//10.9 //1 类是用户定义的类型的定义。类声明指定了数据将如何储存 同时指定了用来访问和操作这些数据的方法(类成员函数) //2 类表示人们可以通过类方法的公有接口对类对象执行的操作,这是抽象 类的数据成员可以是私有的(private为默认),这意味着只能通过成员函数来访问这些数据,这是数据隐藏 实现的具体细节(如数据的显示和方法的代码)都是隐藏的,这是封装 //3 类定义了一种类型,包括如何使用它。对象是一个变量或其他数据对象(如由new产生的) 并根据类定义被创建和使用。类和对象的关系和标准类型和它的变量的关系相同 //4 如果创建给定类的多个对象,则每个对象都有其自己的数据内存空间,但是所有对象都 使用同一组成员函数(通常,方法是公有的而数据是私有的,但这只是策略方面的问题,并不是对类的要求) //5 class Bank_account { private: string b_name; string b_accountnum; double b_deposit; public: Bank_account(); Bank_account(const string& name, const string& accountnum, double deposit = 0.0); ~Bank_account(); void show()const; void deposit(double deposit); void take(double take); }; //6 创建类对象或显式调用构造函数时,类的构造函数被调用 对象过期时,调用类的析构函数 //7 Bank_account::Bank_account(const string& name, const string& account, double deposit = 0.0) { b_name = name; b_account = account; if (deposit < 0) { cout << "Error!Set to 0.\n"; b_deposit = 0; } else b_deposit = deposit; } //8 默认构造函数是没有参数或者所有参数都有默认值的构造函数。拥有默认构造函数后 可以声明对象而不初始化它,即使已经定义了初始化构造函数。它还使得能声明数组 //9 class Stock { private: std::string company; int shares; double share_val; double total_val; void set_tot() { total_val = shares * shara_val; } public: Stock(); Stock(const std::string& co, long n = 0, double pr = 0.0); ~Stock(); void buy(long num, double price); void sell(long num, double price); void update(double price); void show(); const Stock& topval(const Stock& s)const; int shares()const { return shares; } double share_val()const { return share_val; } double total_val()const { return total_val; } const std::string& company()const { return company; } }; //10 this指针是类方法可以使用的指针,它指向用于调用方法的对象 因此,this是对象的地址,*this是对象本身
practice 1
#pragma once//避免此头文件被包含多次,和#ifndef的作用类似 //Bank.h #ifndef BANK_H_ #define BANK_H_ #include<string> using namespace std; class Bank_account { private: string b_name; string b_accountnum; double b_deposit; public: Bank_account(); Bank_account(const string& name, const string& accountnum, double deposit); ~Bank_account(); void show()const; void deposit(double deposit); void take(double take); }; #endif //Bank.cpp #include"Bank.h" #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; Bank_account::Bank_account() { b_name = "no name"; b_accountnum = "\0"; b_deposit = 0.0; } Bank_account::Bank_account(const string& name, const string& accountnum, double deposit) { b_name = name; b_accountnum = accountnum; if (deposit < 0) { cout << "Error!Set to 0.\n"; b_deposit = 0; } else b_deposit = deposit; } Bank_account::~Bank_account() {} void Bank_account::show()const { cout << "The information of " << b_name << "'s bank account: \n"; cout << "name: " << b_name << " accountnum: " << b_accountnum << endl; cout << "deposit: " << b_deposit << endl; } void Bank_account::deposit(double deposit) { if (deposit < 0) cout << "Number of deposit can't be nagative.\n"; else b_deposit += deposit; } void Bank_account::take(double take) { if (take < 0) cout << "Number of take from account can't be nagative.\n"; else if (take > b_deposit) cout << "You can't take from account more than it has.\n"; else b_deposit -= take; } //main.cpp #include"Bank.h" int main() { using namespace std; Bank_account yue; yue.show(); yue = { "yue","1234567",-100.0 }; yue.show(); yue = { "yue","1234567",100.0 }; yue.show(); yue.deposit(-12.1); yue.show(); yue.deposit(12.1); yue.show(); yue.take(-25.5); yue.show(); yue.take(112.1); yue.show(); yue.take(25.5); yue.show(); return 0; }
practice 2
#pragma once //person.h #ifndef PERSON_H_ #define PERSON_H_ #include<string> #include<cstring> using namespace std; class Person { private: static const int LIMIT = 25; string lname; char fname[LIMIT]; public: Person() { lname = "", fname[0] = '\0'; } Person(const string& ln, const char* fn = "Heyyou"); void show()const; void formalshow()const; }; #endif //person.cpp #include"person.h" #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<cstring> using namespace std; Person::Person(const string& ln, const char* fn) { lname = ln; strcpy_s(fname, fn); } void Person::show()const { cout << "Show the name for person: " << this->fname << endl;//或者使用(*this).fname cout << "The firstname: " << fname << endl; cout << "The lastname: " << lname << endl; } void Person::formalshow()const { cout << "Show the name for person: " << this->fname << endl; cout << "The lastname: " << lname << endl; cout << "The firstname: " << fname << endl; } //main.cpp #include"person.h" #include<iostream> int main() { using std::endl; Person one; Person two("Smythecraft"); Person three("Dimwiddy", "Sam"); one.show(); one.formalshow(); cout << endl; two.show(); two.formalshow(); cout << endl; three.show(); three.formalshow(); cout << endl; return 0; }
practice 3
#pragma once //golf.h #ifndef GOLF_H_ #define GOLF_H_ const int Len = 40; class Golf { private: char fullname[Len]; int g_handicap; public: Golf(const char* name, int hc); Golf(); void setgolf(); const char* rtfname();//要实现输入名字为空时结束循环,因此要一个成员函数返回私有数据比较 void handicap(int hc);//此处函数名和私有数据同名 //后面的赋值会报错,所以给私有数据名加了前缀g_handicap void showgolf()const; }; #endif //golf.cpp #include"golf.h" #include<iostream> #include<cstring> using namespace std; Golf::Golf(const char* name, int hc) { strcpy_s(fullname, name); g_handicap = hc; } Golf::Golf() { strcpy_s(fullname, "no name"); g_handicap = 0; } void Golf::setgolf() { cout << "Please enter the information for golf" << endl; Golf golf; cout << "The fullname: "; cin.getline(golf.fullname, Len); cout << "The handicap: "; cin >> golf.g_handicap; cin.get();//凡是输入使用getline()使都要考虑之前的输入是否有 //换行符留在输入队列中,使用cin.get()丢弃换行符 *this = golf; } const char* Golf::rtfname() { return fullname; } void Golf::handicap(int hc) { g_handicap = hc; } void Golf::showgolf()const { cout << "The information of " << fullname << ": \n"; cout << "Fullname: " << fullname << endl; cout << "Handicap: " << g_handicap << endl; } //main.cpp #include"golf.h" #include<iostream> int main() { Golf g1; g1.showgolf(); Golf g[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { g[i].setgolf(); if (g[i].rtfname()[0]== '\0')//这里在调用setgolf输入名字时使用了cin.getline() //它会把换行符变为空字符储存在字符串里,因此检查第一个字符 // 我不会太具体的解释具体为什么==""不对 break; g[i].showgolf(); } g1.handicap(100); g1.showgolf(); return 0; }
practice 4
//sale.h #ifndef SALE_H_ #define SALE_H_ namespace SALES { const int QUARTERS = 4; class Sales { private: double sales[QUARTERS]; double average; double min; double max; public: Sales(const double ar[], int n=4); Sales(); void setsales(); void showsales(); }; } #endif //sale.cpp #include"sale.h" #include<iostream> namespace SALES { using namespace std; Sales::Sales(const double ar[], int n) { double mx = ar[0]; double mn = ar[0]; double total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { sales[i] = ar[i]; total += ar[i]; if (mx < ar[i]) mx = ar[i]; if (mn > ar[i]) mn = ar[i]; } average = total / n; max = mx; min = mn; } Sales::Sales() { sales[0] = sales[1] = sales[2] = sales[3] = 0; min = max = average = 0; } void Sales::setsales() { cout << "Enter an array treat as sales of quarters:(most at 4)"; double arr[4] = {}; int i = 0; for (i; i < 4; i++) { if (cin >> arr[i]); else break; } *this = Sales(arr, i); } void Sales::showsales() { cout << "Here is the information of sales of quarters: \n"; cout << "Every sale: " << sales[0] << " " << sales[1] << " " << sales[2] << " " << sales[3] << endl; cout << "Average: " << average << endl; cout << "The max sale: " << max << endl; cout << "The min sale: " << min << endl; cout << endl; } } //main.cpp #include"sale.h" int main() { using namespace SALES; double ar[4] = { 90,80,120,110 }; Sales s1(ar, 4); s1.showsales(); Sales s2; s2.setsales(); s2.showsales(); return 0; }
practice 5
//stack.h #ifndef STACK_H_ #define STACK_H_ struct customer { char fullname[35]; double payment; }; typedef customer Item; class Stack { private: enum{MAX=10}; Item items[MAX]; int top; public: Stack(); bool isempty()const; bool isfull()const; bool push(const Item& item); bool pop(Item& item); }; #endif //stack.cpp #include"stack.h" #include<iostream> Stack::Stack() { top = 0; } bool Stack::isempty()const { return top == 0; } bool Stack::isfull()const { return top == MAX; } bool Stack::push(const Item& item) { if (top < MAX) { items[top++] = item; return true; } else return false; } bool Stack::pop(Item& item) { static double total = 0; if (top > 0) { item = items[--top]; total += item.payment; std::cout << "The total payment is: " << total << std::endl; return true; } else return false; } //main.cpp #include"stack.h" #include<iostream> int main() { Stack stack; customer c[5]{ {"yue",120}, {"yue yeui",500}, {"yue aishai",200.5}, {"yue yue",101}, {"yue ",82.3} }; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) stack.push(c[i]); for (int i = 4; i >= 0; i--) stack.pop(c[i]); return 0; }
practice 6
//move.h class Move { private: double x; double y; public: Move(double a = 0, double b = 0); void showmove()const; Move add(const Move& m)const; void reset(double a = 0, double b = 0); }; //move.cpp #include<iostream> #include"move.h" Move::Move(double a,double b) { x = a; y = b; } void Move::showmove()const { std::cout << "x = " << x << ", y = " << y << std::endl; } Move Move::add(const Move& m)const { Move mm; mm.x = x + m.x; mm.y = y + m.y; return mm; } void Move::reset(double a, double b) { x = a; y = b; } //main.cpp #include"move.h" int main() { Move m1(1.1, 2.2); m1.showmove(); Move m2(2.2, 3.3); m2.showmove(); Move m3; m3 = m2.add(m1); m3.showmove(); m3.reset(10, 11); m3.showmove(); return 0; }
practice 7
//plorg.h #ifndef PLORG_H_ #define PLORG_H_ class Plorg { private: char name[20]; int CI; public: Plorg(const char* n = "Plorga", int ci = 50); void resetci(int ci); char* rtname(); int rtci(); }; #endif //plorg.cpp #include"plorg.h" #include<cstring> Plorg::Plorg(const char* n, int ci) { strcpy_s(name, n); CI = ci; } void Plorg::resetci(int ci) { CI = ci; } char* Plorg::rtname() { return name; } int Plorg::rtci() { return CI; } //main.cpp #include"plorg.h" #include<iostream> using std::cout; using std::endl; int main() { Plorg p1("Binlang"); cout << "p1: name: " << p1.rtname() << ", CI: " << p1.rtci() << endl; Plorg p2("yue", 100); cout << "p2: name: " << p2.rtname() << ", CI: " << p2.rtci() << endl; p2.resetci(150); cout << "p2: name: " << p2.rtname() << ", CI: " << p2.rtci() << endl; Plorg p3; cout << "p3: name: " << p3.rtname() << ", CI: " << p3.rtci() << endl; return 0; }
practice 8
//list.h #ifndef LIST_H_ #define LIST_H_ const int MAX = 5; struct people { char name[30]; int age; }; typedef people Item; class List { private: Item items[MAX]; int head; int tail; public: List(); bool add(Item& item); bool get(Item& item); void visit(void(*pf)(Item&)); void show()const; }; void agedouble(Item&); #endif //list.cpp #include"list.h" #include<iostream> using namespace std; List::List() { for(int i=0;i<5;i++) items[i] = { "NONE",0 }; head = 0; tail = 0; } bool List::add(Item& item) { if ((tail + 1) % MAX == head) { cout << "The list is fall!\n"; return false; } else { items[tail] = item; tail = (tail + 1) % MAX; } return true; } bool List::get(Item& item) { if (tail == head) { cout << "The list is empty!\n"; return false; } else { item = items[head]; items[head] = { "NONE",0 }; head = (head + 1) % MAX; } return true; } void List::visit(void(*pf)(Item&)) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++) (*pf)(items[i]); } void List::show()const { for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++) cout << "items[" << i << "]= " << items[i].name << ", " << items[i].age << endl; cout << endl; } void agedouble(Item& item) { item.age *= 2; } //main.cpp #include"List.h" #include<iostream> int main() { using std::cout; using std::endl; List list; people p[5]{ {"yue",12}, {"yuei",13}, {"yues",10}, {"yuea",20}, {"yuejs",18} }; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {// 队列只能读取四个元素,需要一个空间作为队满的判断 list.add(p[i]); cout << p[i].name << " " << p[i].age << endl; } list.show(); void (*pdouble)(Item&) = agedouble; list.visit(pdouble); list.show(); for (int i = 4; i >= 0; i--) { list.get(p[i]); cout << p[i].name << " " << p[i].age << endl; }cout << endl; list.show(); return 0; }