3. 状态不确定
3.1 Partially Observable Markov Games
struct POMG
γ # discount factor
ℐ # agents
𝒮 # state space
𝒜 # joint action space
𝒪 # joint observation space
T # transition function
O # joint observation function
R # joint reward function
3.2 策略进化
3.2.1 基于树的条件规划的策略
function lookahead(𝒫::POMG, U, s, a)
𝒮, 𝒪, T, O, R, γ = 𝒫.𝒮, joint(𝒫.𝒪), 𝒫.T, 𝒫.O, 𝒫.R, 𝒫.γ
u′ = sum(T(s,a,s′)*sum(O(a,s′,o)*U(o,s′) for o in 𝒪) for s′ in 𝒮)
return R(s,a) + γ*u′
function evaluate_plan(𝒫::POMG, π, s)
a = Tuple(πi() for πi in π)
U(o,s′) = evaluate_plan(𝒫, [πi(oi) for (πi, oi) in zip(π,o)], s′)
return isempty(first(π).subplans) ? 𝒫.R(s,a) : lookahead(𝒫, U, s, a)
function utility(𝒫::POMG, b, π)
u = [evaluate_plan(𝒫, π, s) for s in 𝒫.𝒮]
return sum(bs * us for (bs, us) in zip(b, u))
3.2.2 基于图的控制器的策略
3.3 Nash 均衡
struct POMGNashEquilibrium
b # initial belief
d # depth of conditional plans
function create_conditional_plans(𝒫, d)
ℐ, 𝒜, 𝒪 = 𝒫.ℐ, 𝒫.𝒜, 𝒫.𝒪
Π = [[ConditionalPlan(ai) for ai in 𝒜[i]] for i in ℐ]
for t in 1:d
Π = expand_conditional_plans(𝒫, Π)
return Π
function expand_conditional_plans(𝒫, Π)
ℐ, 𝒜, 𝒪 = 𝒫.ℐ, 𝒫.𝒜, 𝒫.𝒪
return [[ConditionalPlan(ai, Dict(oi => πi for oi in 𝒪[i]))
for πi in Π[i] for ai in 𝒜[i]] for i in ℐ]
function solve(M::POMGNashEquilibrium, 𝒫::POMG)
ℐ, γ, b, d = 𝒫.ℐ, 𝒫.γ, M.b, M.d
Π = create_conditional_plans(𝒫, d)
U = Dict(π => utility(𝒫, b, π) for π in joint(Π))
𝒢 = SimpleGame(γ, ℐ, Π, π -> U[π])
π = solve(NashEquilibrium(), 𝒢)
return Tuple(argmax(πi.p) for πi in π)
3.4 动态规划
struct POMGDynamicProgramming
b # initial belief
d # depth of conditional plans
function solve(M::POMGDynamicProgramming, 𝒫::POMG)
ℐ, 𝒮, 𝒜, R, γ, b, d = 𝒫.ℐ, 𝒫.𝒮, 𝒫.𝒜, 𝒫.R, 𝒫.γ, M.b, M.d
Π = [[ConditionalPlan(ai) for ai in 𝒜[i]] for i in ℐ]
for t in 1:d
Π = expand_conditional_plans(𝒫, Π)
prune_dominated!(Π, 𝒫)
𝒢 = SimpleGame(γ, ℐ, Π, π -> utility(𝒫, b, π))
π = solve(NashEquilibrium(), 𝒢)
return Tuple(argmax(πi.p) for πi in π)
function prune_dominated!(Π, 𝒫::POMG)
done = false
while !done
done = true
for i in shuffle(𝒫.ℐ)
for πi in shuffle(Π[i])
if length(Π[i]) > 1 && is_dominated(𝒫, Π, i, πi)
filter!(πi′ -> πi′ ≠ πi, Π[i])
done = false
function is_dominated(𝒫::POMG, Π, i, πi)
ℐ, 𝒮 = 𝒫.ℐ, 𝒫.𝒮
jointΠnoti = joint([Π[j] for j in ℐ if j ≠ i])
π(πi′, πnoti) = [j==i ? πi′ : πnoti[j>i ? j-1 : j] for j in ℐ]
Ui = Dict((πi′, πnoti, s) => evaluate_plan(𝒫, π(πi′, πnoti), s)[i]
for πi′ in Π[i], πnoti in jointΠnoti, s in 𝒮)
model = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)
@variable(model, δ)
@variable(model, b[jointΠnoti, 𝒮] ≥ 0)
@objective(model, Max, δ)
@constraint(model, [πi′=Π[i]],
sum(b[πnoti, s] * (Ui[πi′, πnoti, s] - Ui[πi, πnoti, s])
for πnoti in jointΠnoti for s in 𝒮) ≥ δ)
@constraint(model, sum(b) == 1)
return value(δ) ≥ 0
4. Decentralized Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes
struct DecPOMDP
γ # discount factor
ℐ # agents
𝒮 # state space
𝒜 # joint action space
𝒪 # joint observation space
T # transition function
O # joint observation function
R # reward function
4.1 Subclass
4.2 算法
4.2.1 动态规划
struct DecPOMDPDynamicProgramming
b # initial belief
d # depth of conditional plans
function solve(M::DecPOMDPDynamicProgramming, 𝒫::DecPOMDP)
ℐ, 𝒮, 𝒜, 𝒪, T, O, R, γ = 𝒫.ℐ, 𝒫.𝒮, 𝒫.𝒜, 𝒫.𝒪, 𝒫.T, 𝒫.O, 𝒫.R, 𝒫.γ
R′(s, a) = [R(s, a) for i in ℐ]
𝒫′ = POMG(γ, ℐ, 𝒮, 𝒜, 𝒪, T, O, R′)
M′ = POMGDynamicProgramming(M.b, M.d)
return solve(M′, 𝒫′)
4.2.2 迭代最佳响应
struct DecPOMDPIteratedBestResponse
b # initial belief
d # depth of conditional plans
k_max # number of iterations
function solve(M::DecPOMDPIteratedBestResponse, 𝒫::DecPOMDP)
ℐ, 𝒮, 𝒜, 𝒪, T, O, R, γ = 𝒫.ℐ, 𝒫.𝒮, 𝒫.𝒜, 𝒫.𝒪, 𝒫.T, 𝒫.O, 𝒫.R, 𝒫.γ
b, d, k_max = M.b, M.d, M.k_max
R′(s, a) = [R(s, a) for i in ℐ]
𝒫′ = POMG(γ, ℐ, 𝒮, 𝒜, 𝒪, T, O, R′)
Π = create_conditional_plans(𝒫, d)
π = [rand(Π[i]) for i in ℐ]
for k in 1:k_max
for i in shuffle(ℐ)
π′(πi) = Tuple(j == i ? πi : π[j] for j in ℐ)
Ui(πi) = utility(𝒫′, b, π′(πi))[i]
π[i] = argmax(Ui, Π[i])
return Tuple(π)
4.2.3 Heuristic Search
struct DecPOMDPHeuristicSearch
b # initial belief
d # depth of conditional plans
π_max # number of policies
function solve(M::DecPOMDPHeuristicSearch, 𝒫::DecPOMDP)
ℐ, 𝒮, 𝒜, 𝒪, T, O, R, γ = 𝒫.ℐ, 𝒫.𝒮, 𝒫.𝒜, 𝒫.𝒪, 𝒫.T, 𝒫.O, 𝒫.R, 𝒫.γ
b, d, π_max = M.b, M.d, M.π_max
R′(s, a) = [R(s, a) for i in ℐ]
𝒫′ = POMG(γ, ℐ, 𝒮, 𝒜, 𝒪, T, O, R′)
Π = [[ConditionalPlan(ai) for ai in 𝒜[i]] for i in ℐ]
for t in 1:d
allΠ = expand_conditional_plans(𝒫, Π)
Π = [[] for i in ℐ]
for z in 1:π_max
b′ = explore(M, 𝒫, t)
π = argmax(π -> first(utility(𝒫′, b′, π)), joint(allΠ))
for i in ℐ
push!(Π[i], π[i])
filter!(πi -> πi != π[i], allΠ[i])
return argmax(π -> first(utility(𝒫′, b, π)), joint(Π))
function explore(M::DecPOMDPHeuristicSearch, 𝒫::DecPOMDP, t)
ℐ, 𝒮, 𝒜, 𝒪, T, O, R, γ = 𝒫.ℐ, 𝒫.𝒮, 𝒫.𝒜, 𝒫.𝒪, 𝒫.T, 𝒫.O, 𝒫.R, 𝒫.γ
b = copy(M.b)
b′ = similar(b)
s = rand(SetCategorical(𝒮, b))
for τ in 1:t
a = Tuple(rand(𝒜i) for 𝒜i in 𝒜)
s′ = rand(SetCategorical(𝒮, [T(s,a,s′) for s′ in 𝒮]))
o = rand(SetCategorical(joint(𝒪), [O(a,s′,o) for o in joint(𝒪)]))
for (i′, s′) in enumerate(𝒮)
po = O(a, s′, o)
b′[i′] = po*sum(T(s,a,s′)*b[i] for (i,s) in enumerate(𝒮))
normalize!(b′, 1)
b, s = b′, s′
return b′
4.2.4 非线性规划
struct DecPOMDPNonlinearProgramming
b # initial belief
ℓ # number of nodes for each agent
function tensorform(𝒫::DecPOMDP)
ℐ, 𝒮, 𝒜, 𝒪, R, T, O = 𝒫.ℐ, 𝒫.𝒮, 𝒫.𝒜, 𝒫.𝒪, 𝒫.R, 𝒫.T, 𝒫.O
ℐ′ = eachindex(ℐ)
𝒮′ = eachindex(𝒮)
𝒜′ = [eachindex(𝒜i) for 𝒜i in 𝒜]
𝒪′ = [eachindex(𝒪i) for 𝒪i in 𝒪]
R′ = [R(s,a) for s in 𝒮, a in joint(𝒜)]
T′ = [T(s,a,s′) for s in 𝒮, a in joint(𝒜), s′ in 𝒮]
O′ = [O(a,s′,o) for a in joint(𝒜), s′ in 𝒮, o in joint(𝒪)]
return ℐ′, 𝒮′, 𝒜′, 𝒪′, R′, T′, O′
function solve(M::DecPOMDPNonlinearProgramming, 𝒫::DecPOMDP)
𝒫, γ, b = 𝒫, 𝒫.γ, M.b
ℐ, 𝒮, 𝒜, 𝒪, R, T, O = tensorform(𝒫)
X = [collect(1:M.ℓ) for i in ℐ]
jointX, joint𝒜, joint𝒪 = joint(X), joint(𝒜), joint(𝒪)
x1 = jointX[1]
model = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)
@variable(model, U[jointX,𝒮])
@variable(model, ψ[i=ℐ,X[i],𝒜[i]] ≥ 0)
@variable(model, η[i=ℐ,X[i],𝒜[i],𝒪[i],X[i]] ≥ 0)
@objective(model, Max, b⋅U[x1,:])
@NLconstraint(model, [x=jointX,s=𝒮],
U[x,s] == (sum(prod(ψ[i,x[i],a[i]] for i in ℐ)
*(R[s,y] + γ*sum(T[s,y,s′]*sum(O[y,s′,z]
*sum(prod(η[i,x[i],a[i],o[i],x′[i]] for i in ℐ)
*U[x′,s′] for x′ in jointX)
for (z, o) in enumerate(joint𝒪)) for s′ in 𝒮))
for (y, a) in enumerate(joint𝒜))))
@constraint(model, [i=ℐ,xi=X[i]], sum(ψ[i,xi,ai] for ai in 𝒜[i]) == 1)
@constraint(model, [i=ℐ,xi=X[i],ai=𝒜[i],oi=𝒪[i]],
sum(η[i,xi,ai,oi,xi′] for xi′ in X[i]) == 1)
ψ′, η′ = value.(ψ), value.(η)
return [ControllerPolicy(𝒫, X[i],
Dict((xi,𝒫.𝒜[i][ai]) => ψ′[i,xi,ai] for xi in X[i], ai in 𝒜[i]),
Dict((xi,𝒫.𝒜[i][ai],𝒫.𝒪[i][oi],xi′) => η′[i,xi,ai,oi,xi′]
for xi in X[i], ai in 𝒜[i], oi in 𝒪[i], xi′ in X[i])) for i in ℐ]