双数组字典树能在O(l ll)的时间内高速完成单串匹配,并且消耗的内存可控,软肋在于多模式匹配。如果要匹配多个模式串,必须先前缀查询,然后频繁截取文本的后缀才行。但是上一节测评的AC多模式匹配又还不如双数组字典树快,所以,本节就采用二者结合。称为AhoCorasickDoubleArrayTire(简称ACDAT)
- 构建一棵普通的字典树,让终止节点记住对应模式串的字典序。
- 构建双数组字典树,在将每个状态映射到双数组时,让它记住自己在双数组中的下标。
- 构建AC自动机,此时fail表中存储的就是状态的下标。
private class Builder { /** * 根节点,仅仅用于构建过程 */ private State rootState = new State(); /** * 是否占用,仅仅用于构建 */ private boolean used[]; /** * 已分配在内存中的大小 */ private int allocSize; /** * 一个控制增长速度的变量 */ private int progress; /** * 下一个插入的位置将从此开始搜索 */ private int nextCheckPos; /** * 键值对的大小 */ private int keySize; /** * 由一个排序好的map创建 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void build(TreeMap<String, V> map) { // 把值保存下来 v = (V[]) map.values().toArray(); l = new int[v.length]; Set<String> keySet = map.keySet(); // 构建二分trie树 addAllKeyword(keySet); // 在二分trie树的基础上构建双数组trie树 buildDoubleArrayTrie(keySet); used = null; // 构建failure表并且合并output表 constructFailureStates(); rootState = null; loseWeight(); } /** * 添加一个键 * * @param keyword 键 * @param index 值的下标 */ private void addKeyword(String keyword, int index) { State currentState = this.rootState; for (Character character : keyword.toCharArray()) { currentState = currentState.addState(character); } currentState.addEmit(index); l[index] = keyword.length(); } /** * 一系列键 * * @param keywordSet */ private void addAllKeyword(Collection<String> keywordSet) { int i = 0; for (String keyword : keywordSet) { addKeyword(keyword, i++); } } /** * 建立failure表 */ private void constructFailureStates() { fail = new int[size + 1]; fail[1] = base[0]; output = new int[size + 1][]; Queue<State> queue = new LinkedBlockingDeque<State>(); // 第一步,将深度为1的节点的failure设为根节点 for (State depthOneState : this.rootState.getStates()) { depthOneState.setFailure(this.rootState, fail); queue.add(depthOneState); constructOutput(depthOneState); } // 第二步,为深度 > 1 的节点建立failure表,这是一个bfs while (!queue.isEmpty()) { State currentState = queue.remove(); for (Character transition : currentState.getTransitions()) { State targetState = currentState.nextState(transition); queue.add(targetState); State traceFailureState = currentState.failure(); while (traceFailureState.nextState(transition) == null) { traceFailureState = traceFailureState.failure(); } State newFailureState = traceFailureState.nextState(transition); targetState.setFailure(newFailureState, fail); targetState.addEmit(newFailureState.emit()); constructOutput(targetState); } } } /** * 建立output表 */ private void constructOutput(State targetState) { Collection<Integer> emit = targetState.emit(); if (emit == null || emit.size() == 0) return; int output[] = new int[emit.size()]; Iterator<Integer> it = emit.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < output.length; ++i) { output[i] = it.next(); } AhoCorasickDoubleArrayTrie.this.output[targetState.getIndex()] = output; } private void buildDoubleArrayTrie(Set<String> keySet) { progress = 0; keySize = keySet.size(); resize(65536 * 32); // 32个双字节 base[0] = 1; nextCheckPos = 0; State root_node = this.rootState; List<Map.Entry<Integer, State>> siblings = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<Integer, State>>(root_node.getSuccess().entrySet().size()); fetch(root_node, siblings); insert(siblings); } /** * 拓展数组 * * @param newSize * @return */ private int resize(int newSize) { int[] base2 = new int[newSize]; int[] check2 = new int[newSize]; boolean used2[] = new boolean[newSize]; if (allocSize > 0) { System.arraycopy(base, 0, base2, 0, allocSize); System.arraycopy(check, 0, check2, 0, allocSize); System.arraycopy(used, 0, used2, 0, allocSize); } base = base2; check = check2; used = used2; return allocSize = newSize; } /** * 插入节点 * * @param siblings 等待插入的兄弟节点 * @return 插入位置 */ private int insert(List<Map.Entry<Integer, State>> siblings) { int begin = 0; int pos = Math.max(siblings.get(0).getKey() + 1, nextCheckPos) - 1; int nonzero_num = 0; int first = 0; if (allocSize <= pos) resize(pos + 1); outer: // 此循环体的目标是找出满足base[begin + a1...an] == 0的n个空闲空间,a1...an是siblings中的n个节点 while (true) { pos++; if (allocSize <= pos) resize(pos + 1); if (check[pos] != 0) { nonzero_num++; continue; } else if (first == 0) { nextCheckPos = pos; first = 1; } begin = pos - siblings.get(0).getKey(); // 当前位置离第一个兄弟节点的距离 if (allocSize <= (begin + siblings.get(siblings.size() - 1).getKey())) { // progress can be zero // 防止progress产生除零错误 double l = (1.05 > 1.0 * keySize / (progress + 1)) ? 1.05 : 1.0 * keySize / (progress + 1); resize((int) (allocSize * l)); } if (used[begin]) continue; for (int i = 1; i < siblings.size(); i++) if (check[begin + siblings.get(i).getKey()] != 0) continue outer; break; } // -- Simple heuristics -- // if the percentage of non-empty contents in check between the // index // 'next_check_pos' and 'check' is greater than some constant value // (e.g. 0.9), // new 'next_check_pos' index is written by 'check'. if (1.0 * nonzero_num / (pos - nextCheckPos + 1) >= 0.95) nextCheckPos = pos; // 从位置 next_check_pos 开始到 pos 间,如果已占用的空间在95%以上,下次插入节点时,直接从 pos 位置处开始查找 used[begin] = true; size = (size > begin + siblings.get(siblings.size() - 1).getKey() + 1) ? size : begin + siblings.get(siblings.size() - 1).getKey() + 1; for (Map.Entry<Integer, State> sibling : siblings) { check[begin + sibling.getKey()] = begin; } for (Map.Entry<Integer, State> sibling : siblings) { List<Map.Entry<Integer, State>> new_siblings = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<Integer, State>>(sibling.getValue().getSuccess().entrySet().size() + 1); if (fetch(sibling.getValue(), new_siblings) == 0) // 一个词的终止且不为其他词的前缀,其实就是叶子节点 { base[begin + sibling.getKey()] = (-sibling.getValue().getLargestValueId() - 1); progress++; } else { int h = insert(new_siblings); // dfs base[begin + sibling.getKey()] = h; } sibling.getValue().setIndex(begin + sibling.getKey()); } return begin; } /** * 释放空闲的内存 */ private void loseWeight() { int nbase[] = new int[size + 65535]; System.arraycopy(base, 0, nbase, 0, size); base = nbase; int ncheck[] = new int[size + 65535]; System.arraycopy(check, 0, ncheck, 0, size); check = ncheck; } }