“Authentication is required”

简介: “Authentication is required”

您好,根据您提供的错误信息“Authentication is required”,这意味着SMTP您好,根据您提供的错误信息“Authentication is required”,这意味着SMTP服务器要求您进行身份验证。这种情况可能是由于以下原因导致的:

  1. 您的用户名或密码不正确。
  2. 您的账户已被锁定或禁用。
  3. SMTP服务器的设置发生了变化,需要更新配置。


  1. 确保您输入的用户名和密码是正确的。
  2. 如果您忘记了密码,可以尝试重置密码。
  3. 检查您的账户是否已被锁定或禁用,如果是,请联系您的邮箱提供商以获取帮助。
  4. 检查SMTP服务器的设置,确保它们是正确的。
Unix 数据安全/隐私保护
remote: HTTP Basic: Access denied. The provided password or token is incorrect or your account has 2
remote: HTTP Basic: Access denied. The provided password or token is incorrect or your account has 2
4523 0
NoSQL Redis 数据库
解决noauth authentication required异常
解决noauth authentication required异常
526 0
解决noauth authentication required异常
消息中间件 NoSQL 安全
Redis突然报错 NOAUTH Authentication required
2016年年底有个项目需要用到redis,当时比较忙没有在新机器安装redis,就把我博客那台服务器上的redis地址给了技术的同事。第二天开发的同事告诉我redis连不上了,提示NOAUTH Authentication required,看了redis配置文件并没有设置密码,而且前一天使用的时候正常,我这台服务器也不会有人动。当时并没有深入分析,重启了redis后可以正常使用了。
1030 0
Redis突然报错 NOAUTH Authentication required
Java Maven 数据安全/隐私保护
Could not transfer artifact from/to Authentication failed for 401 Unauthorized
Could not transfer artifact from/to Authentication failed for 401 Unauthorized
539 0
开发工具 数据安全/隐私保护 git
git 报错:Support for password authentication was removed. Please use a personal access token instead.
git 报错:Support for password authentication was removed. Please use a personal access token instead.
419 0
git 报错:Support for password authentication was removed. Please use a personal access token instead.
Missing value auth-url required for auth plugin password
Missing value auth-url required for auth plugin password
667 0
Missing value auth-url required for auth plugin password
Required Remainder
Required Remainder
112 0
Required Remainder
remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021
remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021
388 0
NoSQL Java 程序员
记录:(error) NOAUTH Authentication required...【亲测有效】
记录:(error) NOAUTH Authentication required...【亲测有效】
741 0