seata: config: # support: nacos, consul, apollo, zk, etcd3 type: nacos nacos: server-addr: namespace: 967df0d8-156b-441a-a5ab-615b4a865168 group: MY_GROUP ##if use MSE Nacos with auth, mutex with username/password attribute #access-key: "" #secret-key: "" data-id: registry: # support: nacos, eureka, redis, zk, consul, etcd3, sofa type: nacos # preferred-networks: 30.240.* nacos: application: seata-tc-server server-addr: group: MY_GROUP namespace: 967df0d8-156b-441a-a5ab-615b4a865168 #cluster: SH ##if use MSE Nacos with auth, mutex with username/password attribute #access-key: "" #secret-key: "" store: # support: file 、 db 、 redis mode: db db: datasource: druid db-type: mysql driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver url: jdbc:mysql:// user: root password: 123456 min-conn: 5 max-conn: 100 global-table: global_table branch-table: branch_table lock-table: lock_table distributed-lock-table: distributed_lock query-limit: 100 max-wait: 5000
-- -------------------------------- The script used when storeMode is 'db' -------------------------------- -- the table to store GlobalSession data CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `global_table` ( `xid` VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, `transaction_id` BIGINT, `status` TINYINT NOT NULL, `application_id` VARCHAR(32), `transaction_service_group` VARCHAR(32), `transaction_name` VARCHAR(128), `timeout` INT, `begin_time` BIGINT, `application_data` VARCHAR(2000), `gmt_create` DATETIME, `gmt_modified` DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (`xid`), KEY `idx_status_gmt_modified` (`status` , `gmt_modified`), KEY `idx_transaction_id` (`transaction_id`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8mb4; -- the table to store BranchSession data CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `branch_table` ( `branch_id` BIGINT NOT NULL, `xid` VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, `transaction_id` BIGINT, `resource_group_id` VARCHAR(32), `resource_id` VARCHAR(256), `branch_type` VARCHAR(8), `status` TINYINT, `client_id` VARCHAR(64), `application_data` VARCHAR(2000), `gmt_create` DATETIME(6), `gmt_modified` DATETIME(6), PRIMARY KEY (`branch_id`), KEY `idx_xid` (`xid`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8mb4; -- the table to store lock data CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `lock_table` ( `row_key` VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, `xid` VARCHAR(128), `transaction_id` BIGINT, `branch_id` BIGINT NOT NULL, `resource_id` VARCHAR(256), `table_name` VARCHAR(32), `pk` VARCHAR(36), `status` TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '0:locked ,1:rollbacking', `gmt_create` DATETIME, `gmt_modified` DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (`row_key`), KEY `idx_status` (`status`), KEY `idx_branch_id` (`branch_id`), KEY `idx_xid` (`xid`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8mb4; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `distributed_lock` ( `lock_key` CHAR(20) NOT NULL, `lock_value` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, `expire` BIGINT, primary key (`lock_key`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8mb4; INSERT INTO `distributed_lock` (lock_key, lock_value, expire) VALUES ('AsyncCommitting', ' ', 0); INSERT INTO `distributed_lock` (lock_key, lock_value, expire) VALUES ('RetryCommitting', ' ', 0); INSERT INTO `distributed_lock` (lock_key, lock_value, expire) VALUES ('RetryRollbacking', ' ', 0); INSERT INTO `distributed_lock` (lock_key, lock_value, expire) VALUES ('TxTimeoutCheck', ' ', 0);
# 数据存储方式,db代表数据库 store.mode=db store.db.datasource=druid store.db.dbType=mysql store.db.driverClassName=com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver store.db.url=jdbc:mysql:// store.db.user=root store.db.password=123456 store.db.minConn=5 store.db.maxConn=30 store.db.globalTable=global_table store.db.branchTable=branch_table store.db.queryLimit=100 store.db.lockTable=lock_table store.db.maxWait=5000 # 事务、日志等配置 server.recovery.committingRetryPeriod=3000 server.recovery.asynCommittingRetryPeriod=3000 server.recovery.rollbackingRetryPeriod=3000 server.recovery.timeoutRetryPeriod=3000 server.maxCommitRetryTimeout=-1 server.maxRollbackRetryTimeout=-1 server.rollbackRetryTimeoutUnlockEnable=false server.undo.logSaveDays=7 server.undo.logDeletePeriod=86400000 # 客户端与服务端传输方式 transport.serialization=seata transport.compressor=none # 关闭metrics功能,提高性能 metrics.enabled=false metrics.registryType=compact metrics.exporterList=prometheus metrics.exporterPrometheusPort=9898
账号:seata 密码:seata