错误提示: "InfraWorks is unable to render your model" when trying to load a model

简介: 错误提示: "InfraWorks is unable to render your model" when trying to load a model






When trying to load a model in Autodesk® InfraWorks™ the loading process stops and an error message appears:

InfraWorks is unable to render your model.

This can happen while rendering models with high display detail and quality. Try reducing display settings in Application Options.


InfraWorks 3D options are set up for displaying more details than the hardware can handle.

This can also happen when a video card, such as Intel 4600 have trouble with 4K monitors.


In the Application Options make sure to set up following options before opening/loading the model:

Model Generation: Building Facade Detail = Low

3D Graphics

Optimize for speed

Display Detail = Low

Turn off all effects

Show Backfaces = Off

If the model opens with these settings the options can be raised for displaying more detail step by step

Delete generated surface tile cache.  The location of this can be found in application options

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