#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> #include <malloc.h> #define TURE 1 #define false 0 #define OK 1 #define ERROR 0 #define OVERFLOW -2 #define LIST_INIT_SIZE 100 #define LISTINCREAMENT 10 typedef int Status; typedef int ElemType; typedef struct { ElemType *elem; int length; int listsize; }SqList; Status InitList(SqList *L); Status ListInsert(SqList *L,int i,ElemType e); Status ListDelete(SqList *L,int i,ElemType *e); void ListOutput(SqList L); //void User_Choice(int Choice); Status LocataElem(SqList,ElemType e); //C = A∩B SqList Intersection(SqList *LA,SqList *LB); int main() { SqList L; Status flag; int n,i,Choice; ElemType e; //初始化顺序表 flag = InitList(&L); if(flag = OK) { printf("List init sucess!\n"); } else printf("\n Please input %d elements:\n",n); printf("Choice:1,2,3,4,5,6....");\ scanf("%d",&Choice); switch(Choice) { case 1://插入 { printf("input n:"); scanf("%d",n); printf("\nPlease intput %d elements:\n"); for(i = 1;i<=n;i++) { scanf("%d",&e); flag = ListInsert(&L,i,e); } };break; case 2://输出 { printf("\n The elements of list are:\n"); ListOutput(L); } ;break; case 3://查找 { printf("\nIput the element to be queried:"); scanf("%d",&e); i=0; i=LocataElem(L,e); printf("Its index is %d.",i); };break; case 4://删除 { printf("\n Input the index of element to be deleted:"); scanf("%d",&i); flag = ListDelete(&L,i,&e); printf("the deleted element is %d:\n",e); };break; case 5: ;break; case 6: ;break; } return 0; } //初始化为空的顺序表 Status InitList(SqList *L) { L->elem = (ElemType*)malloc(LIST_INIT_SIZE*sizeof(ElemType)); if(!L->elem) exit(OVERFLOW); L->length = 0; L->listsize = LIST_INIT_SIZE; } Status ListInsert(SqList *L,int i,ElemType e) { ElemType *newbase,*q,*p; if(i<1 || i>L->length+1) return ERROR; if(L->length>=L->listsize) { newbase = (ElemType*)realloc(L->elem,(L->listsize+LISTINCREAMENT)*sizeof(ElemType)); if(newbase == NULL) exit(OVERFLOW); L->elem = newbase; L->listsize = L->listsize +LISTINCREAMENT; } q = &(L->elem[i-1]); for(p = &L->elem[L->length-1];p>=q;--p) *(p+1) = *p; *q = e; ++L->length; return OK; } void ListOutput(SqList L) { int i; if(L.length == 0) printf("List is null!\n"); else { for(i=0;i<L.length;i++) printf("%d",L.elem[i]); printf("\n"); } } Status LocataElem(SqList L,ElemType e) { int i = 0; while(i<=L.length-1 &&L.elem[i]!=e) i++; if(i<=L.length - 1) return i; else return -1; } Status ListDelete(SqList *L,int i,ElemType *e) { ElemType *p,*q; if(i<1 || i>L->length) exit(ERROR); p = &L->elem[i-1]; *e = *p; q = L->elem+L->length-1; for(++p;p<=q;p++) { *(p-1) = *p; } --L->length; return OK; } SqList Intersection(SqList *LA,SqList *LB) { SqList LC; InitList(&LC); int i,e; for(i=0;i<LA->length;i++) { LC.elem[i] =LA.elem[i]; LC->length++; } for() }