package com.imooc.test;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession;
import com.imooc.dao.StudentMapper;
import com.imooc.entity.Student;
import com.imooc.entity.StudentExample;
import com.imooc.entity.StudentExample.Criteria;
import com.imooc.untils.MyBatisUntil;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SqlSession sqlSession=MyBatisUntil.getSqlSession();
StudentMapper dao=(StudentMapper)sqlSession.getMapper(StudentMapper.class);
StudentExample example=new StudentExample();
Criteria c1=example.createCriteria();
//select * from student where age between 11 and 22
c1.andAgeBetween(11, 22);
Criteria c2=example.createCriteria();
//select * from student where age < 11
//(select * from student where age between 11 and 22) or ( select * from student where age < 11 )
//如果不写这一句select * from student where age between 11 and 22
example.or(c2);// 等价于 C1 or C2
//example.or(c3);// 等价于 C1 or C2 or C3
List<Student> students=dao.selectByExample(example);
for (Student student : students) {