【已解决】SQL2012启动时报错:cannot find one or more cpmponents

简介: 下载Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Shell(Isolate)-CHS安装即可下载地址:Visual Studio 独立 Shell下载及安装:点击同意许可,选择vs2010独立shell(zh-CN)安装完成,重启SQL ServerManagement Studio 即可

下载Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Shell(Isolate)-CHS安装即可

下载地址:Visual Studio 独立 Shell


安装完成,重启SQL Server Management Studio 即可


以上就是【已解决】SQL2012启动时报错:cannot find one or more cpmponents的介绍,做此记录,如有帮助,欢迎点赞关注收藏!

SQL 数据库 Windows
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【Java异常】java.sql.SQLExcetion:Cannot convert value “0000-00-00 00:00:00” from column 9 to TIMESTAMP
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spring boot集成mybatis只剩两个sql 并提示 Cannot obtain primary key information from the database, generated objects may be incomplete
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spring boot集成mybatis只剩两个sql 并提示 Cannot obtain primary key information from the database, generated objects may be incomplete