编译pluma: pluma/Makefile.am:192: error: HAVE_INTROSPECTION does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL

简介: 编译pluma: pluma/Makefile.am:192: error: HAVE_INTROSPECTION does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL


pluma/Makefile.am:192: error: HAVE_INTROSPECTION does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
autoreconf: automake failed with exit status: 1


sudo apt install -y gobject-introspection
关于 CMake编译出出现错误“Could not find compiler set in environment variable RC:” 的解决方法
关于 CMake编译出出现错误“Could not find compiler set in environment variable RC:” 的解决方法
关于 CMake编译出出现错误“Could not find compiler set in environment variable RC:” 的解决方法
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help/Makefile.am:21: error: USE_NLS does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
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关于 CMake“cmake is not able to compile a simple test program”错误 的解决方法
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关于 CMake“cmake is not able to compile a simple test program”错误 的解决方法

