
简介: jenkins构建邮件通知






<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>${ENV, var="JOB_NAME"}-第${BUILD_NUMBER}次构建日志</title>
<body leftmargin="8" marginwidth="0" topmargin="8" marginheight="4"
<table class="table" width="1000" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
    <caption align="center"><h3>项目构建信息</h3></caption>
        <td><font color="#CC0000"><b>构建结果 - ${BUILD_STATUS}</b></font></td>
        <td>测试数量-${TEST_COUNTS, var="total"}</td>
            <b><font color="#0B610B">构建报告</font></b>
            <hr size="2" width="100%" align="center"/>
                <li>构建报告:<a href="${BUILD_URL}allure/">${PROJECT_URL}allure/</li>
            <b><font color="#0B610B">构建信息</font></b>
            <hr size="2" width="100%" align="center"/>
                <li>项目名称: ${PROJECT_NAME}</li>
                <li>构建编号: 第${BUILD_NUMBER}次构建</li>
                <li>构建日志:<a href="${BUILD_URL}console">${BUILD_URL}console</a></li>
                <li>构建 Url: <a href="${BUILD_URL}">${BUILD_URL}</a></li>
                <li>工作目录: <a href="${PROJECT_URL}ws">${PROJECT_URL}ws</a></li>
                <li>项目 Url: <a href="${PROJECT_URL}">${PROJECT_URL}</a></li>
            <b><font color="#0B610B">构建详细信息</font></b>
            <hr size="2" width="100%" align="center"/>
                <li>BRANCH_NAME: ${BRANCH_NAME}</li>
                <li>CHANGE_ID: ${CHANGE_ID}</li>
                <li>CHANGE_URL: ${CHANGE_URL}</li>
                <li>CHANGE_TITLE: ${CHANGE_TITLE}</li>
                <li>CHANGE_AUTHOR: ${CHANGE_AUTHOR}</li>
                <li>CHANGE_AUTHOR_EMAIL: ${CHANGE_AUTHOR_EMAIL}</li>
                <li>CHANGE_TARGET: ${CHANGE_TARGET}</li>
                <li>BUILD_NUMBER: ${BUILD_NUMBER}</li>
                <li>BUILD_DISPLAY_NAME: ${BUILD_DISPLAY_NAME}</li>
                <li>BUILD_ID: ${BUILD_ID}</li>
                <li>JOB_NAME: ${JOB_NAME}</li>
                <li>JOB_BASE_NAME: ${JOB_BASE_NAME}</li>
                <li>BUILD_TAG: ${BUILD_TAG}</li>
                <li>EXECUTOR_NUMBER: ${EXECUTOR_NUMBER}</li>
                <li>NODE_NAME: ${NODE_NAME}</li>
                <li>NODE_LABELS: ${NODE_LABELS}</li>
                <li>WORKSPACE: ${WORKSPACE}</li>
                <li>JENKINS_HOME: ${JENKINS_HOME}</li>
                <li>JENKINS_URL: ${JENKINS_URL}</li>
                <li>BUILD_URL: ${BUILD_URL}</li>
                <li>JOB_URL: ${JOB_URL}</li>
                <li>GIT_COMMIT: ${GIT_COMMIT}</li>
                <li>GIT_PREVIOUS_COMMIT: ${GIT_PREVIOUS_COMMIT}</li>
                <li>GIT_BRANCH: ${GIT_BRANCH}</li>
                <li>GIT_LOCAL_BRANCH: ${GIT_LOCAL_BRANCH}</li>
                <li>GIT_URL: ${GIT_URL}</li>
                <li>GIT_COMMITTER_NAME: ${GIT_COMMITTER_NAME}</li>
                <li>GIT_AUTHOR_NAME: ${GIT_AUTHOR_NAME}</li>
                <li>GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL: ${GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL}</li>
                <li>GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL: ${GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL}</li>
                <li>SVN_REVISION: ${SVN_REVISION}</li>
                <li>SVN_URL: ${SVN_URL}</li>
            <h4><font color="#0B610B">失败用例</font></h4>
            <h4><font color="#0B610B">最近提交(#$GIT_REVISION)</font></h4>
                ${CHANGES_SINCE_LAST_SUCCESS, reverse=true, format="%c", changesFormat="
                <li>%d [%a] %m</li>
            <b><font color="#0B610B">变更信息:</font></b>
            <hr size="2" width="100%" align="center"/>
                    上次构建成功后变化 : ${CHANGES_SINCE_LAST_SUCCESS, reverse=true, format="%c", changesFormat="<li>%d [%a] %m</li>"}
                <li>上次构建不稳定后变化 : ${CHANGES_SINCE_LAST_UNSTABLE, reverse=true, format="%c", changesFormat="<li>%d [%a] %m</li>"}
                <li>历史变更记录 : <a href="${PROJECT_URL}changes">${PROJECT_URL}changes</a></li>
        <td><b><font color="#0B610B">构建日志 (最后 200行):</font></b>
            <hr size="2" width="100%" align="center"/>
        <td><textarea cols="120" rows="30" readonly="readonly"
                      style="font-family: Courier New">${BUILD_LOG, maxLines=200}</textarea>



Arguments may be given for each token in the form name="value" for strings and in the form name=value for booleans and numbers. In string arguments, escape ", \, and line terminators (\n or \r\n) with a \, e.g. arg1="\"quoted\""; arg2="c:\\path"; and arg3="one\ntwo". The brackets may be omitted if there are no arguments.
Examples: $TOKEN, ${TOKEN}, ${TOKEN, count=100}, ${ENV, var="PATH"}
Project Tokens
This is the default email subject that is configured in Jenkinss system configuration page.
This is the default email content that is configured in Jenkinss system configuration page.
This is the default pre-send script content that is configured in Jenkinss system configuration. This is the only token supported in the pre-send script entry field.
This is the default post-send script content that is configured in Jenkinss system configuration. This is the only token supported in the post-send script entry field.
This is the default email subject for this project. The result of using this token in the advanced configuration is what is in the Default Subject field above. WARNING: Do not use this token in the Default Subject or Content fields. Doing this has an undefined result.
This is the default email content for this project. The result of using this token in the advanced configuration is what is in the Default Content field above. WARNING: Do not use this token in the Default Subject or Content fields. Doing this has an undefined result.
Extended Email Publisher Specific Tokens
Custom message content generated from a Jelly script template. There are two templates provided: "html" and "text". Custom Jelly templates should be placed in <tt>$JENKINS_HOME/email-templates</tt>. When using custom templates, the template filename without ".jelly" should be used for the "template" argument. You may also use the Config File Provider plugin to manage your templates. Prefix the managed file NAME with "managed:" for the template parameter. (Example: <tt>${JELLY_SCRIPT, template="managed:ManagedFileName"}</tt>)
Custom message content generated from a Groovy script. Custom scripts should be placed in <tt>$JENKINS_HOME/email-templates</tt>. When using a custom script the plugin will look in the resources forthe email-ext plugin first, and then in the <tt>$JENKINS_HOME/email-templates</tt>directory. No other directories will be searched. You may also use the Config File Provider plugin to manage your scripts. Prefix the managed file NAME with <tt>managed:</tt> for the template or script parameter. (Example: <tt>${SCRIPT, template="managed:ManagedFileName"}</tt>)
When this is used, only the last value in the script will be used in the expansion (script and template can not be used together).
The template in Groovy's SimpleTemplateEngine format.
Custom message content generated from a template file. Custom templates should be placed in <tt>$JENKINS_HOME/email-templates</tt>. When using a custom script the plugin will look in the resources forthe email-ext plugin first, and then in the <tt>$JENKINS_HOME/email-templates</tt>directory. No other directories will be searched. You may also use the Config File Provider plugin to manage your templates. Use the "Custom File" config type for the template. Prefix the managed file NAME with "managed:" for the file parameter. (Example: <tt>${TEMPLATE, file="managed:ManagedFileName"}</tt>)
The template in plain text format.
Token Macro Plugin Tokens
Displays failing unit test information, if any tests failed.
Shows stack trace in failing test output. Defaults to true.
Shows error message in failing test output. Defaults to true.
Display at most this many tests. No limit is set by default.
Display only the failing tests that are different from previous builds. Defaults to false.
If set to true escapes characters in errors details and stack traces using HTML entities. Defaults to false.
Displays the number of tests based on the type (var) passed in (total, pass, fail, skip). Defaults to total.
Expands to the name of the branch that was built.
If specified, all the branches that point to the given commit is listed. By default, the token expands to just one of them.
If specified, this token expands to the full branch name, such as 'origin/master'. Otherwise, it only expands to the short name, such as 'master'.
Expands to the Git SHA1 commit ID that points to the commit that was built.
length=N (optional, default to 40)
Specify the commit ID length. Full SHA1 commit ID is 40 character long, but it is common to cut it off at 8 or 12 as that often provide enough uniqueness and is a lot more legible.
Displays the email address for the Jenkins administrator
Displays the cause of the build.
Displays an excerpt from the build log.
Regular expression to match the excerpt starting line (matching line is excluded).
Regular expression to match the excerpt ending line (matching line is excluded).
See java.util.regex.Pattern
Displays the end of the build log.
Display at most this many lines of the log. Defaults to 250.
If true, HTML is escape. Defaults to false.
Displays build log segments that match the regular expression.
Segments of the build log that match this regular expression are included. See also null. No default. Required parameter
The maximum number of matches to include. If 0, all matches will be included. Defaults to 0.
If true, include [...truncated ### lines...] lines. Defaults to true.
If non-null, insert this text into the email rather than the entire segment. Defaults to null.
If true, escape HTML. Defaults to false.
If non-null, output HTML. Matched lines will become <b style="your-style-value">html escaped matched lines</b>. Defaults to null.
Displays lines from the build log that match the regular expression.
Lines that match this regular expression are included. See also java.util.regex.Pattern.Defaults to "(?i)\\b(error|exception|fatal|fail(ed|ure)|un(defined|resolved))\\b"
The number of lines to include before the matching line. Lines that overlap with another match or linesAfter are only inlcuded once. Defaults to 0.
The number of lines to include after the matching line. Lines that overlap with another match or linesBefore are only included once. Defaults to 0.
The maximum number of matches to include from the head of the log. If 0, all matches will be included. Defaults to 0.
The maximum number of matches to include from the tail of the log. When combined with maxMatches, it further limits the matches to the tail end of matched results. If 0, all matches will be included. Defaults to 0.
If true, include [...truncated ### lines...] lines. Defaults to true.
If non-null, insert this text into the email rather than the entire line. Defaults to null.
If true, escape HTML. Defauts to false.
If non-null, output HTML. Matched lines will become <b style="your-style-value"> html escaped matched line</b>. Defaults to null.
If true, adds a newline after subsText. Defaults to true.
This value will be used if nothing is replaced.
When false and maxMatches is non-zero it causes more conservative addition of results when used with other parameters such as linesBefore and linesAfter
Expands to the current build number, a sequential auto-incrementing unique number that identifies the build, such as "125"
Displays the status of the current build. (failing, success, etc...)
Displays the URL for the current build
Displays the changes since the last build.
If true, changes to projects this build depends on are shown. Defaults to false
If true, the paths, modified by a commit are shown. Defaults to false
For each commit listed, a string containing %X, where %x is one of:
Not all revision systems support %d and %r. If specified showPaths argument is ignored. Defaults to "[%a] %m\\n"
A string containing %p to indicate how to print paths. Defaults to "\\t%p\\n"
A regular expression.
A replacement for all sub-strings of the change message that match the given regular expression.
Message to use when no changes are detected. Defaults to "No changes\n"
Displays the changes since the last successful build.
If true, show most recent builds at the top instead of the bottom. Defaults to false.
For each build listed, a string containing %X, where %X is one of
build number
Defaults to Changes for Build #%n\n%c\n
For each change in a build. See ${CHANGES_SINCE_LAST_BUILD} for placeholders.
Following Parameters are also supported: showPaths, pathFormat, showDependencies, dateFormat, regex, replace, default. See ${CHANGES_SINCE_LAST_BUILD} details.
Expands to the changes since the last unstable or successful build.
If true, show most recent builds at the top instead of the bottom. Defaults to false.
For each build listed, a string containing %X, where %X is one of
build number
Defaults to Changes for Build #%n\n%c\n
For each change in a build. See ${CHANGES_SINCE_LAST_BUILD} for placeholders.
Following Parameters are also supported: showPaths, pathFormat, showDependencies, dateFormat, regex, replace, default. See ${CHANGES_SINCE_LAST_BUILD} details.
Expands to an environment variable (specified here as VARIABLENAME) from the build environment. Note that this does not include any variables set by the build scripts themselves, only those set by Jenkins and other plugins.
Displays the URL to the Jenkins server. (You can change this on the system configuration page.)
Displays the description of the job.
Uses a regular expression to find a single log entry and generates a new output using the capture groups from it. This is partially based on the description-setter plugin (
Displays the project's full name. (See AbstractProject.getFullDisplayName)
Displays the project's display name. (See AbstractProject.getDisplayName)
Displays a URL to the project's page.
Expands to the value of a property in a property file. The filename is relative to the build workspace root.
Expands to the contents of a file. The file path is relative to the build workspace root.
Expands to the result(s) of an XPath expression run against the given XML file.
If the XPath evaluates to more than one value, then a semicolon-separated string is returned.
The file path is relative to the build workspace root.
In addition to the tokens, you can modify the result of the token expansion using parameter expansions. They follow similar rules as bash Parameter Expansions. The supported expansions are: ${#TOKEN} which resolves to the length of the expanded token value, ${TOKEN:offset:length} which takes a substring of the token result (length is optional and offset and length can both be negative), ${TOKEN#pattern} which matches the pattern against the start of the expanded token and removes it if it, ${TOKEN%pattern} which matches the pattern against the end of the expanded token and removes it it if matches.



post {
  always {
    // One or more steps need to be included within each condition's block.


emailext body: '${FILE,path="email.html"}', subject: '构建通知:${PROJECT_NAME} - Build # ${BUILD_NUMBER} - ${BUILD_STATUS}!', to: ''


pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('pull') {
            steps {
                checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/${branches}']], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: '83039753-8e29-49c9-8e1a-f2c33c4cb847', url: 'git@']]])
        stage('build') {
            steps {
                sh label: '', script: 'mvn clean package'
        stage('publish') {
            steps {
                deploy adapters: [tomcat8(credentialsId: '15efa4d4-9b32-4c8d-a0b6-2aa89b72191f', path: '', url: '')], contextPath: null, war: 'target/*.war'
    post {
        always {
                body: '${FILE,path="email.html"}',
                subject: '构建通知:${PROJECT_NAME} - Build # ${BUILD_NUMBER} - ${BUILD_STATUS}!', 
                to: ','



勾选Allow sending to unregistered users


顺带一提,可以安装一个workspace cleanup plugin插件



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Jenkins Pipeline 参数化构建
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如何在 Jenkins 中配置邮件通知?
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使用 Jenkins 监控和优化构建性能
【8月更文第31天】在软件开发的过程中,构建性能直接影响着开发效率和团队的生产力。一个快速、可靠的构建流程可以显著加快迭代速度,减少等待时间,使团队能够更快地响应变化。Jenkins 作为一款广泛使用的持续集成/持续交付(CI/CD)工具,提供了丰富的功能来帮助开发者监控和优化构建性能。本文将探讨如何利用 Jenkins 的内置工具和外部工具来监控构建性能,并提出一些具体的优化方案。
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Jenkins 构建环境指南
Delete workspace before build starts(常用) 在每次构建开始前清空工作空间。这确保了每次构建开始时都是在一个干净的环境下进行,避免了旧的文件或数据对新构建的影响。特别是对于需要频繁构建的项目,保持工作空间的干净能够确保构建过程的可靠性。 Use secret text(s) or file(s) (常用) 允许你在构建过程中使用加密的文本或文件作为凭证。这对于需要访问受保护资源的构建任务非常有用,可以安全地存储和使用密码、API 密钥等敏感信息,而不用担心泄漏。
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云原生时代:从Jenkins到Argo Workflows,构建高效CI Pipeline
基于Argo Workflows可以构建大规模、高效率、低成本的CI流水线