22 重启设备 <swith1>reboot Info: The system is now comparing the configuration, please wait. Warning: All the configuration will be saved to the configuration file for the n ext startup:, Continue?[Y/N]:y Now saving the current configuration to the slot 0. Save the configuration successfully. Info: If want to reboot with saving diagnostic information, input 'N' and then e xecute 'reboot save diagnostic-information'. System will reboot! Continue?[Y/N]:Y Jul 8 2023 16:43:18-08:00 swith1 %%01CMD/4/REBOOT(l)[1]:The user chose Y when d eciding whether to reboot the system. (Task=co0, Ip=**, User=**) <swith1> Jul 8 2023 16:43:18-08:00 swith1 %%01IFNET/4/BOARD_DISABLE(l)[2]:Board 0 has be en unavailable. Jul 8 2023 16:43:18-08:00 swith1 %%01IFPDT/4/IF_STATE(l)[3]:GigabitEthernet0/0/ 1 has turned into DOWN state. Jul 8 2023 16:43:18-08:00 swith1 %%01IFNET/4/IF_DISABLE(l)[4]:Interface Gigabit Ethernet0/0/1 has been unavailable. Jul 8 2023 16:43:18-08:00 swith1 %%01IFPDT/4/IF_STATE(l)[5]:GigabitEthernet0/0/ 2 has turned into DOWN state. Jul 8 2023 16:43:18-08:00 swith1 %%01IFNET/4/IF_DISABLE(l)[6]:Interface Gigabit Ethernet0/0/2 has been unavailable. Jul 8 2023 16:43:18-08:00 swith1 %%01IFPDT/4/IF_STATE(l)[7]:GigabitEthernet0/0/ 3 has turned into DOWN state. Jul 8 2023 16:43:18-08:00 swith1 %%01IFNET/4/IF_DISABLE(l)[8]:Interface Gigabit Ethernet0/0/3 has been unavailable. Jul 8 2023 16:43:18-08:00 swith1 %%01IFNET/4/IF_STATE(l)[9]:Interface Vlanif1 h as turned into DOWN state. Jul 8 2023 16:43:18-08:00 swith1 %%01IFPDT/4/IF_STATE(l)[10]:GigabitEthernet0/0 /4 has turned into DOWN state. Jul 8 2023 16:43:18-08:00 swith1 %%01IFNET/4/IF_DISABLE(l)[11]:Interface Gigabi tEthernet0/0/4 has been unavailable. Jul 8 2023 16:43:18-08:00 swith1 %%01IFNET/4/IF_DISABLE(l)[12]:Interface Gigabi tEthernet0/0/5 has been unavailable. Jul 8 2023 16:43:18-08:00 swith1 %%01IFNET/4/IF_DISABLE(l)[13]:Interfa
22 [SW1]user-interface console 0 //进入终端进行配置 [SW1-ui-console0]authentication-mode password //启用密码认证 [SW1-ui-console0]set authentication password cipher 123456 //设置终端密码为123456(密文) **想要验证密码,在用户视图中直接敲入quit
[Huawei]dis [Huawei]display in [Huawei]display increment-command Error: Please execute this command on the administrator switch. [Huawei]dis [Huawei]display ^ Error:Incomplete command found at '^' position. [Huawei] <Huawei> <Huawei>dis <Huawei>display cuur <Huawei>display cur <Huawei>display current-configuration # sysname Huawei # cluster enable ntdp enable ndp enable # drop illegal-mac alarm # diffserv domain default # drop-profile default # aaa authentication-scheme default authorization-scheme default accounting-scheme default domain default domain default_admin local-user admin password simple admin local-user admin service-type http # interface Vlanif1 # interface MEth0/0/1 # interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1 # interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2 # interface GigabitEthernet0/0/3 # interface GigabitEthernet0/0/4 # interface GigabitEthernet0/0/5 # interface GigabitEthernet0/0/6 # interface GigabitEthernet0/0/7 # interface GigabitEthernet0/0/8 # interface GigabitEthernet0/0/9 # interface GigabitEthernet0/0/10 # interface GigabitEthernet0/0/11 # interface GigabitEthernet0/0/12 # interface GigabitEthernet0/0/13 # interface GigabitEthernet0/0/14 # interface GigabitEthernet0/0/15 # interface GigabitEthernet0/0/16 # interface GigabitEthernet0/0/17 # interface GigabitEthernet0/0/18 # interface GigabitEthernet0/0/19 # interface GigabitEthernet0/0/20 # interface GigabitEthernet0/0/21 # interface GigabitEthernet0/0/22 # interface GigabitEthernet0/0/23 # interface GigabitEthernet0/0/24 # interface NULL0 # ospf 1 # user-interface con 0 user-interface vty 0 4 # return <Huawei>
[s1-ui-console0]set au [s1-ui-console0]set authentication p [s1-ui-console0]set authentication password ci [s1-ui-console0]set authentication password cipher 123 [s1-ui-console0] Jul 8 2023 17:24:59-08:00 s1 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID 191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 7, the ch ange loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095. [s1-ui-console0] [s1-ui-console0]quit [s1-ui-console0]quit [s1] [s1]quit [s1]quit <s1>sys Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z. [s1] <s1> <s1>QUIT User interface con0 is available
<Huawei> <Huawei>sys Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z. [Huawei]in [Huawei]info-center ^ Error:Incomplete command found at '^' position. [Huawei]inter [Huawei]interface g0/0/1 [Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] Jul 8 2023 17:21:53-08:00 Huawei %%01PHY/1/PHY(l)[0]: GigabitEthernet0/0/2: change status to down Jul 8 2023 17:21:54-08:00 Huawei %%01PHY/1/PHY(l)[1]: GigabitEthernet0/0/2: change status to up [Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]dis [Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]display this # interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1 # return [Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] <Huawei>dis ver <Huawei>dis version Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software VRP (R) software, Version 5.110 (S5700 V200R001C00) Copyright (c) 2000-2011 HUAWEI TECH CO., LTD Quidway S5700-28C-HI Routing Switch uptime is 0 week, 0 day, 0 hour, 9 minutes <Huawei>sys
Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z. [Huawei]sysn [Huawei]sysname s1 [Huawei]sysname s1 [s1] Jul 8 2023 17:23:29-08:00 s1 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID 191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 5, the ch ange loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095. [s1] [s1] [s1]user [s1]user-in [s1]user-interface co [s1]user-interface console 0 [s1]user-interface console 0 [s1-ui-console0]aus [s1-ui-console0]aut [s1-ui-console0]authentication-mode pa [s1-ui-console0]authentication-mode password [s1-ui-console0] [s1-ui-console0] Jul 8 2023 17:24:29-08:00 s1 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID 191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 6, the ch ange loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.
[s1-ui-console0]set au [s1-ui-console0]set authentication p [s1-ui-console0]set authentication password ci [s1-ui-console0]set authentication password cipher 123 [s1-ui-console0] Jul 8 2023 17:24:59-08:00 s1 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID 191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 7, the ch ange loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095. [s1-ui-console0] [s1-ui-console0]quit [s1-ui-console0]quit [s1] [s1]quit [s1]quit <s1>sys Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z. [s1] <s1> <s1>QUIT User interface con0 is available
ENSP操作指令 总结性语句一
1 ipconfig 查看 pc机的IP地址
2 ping 连接的IP地址
3 system-view 进入系统视图
4 [Huawei]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/1 进入接口视图 过0/0/1
5 quit 返回上一层视图
6 ctrl+Z 快速返回用户视图
7 [sy]sysname tedu-ntd-lswl 进入系统视图改名字
8 shutdown 禁用
9 undo shutdown 启用
10 display current-configuration 查看当前配置
11 save 保存配置
12 [tedu-ntd-lsw1] user-interface console 0 //进终端配置
13 [tedu-ntd-lsw1-ui-console0] set authentication password cipher Taren1 //设置终端登录密码为 Taren1
14 [tedu-ntd-lsw1-ui-console0] authentication-mode password //启用密码认证
15 [tedu-ntd-lsw1-ui-console0] idle-timeout 2880 //将闲置超时设为2880分钟
16 <tedu-ntd-lsw1> reset saved-configuration Warning: The action will delete the saved configuration in the device. The configuration will be erased to reconfigure. Continue? [Y/N]:Y //提示是否恢复选Y <tedu-ntd-lsw1> reboot Info: The system is now comparing the configuration, please wait. Warning: All the configuration will be saved to the configuration file for the n ext startup:, Continue?[Y/N]:N //提示是否保存选N Info: If want to reboot with saving diagnostic information, input 'N' and then e xecute 'reboot save diagnostic-information'. System will reboot! Continue?[Y/N]:Y //提示是否重启选Y .. .. <Huawei> //重启完毕后,已恢复出厂设置
1 ipconfig 查看 pc机的IP地址 2 ping 连接的IP地址 3 system-view 进入系统视图 4 [Huawei]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/1 进入接口视图 过0/0/1 5 quit 返回上一层视图 6 ctrl+Z 快速返回用户视图 7 [sy]sysname tedu-ntd-lswl 进入系统视图改名字 8 shutdown 禁用 9 undo shutdown 启用 10 display current-configuration 查看当前配置 11 save 保存配置 12 [tedu-ntd-lsw1] user-interface console 0 //进终端配置 13 [tedu-ntd-lsw1-ui-console0] set authentication password cipher Taren1 //设置终端登录密码为 Taren1 14 [tedu-ntd-lsw1-ui-console0] authentication-mode password //启用密码认证 15 [tedu-ntd-lsw1-ui-console0] idle-timeout 2880 //将闲置超时设为2880分钟
<Huawei>u t m //关闭日志提示 <Huawei>la c //改变语言模式为中文 Change language mode, confirm? [Y/N] y <Huawei>dis ver <Huawei>sys [Huawei]sy tedu-ntd-lsw1 [tedu-ntd-lsw1]int g0/0/10 [tedu-ntd-lsw1-GigabitEthernet0/0/10]sh [tedu-ntd-lsw1-GigabitEthernet0/0/10]undo sh [tedu-ntd-lsw1-GigabitEthernet0/0/10]quit [tedu-ntd-lsw1]dis cur [tedu-ntd-lsw1]user-i co 0 [tedu-ntd-lsw1-ui-console0]auth p [tedu-ntd-lsw1-ui-console0]set a p c Taren1 [tedu-ntd-lsw1-ui-console0]ret <tedu-ntd-lsw1>save 是否继续?[Y/N]y <tedu-ntd-lsw1>quit Please Press ENTER. Login authentication Password: //输入密码Taren1 <tedu-ntd-lsw1>u t m <tedu-ntd-lsw1>sy [tedu-ntd-lsw1]user-i co 0 [tedu-ntd-lsw1-ui-console0]i 1440 [tedu-ntd-lsw1-ui-console0]return <tedu-ntd-lsw1>res sa The configuration will be erased to reconfigure. Continue? [Y/N]:y <tedu-ntd-lsw1>reboot ext startup:, Continue?[Y/N]:n System will reboot! Continue?[Y/N]:y