sync_file_range - sync a file segment with disk (None of these operations writes out the file's metadata)

sync_file_range 可以将文件的部分范围作为目标,将对应范围内的脏页刷回磁盘,而不是整个文件的范围。
好处是,当我们对大文件进行了修改时,如果修改了大量的数据块,我们最后fsync的时候,可能会很慢。即使fdatasync,也是有问题的,例如这个大文件的长度在我们的修改过程中发生了变化,那么fdatasync将同时写metadata,而对于文件系统来说,单个文件系统的写metadata 是串行的,这势必导致影响其他用户操作metadata(如创建文件)。
sync_file_range是绝对不会写metadata的,所以用它非常合适,每次对文件做了小范围的修改时,立即调用sync_file_range,把对应的脏数据刷到磁盘,那么在结束对文件的修改后,再调用fdatasync (flush dirty data page), fsync(flush dirty data+metadata page)都是很块的。

sync_file_range的几个flag, 注意 SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE是异步的,所以如果你要达到以上目的话,那么最好不要使用异步模式,或者至少在调用fdatasync和fsync前,使用 SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_BEFORE | SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITE |
       SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTER做一次全文件范围的sync_file_range。从而保证在调用fdatasync或fsync前,该文件的dirty page已经全部刷到磁盘了。

              Wait upon write-out of all pages in the specified range that
              have already been submitted to the device driver for write-out
              before performing any write.

              Initiate write-out of all dirty pages in the specified range
              which are not presently submitted write-out.  Note that even
              this may block if you attempt to write more than request queue

              Wait upon write-out of all pages in the range after performing
              any write.

       Useful combinations of the flags bits are:

              Ensures that all pages in the specified range which were dirty
              when sync_file_range() was called are placed under write-out.
              This is a start-write-for-data-integrity operation.

              Start write-out of all dirty pages in the specified range
              which are not presently under write-out.  This is an
              asynchronous flush-to-disk operation.  This is not suitable
              for data integrity operations.

              Wait for completion of write-out of all pages in the specified
              range.  This can be used after an earlier
              to wait for completion of that operation, and obtain its

              This is a write-for-data-integrity operation that will ensure
              that all pages in the specified range which were dirty when
              sync_file_range() was called are committed to disk.

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