MD5 Encryption Of String ( UTF-8 ) / UE4 DTMd5 Plugin description

简介: MD5 Encryption Of String ( UTF-8 ) / UE4 DTMd5 Plugin description

MD5 Encrypt

The string is encrypted into MD5 format. This function will convert the string into UTF-8 format, and then perform MD5 calculation and encryption, which can be used in common with the encryption algorithm of ordinary web pages.


MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm, a widely used cryptographic hash function that produces a 128-bit (16-byte) hash value used to ensure message transmission Complete and consistent. MD5 was designed by the American cryptographer Ronald Linn Rivest and made public in 1992 to replace the MD4 algorithm. The procedure for this algorithm is specified in the RFC 1321 standard.

used for password management

When we need to save some password information for identity confirmation, if the password information is directly stored in the database in clear code without any security measures, the system administrator can easily obtain the original password information. Leaked, the password is also easily deciphered. In order to increase security, it is necessary to encrypt the information that needs to be kept secret in the database, so that even if someone gets the whole database, if there is no decryption algorithm, the original password information cannot be obtained. The MD5 algorithm can solve this problem very well, because it can calculate the input string of any length to obtain a fixed-length output, and only when the plaintext is the same, can it wait for the same ciphertext, and this algorithm is irreversible, Even if the encrypted ciphertext is obtained, it is impossible to calculate the plaintext through the decryption algorithm. In this way, the user's password can be saved in the form of MD5 value (or similar other algorithms). When the user registers, the system calculates the password entered by the user into an MD5 value, and then goes to the MD5 value saved in the system. By comparison, if the ciphertexts are the same, it can be determined that the password is correct, otherwise the password is wrong. Through such steps, the system can determine the legitimacy of the user's login to the system without knowing the clear code of the user's password. This not only prevents the user's password from being known by users with system administrator rights, but also increases the difficulty of password cracking to a certain extent.

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