Mysql报错:InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a fil..的解决方法

云数据库 RDS MySQL Serverless,0.5-2RCU 50GB
云数据库 RDS MySQL Serverless,价值2615元额度,1个月
简介: Mysql报错:InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a fil..的解决方法


[root@localhost ~]# systemctl start mysqld
Job for mysqld.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status mysqld.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.


1. systemctl status mysqld.service

[root@localhost ~]# systemctl status mysqld.service
● mysqld.service - MySQL Server
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/mysqld.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: failed (Result: start-limit) since 六 2020-03-14 03:55:06 CST; 14s ago
     Docs: man:mysqld(8)
  Process: 73992 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/mysqld --daemonize --pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/ $MYSQLD_OPTS (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
  Process: 73975 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/mysqld_pre_systemd (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 72217 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
3月 14 03:55:06 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Failed to start MySQL Server.
3月 14 03:55:06 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Unit mysqld.service entered failed state.
3月 14 03:55:06 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: mysqld.service failed.
3月 14 03:55:06 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: mysqld.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
3月 14 03:55:06 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Stopped MySQL Server.
3月 14 03:55:06 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: start request repeated too quickly for mysqld.service
3月 14 03:55:06 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Failed to start MySQL Server.
3月 14 03:55:06 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Unit mysqld.service entered failed state.
3月 14 03:55:06 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: mysqld.service failed.

2. journalctl -xe

[root@localhost ~]# journalctl -xe
-- Support:
-- Unit mysqld.service has failed.
-- The result is failed.
3月 14 03:55:04 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Unit mysqld.service entered failed state.
3月 14 03:55:04 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: mysqld.service failed.
3月 14 03:55:05 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: mysqld.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
3月 14 03:55:05 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Stopped MySQL Server.
-- Subject: Unit mysqld.service has finished shutting down
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit mysqld.service has finished shutting down.
3月 14 03:55:05 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting MySQL Server...
-- Subject: Unit mysqld.service has begun start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit mysqld.service has begun starting up.
3月 14 03:55:06 localhost.localdomain mysqld[73992]: Initialization of mysqld failed: 0
3月 14 03:55:06 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: mysqld.service: control process exited, code=exited status=1
3月 14 03:55:06 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Failed to start MySQL Server.
-- Subject: Unit mysqld.service has failed
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit mysqld.service has failed.
-- The result is failed.
3月 14 03:55:06 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Unit mysqld.service entered failed state.
3月 14 03:55:06 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: mysqld.service failed.
3月 14 03:55:06 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: mysqld.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
3月 14 03:55:06 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Stopped MySQL Server.
-- Subject: Unit mysqld.service has finished shutting down
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit mysqld.service has finished shutting down.
3月 14 03:55:06 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: start request repeated too quickly for mysqld.service
3月 14 03:55:06 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Failed to start MySQL Server.
-- Subject: Unit mysqld.service has failed
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit mysqld.service has failed.
-- The result is failed.
3月 14 03:55:06 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Unit mysqld.service entered failed state.
3月 14 03:55:06 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: mysqld.service failed.


[root@localhost ~]# cat /var/log/mysqld.log
2020-03-13T18:53:16.099273Z 0 [ERROR] InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation.
2020-03-13T18:53:16.099347Z 0 [ERROR] InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to the directory.
2020-03-13T18:53:16.099357Z 0 [ERROR] InnoDB: os_file_get_status() failed on './ibdata1'. Can't determine file permissions
2020-03-13T18:53:16.099369Z 0 [ERROR] InnoDB: Plugin initialization aborted with error Generic error
2020-03-13T18:53:16.718886Z 0 [ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' init function returned error.
2020-03-13T18:53:16.718953Z 0 [ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' registration as a STORAGE ENGINE failed.
2020-03-13T18:53:16.718962Z 0 [ERROR] Failed to initialize builtin plugins.
2020-03-13T18:53:16.718966Z 0 [ERROR] Aborting



[ERROR] InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation.
[ERROR] InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to the directory.
[ERROR] InnoDB: os_file_get_status() failed on './ibdata1'. Can't determine file permissions
[ERROR] InnoDB: Plugin initialization aborted with error Generic error
[ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' init function returned error.
[ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' registration as a STORAGE ENGINE failed.
[ERROR] Failed to initialize builtin plugins.
[ERROR] Aborting
[错误] InnoDB:文件操作中的操作系统错误号13。
[错误] InnoDB:该错误意味着mysqld没有访问该目录的权限。
[错误] InnoDB: os_file_get_status()在上失败。/ibdata1。无法确定文件权限
[错误] InnoDB:插件初始化中止,出现错误一般错误


[root@localhost ~]# getenforce    //查看selinux状态
[root@localhost ~]# setenforce 0    //临时关闭selinux,重启后失效
[root@localhost ~]# getenforce
[root@localhost ~]# systemctl start mysqld     //启动mysql服务成功
[root@localhost ~]# ss -antulp | grep :3306
tcp    LISTEN     0      80     [::]:3306               [::]:*                   users:(("mysqld",pid=74057,fd=17))


[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/selinux/config
# This file controls the state of SELinux on the system.
# SELINUX= can take one of these three values:
#     enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.
#     permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.
#     disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded.
# SELINUXTYPE= can take one of three two values:
#     targeted - Targeted processes are protected,
#     minimum - Modification of targeted policy. Only selected processes are protected. 
#     mls - Multi Level Security protection.


[root@localhost ~]# cp -r /etc/selinux/config /etc/selinux/config.bak
[root@localhost ~]# sed -i 's/SELINUX=enforcing/\SELINUX=disabled/' /etc/selinux/config
[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/selinux/config
# This file controls the state of SELinux on the system.
# SELINUX= can take one of these three values:
#     enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.
#     permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.
#     disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded.
# SELINUXTYPE= can take one of three two values:
#     targeted - Targeted processes are protected,
#     minimum - Modification of targeted policy. Only selected processes are protected. 
#     mls - Multi Level Security protection.
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