group(1).split('/') return [package, activity] else: raise def get_apk_path(self, package_name, udid=None): """ 从设备中使用包名,获取应用程序的APK路径。 """ if not udid: udid = self.get_connected_device_udids()[0] # 使用pm path命令获取应用程序的APK路径 command = f'adb -s {udid} shell pm path {package_name}' result = self.run_adb(command) if result and result.startswith('package:'): apk_path = result.replace('package:', '').strip() return apk_path else: logger.error(f"APK path for package '{package_name}' not found on the device {udid}.") return None def get_apk_version(self, package_name, udid=None): """ 获取应用程序的版本号。 """ if not udid: udid = self.get_connected_device_udids()[0] # 使用dumpsys package命令获取应用程序的版本号 command = f'adb -s {udid} shell dumpsys package {package_name} | {self._grep} versionCode' result = self.run_adb(command) match = re.search(r'versionCode=(\d+)', result) if match: version_code = match.group(1) return version_code else: logger.error(f"Version code not found for package '{package_name}'.") return None def pull_apk_from_device(self, package_name, output_dir=None, apk_name=None, udid=None): """ 根据包名从当前设备中将应用程序的APK文件复制至本地。 用于: capabilities = { "platformName": "Android", "automationName": "uiautomator2", "deviceName": "9YS0220306003185", "app": apk_path, # 用在这里 # "appPackage": "com.tencent.mm", # "appActivity": ".ui.LauncherUI", } """ if not udid: udid = self.get_connected_device_udids()[0] if not output_dir: output_dir = path.get_apk_resources_dir() # 获取应用程序的APK路径 apk_path = self.get_apk_path(package_name) apk_name = apk_name if apk_name else package_name apk_version = self.get_apk_version(package_name) if apk_path: # 构建本地输出路径 local_output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, f"{apk_name}_{apk_version}.apk") # 使用adb pull命令将APK复制到本地 command = f'adb -s {udid} pull {apk_path} {local_output_path}' result = self.run_adb(command) if result: logger.info(f"APK successfully pulled to: {local_output_path}") return local_output_path else: logger.error("Failed to pull APK from device.") if __name__ == '__main__': adb = ADBRunner() print(adb.get_connected_device_udids()) print(adb.get_app_package_and_activity()) print(adb.get_apk_path('cn.com.open.mooc')) print(adb.get_apk_version('cn.com.open.mooc')) print(adb.pull_apk_from_device('cn.com.open.mooc'))