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查看 进程 io 情况
# 查 # 查看 进程 id ps -aux | grep rsync | grep -v grep # 查看 进程 打开的 文件 描述符 lsof -p id # 查看 进程 io 性能 iostat -xm 1
将 块设备 压缩至 文件
To save space, you can compress data produced by dd with gzip, e.g.: dd if=/dev/hdb | gzip -c > /image.img.gz You can restore your disk with: gunzip -c /image.img.gz | dd of=/dev/hdb To save even more space, defragment the drive/partition you wish to clone beforehand (if appropriate), then zero-out all the remaining unused space, making it easier for gzip to compress: mkdir /mnt/hdb mount /dev/hdb /mnt/hdb dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/hdb/zero Wait a bit, dd will eventually fail with a "disk full" message, then: rm /mnt/hdb/zero umount /mnt/hdb dd if=/dev/hdb | gzip -c > /image.img.gz Also, you can get a dd process running in the background to report status by sending it a signal with the kill command, e.g.: dd if=/dev/hdb of=/image.img & kill -SIGUSR1 1234 Check your system - the above command is for Linux, OSX and BSD dd commands differ in the signals they accept (OSX uses SIGINFO - you can press Ctrl+T to report the status).
dd if=/dev/hdb of=/dev/sda