P1093 [NOIP2007 普及组] 奖学金(模拟排序)

简介: P1093 [NOIP2007 普及组] 奖学金(模拟排序)

Description of the topic

A primary school recently received a grant to offer scholarships to top five students with outstanding academic performance. At the end of the term, each student has three subjects: Chinese, Maths, and English. First according to the total score from high to low sort, if the total score of two students is the same, and then according to the language score from high to low sort, if the total score of two students and language scores are the same, then the provisions of the small number of students in front, so that each student's ranking is the only certainty.

Task: The total score is calculated based on the results of the 3 courses entered, then sorted by the above rules, and finally output the top five students' school numbers and total scores in the ranking order. Note that in the top 5 students, each person's scholarship is different, so you must strictly follow the above rules. For example, in a correct answer, if the output data for the first two rows (two numbers per row: school number, total score) is:

77 279279

55 279279

The meaning of these two rows of data is: the two students with the highest total score are 77th and 55th in turn. The total scores of the two students were 279279 (the total score was equal to the sum of the three subjects of input, mathematics and English), but the students with the number 77 had higher scores in Chinese. If your top two output data is:

55 279279

77 279279

Error handling by output, no score can be scored.

Enter the format

A total of n1 lines.

The 11th behavior is a positive integer n (sle 300)n (≤300), indicating the number of students participating in the selection.

On lines 22 to n1n1, each row has 33 numbers separated by spaces, each between 00 and 100100. The 33 numbers in line jj indicate, in turn, the scores of students with the number j-1j-1 in Chinese, math, and English. Each student's number is numbered 1 to n1 n in the order in which they are entered (exactly the line number minus 11 of the input data).

The data given are correct and need not be tested.

Thanks to Huang Xiao U Drinks for correcting the input format

The output format

There are 5 rows, each of which is a positive integer separated by spaces, representing the number and total score of the first 55 students in turn.

A sample of the input and output

Enter #1 copy

1. 6
2. 90 67 80
3. 87 66 91
4. 78 89 91
5. 88 99 77
6. 67 89 64
7. 78 89 98

Output #1 copy

1. 6 265
2. 4 264
3. 3 258
4. 2 244
5. 1 237

Enter #2 copy

1. 8
2. 80 89 89
3. 88 98 78
4. 90 67 80
5. 87 66 91
6. 78 89 91
7. 88 99 77
8. 67 89 64
9. 78 89 98

Output #2 copy

1. 8 265
2. 2 264
3. 6 264
4. 1 258
5. 5 258


const int maxn=1e6+7;
using namespace std;
struct node
  int sum;
  int x,y,z;
  int num;
bool cmp(node a,node b)
  if(a.sum>b.sum)return 1;
  else if(a.sum<b.sum)return 0;
    if(a.x>b.x)return 1;
    else if(a.x<b.x) return 0;
      if(a.num<b.num)return 1;
      else return 0; 
int main()
  int t;
  for(int i=1;i<=t;i++)
  for(int i=1;i<=5;i++)
    cout<<s[i].num<<' '<<s[i].sum<<endl; 
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