#pragma once //node.h #include<stdlib.h> typedef struct Node{ Type data; struct Node* prev; struct Node* next; }Node; Node* GetNode(Type item, Node* p, Node* n); Type GetData(Node* itr) { return itr->data; } Node* GetPrev(Node* itr) { return itr->prev; } Node* GetNext(Node* itr) { return itr->next; } Node* GetNode(Type item, Node* p, Node* n) { Node* re; re = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); re->data = item; re->prev = p; re->next = n; return re; } #pragma once //list.h #include"node.h" typedef struct { Node* head; Node* tail; int size; }List; void InitList(List* l); //准构造函数,建立空表 int Size(List* l) { return l->size; } int Empty(List* l) { return l->size == 0; } //读取区间边界 Node* Begin(List* l) { return l->head->next; } //读取数据首节点指针 Node* End(List* l) { return l->tail; } //读取链表尾节点指针 Node* Insert(List* l, Node* itr, Type item); //定点插入到itr前面 void PushFront(List* l, Type item) { Insert(l, Begin(l), item); }//首插 void PushBack(List* l, Type item) { Insert(l, End(l), item); }//尾插 Node* Erase(List* l, Node* itr); //删除itr指向的结点,返回后继指针 void PopFront(List* l) { Erase(l, Begin(l)); } //首删 void PuopBack(List* l) { Erase(l, GetPrev(End(l))); }//尾删 void Clear(List* l) { while (!Empty(l))PopFront(l); }//清表 void FreeList(List* l) { Clear(l); free(l->head); free(l->tail); }//准析构函数 void InitList(List* l) { l->head = GetNode(0, NULL, NULL); l->tail = GetNode(0, 0, 0); l->head->next = l->tail; l->tail->prev = l->head; l->size = 0; } Node* Insert(List* l, Node* itr, Type item) { //Node* p = itr; itr->prev->next = GetNode(item, itr->prev, itr); itr->prev = itr->prev->next; l->size++; return itr->prev; } Node* Erase(List* l, Node* itr) { //Node* p = itr; Node* re = itr->next; itr->prev->next = itr->next; itr->next->prev = itr->prev; free(itr); l->size--; return re; } //Josephus.c #include<stdio.h> #include<time.h> typedef int Type; #include"list.h" void OutputList(List* l); void Josephus(int n); int main() { int n; printf("Enter the number of people:\n"); scanf("%d", &n); Josephus(n); return 0; } void OutputList(List* l) { Node* first = Begin(l); Node* last = End(l); for (; first != last; first = GetNext(first)) printf("%d\t", GetData(first)); printf("\n"); } void Josephus(int n) { int counter; //计数器 int step; //随机步长 Node* first; Node* last; List Party; //参与者 List Loser; //淘汰者 List Odd; //随机步长 InitList(&Party); InitList(&Loser); InitList(&Odd); for (counter = 1; counter <= n; counter++) PushBack(&Party, counter); //参赛者输入 printf("Party:\n"); //参赛者输出 OutputList(&Party); srand(time(0)); first = Begin(&Party); //数据首结点 last = End(&Party); //链表尾结点 while (Size(&Party) > 1) { step = 1 + rand() % 10; PushBack(&Odd, step); for (counter = 1; counter < step; counter++) { first = GetNext(first); //计算步数一步步把first移到淘汰者处 if (first == last) //把链表尾结点转到数据首结点 first = Begin(&Party); } PushBack(&Loser,GetData(first)); //淘汰者入Loser first = Erase(&Party, first); //淘汰者淘汰 if (first == last) //把链表尾结点转到数据首结点 first = Begin(&Party); } printf("Odds:\n"); OutputList(&Odd); printf("Loser:\n"); OutputList(&Loser); printf("Winner:\n"); printf("%d\n", *Begin(&Party)); //用 printf 语句来打印结构体类型的变量,结果是 undefined behavior! //什么是未定义行为,就是说发生任何状况都是可能的,这个就要看编译器的实现方式了。 //当然改成GetData(Begin(&Party))就没问题了。 FreeList(&Party); FreeList(&Loser); FreeList(&Odd); }
第一:书上的代码printf("%d\n", *Begin(&Party));这是不严谨的,应该改GetData(Begin(&Party)),虽然结果是对的,但是由于编译器的行为不同,可能出现不同的结果。我找到这个问题的答案来源于blog.csdn.net/weixin_42181686/article/details/117102972?ops_request_misc=&request_id=&biz_id=102&utm_term=%E5%A6%82%E6%9E%9Cprintf%E7%9A%84%25d%E5%8D%B4%E6%98%AF%E4%B8%80%E4%B8%AA%E7%BB%93%E6%9E%84%E6%80%8E%E4%B9%88%E5%8A%9E&utm_medium=distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-blog-2~all~sobaiduweb~default-1-.pc_search_download_positive&spm=1018.2226.3001.4187
第二,书上的list的插入和删除函数都新定义了一个Node* p; 来p=itr; 我觉得去掉也没区别,因此这导致了我一上午的折磨,调用GetNext()和Erase()函数时无数次first变成空指针然后访问越界程序异常终止,我人都快折磨疯了又换回书上的代码然后运行成功了,这没什么,关键是我百思不得其解又找不到答案就又改回了自己的代码,然后又每次都成功了,wtm,无话可说
#include<stdio.h> typedef int Type; #include"list.h" void OutputList(const List* l); void Selection(List* l); void Copy(const List* lo, List* lt); Node* MaxOfNode(Node* n); int main() { int n; int i; List lo; List lt; InitList(&lo); InitList(<); int temp = 0; printf("输入链表长度n和n个整数:\n"); scanf("%d", &n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { scanf("%d", &temp); PushBack(&lo, temp); } Selection(&lo); Copy(&lo, <); OutputList(&lo); OutputList(<); FreeList(&lo); FreeList(<); return 0; } void OutputList(const List* l) { Node* first = Begin(l); Node* last = End(l); for (; first != last; first = GetNext(first)) printf("%d\t", GetData(first)); printf("\n"); } Node* MaxOfNode(Node* n) { int i; Node* temp = n; Node* max = temp; while (temp->next->next != 0) {//temp最多为倒数第二个数据结点 if (GetData(max) < GetData(temp->next)) max = temp->next; temp = temp->next; } return max; } void Selection(List* l) { Node* max; Node* temp = Begin(l);//temp是从第一个到倒数第二个数据节点的定位标 while (temp->next->next != 0) {//temp最多为倒数第二个数据结点 max = MaxOfNode(temp); if (max == temp) { temp = temp->next; PushFront(l, GetData(temp->prev)); Erase(l, temp->prev); } else { PushFront(l, GetData(max)); Erase(l, max); } } PushFront(l, GetData(End(l)->prev)); Erase(l, End(l)->prev); } void Copy(const List* lo, List* lt) { Node* one = Begin(lo); while (one->next != 0) { PushBack(lt, GetData(one)); one = one->next; } }