【PAT甲级 - C++题解】1115 Counting Nodes in a Binary Search Tree

简介: 【PAT甲级 - C++题解】1115 Counting Nodes in a Binary Search Tree

1115 Counting Nodes in a Binary Search Tree

A Binary Search Tree (BST) is recursively defined as a binary tree which has the following properties:

The left subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys less than or equal to the node’s key.

The right subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys greater than the node’s key.

Both the left and right subtrees must also be binary search trees.

Insert a sequence of numbers into an initially empty binary search tree. Then you are supposed to count the total number of nodes in the lowest 2 levels of the resulting tree.

Input Specification:

Each input file contains one test case. For each case, the first line gives a positive integer N (≤1000) which is the size of the input sequence. Then given in the next line are the N integers in [−1000,1000] which are supposed to be inserted into an initially empty binary search tree.

Output Specification:

For each case, print in one line the numbers of nodes in the lowest 2 levels of the resulting tree in the format:

n1 + n2 = n

where n1 is the number of nodes in the lowest level, n2 is that of the level above, and n is the sum.

Sample Input:

25 30 42 16 20 20 35 -5 28 22

Sample Output:

3 + 4 = 7


二叉搜索树 (BST) 递归定义为具有以下属性的二叉树:





n1 + n2 = n


用哈希表来存储每个结点左右孩子的下标,下标对应的是 v 数组中该结点的值。

每输入一个结点就插入一次,插入函数需要注意的是第一个参数是以引用的方式传入。所以从 main 函数里调用该函数,传入的 root 会改变成 1 。并且在 insert 函数中递归调用自己,传入的第一个参数也可能会被改变。例如,一个结点的左孩子为空,我调用了 insert 函数并且第一个参数传入的是 l[u] ,那么调用了该函数后会检测出该结点的左孩子为空,会执行 u = ++idx 操作,这里的操作就等同于传入的参数 l[u] = ++idx ,因为传入的是 int& u 。


输出最终的结果,注意 n1 是最后一层,n2 才是倒数第二层。


using namespace std;
const int N = 1010;
int n;
int l[N], r[N], v[N], idx;
int max_depth, cnt[N];
void insert(int& u, int w)
    if (!u)
        u = ++idx;
        v[u] = w;
    else if (v[u] >= w)    insert(l[u], w);
    else insert(r[u], w);
void dfs(int u, int depth)
    if (!u)  return;
    max_depth = max(max_depth, depth);
    dfs(l[u], depth + 1);
    dfs(r[u], depth + 1);
int main()
    cin >> n;
    int root = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        int w;
        cin >> w;
        insert(root, w);
    dfs(root, 0);
    int n1 = cnt[max_depth], n2 = cnt[max_depth - 1];
    printf("%d + %d = %d\n", n1, n2, n1 + n2);
    return 0;

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