afterscriptexecute |
Event |
Mozilla Specific |
A script has been executed. |
beforescriptexecute |
Event |
Mozilla Specific |
A script is about to be executed. |
beforeinstallprompt |
Event |
Chrome specific |
A user is prompted to save a web site to a home screen on mobile. |
cardstatechange |
Firefox OS specific |
The MozMobileConnection.cardState property changes value. |
change |
DeviceStorageChangeEvent |
Firefox OS specific |
This event is triggered each time a file is created, modified or deleted on a given storage area. |
connectionInfoUpdate |
Firefox OS specific |
The informations about the signal strength and the link speed have been updated. |
cfstatechange |
Firefox OS specific |
The call forwarding state changes. |
datachange |
Firefox OS specific |
The object changes values. |
dataerror |
Firefox OS specific |
The object receive an error from the RIL. |
DOMMouseScroll |
Mozilla specific |
The wheel button of a pointing device is rotated (detail attribute is a number of lines). (use wheel instead) |
dragdrop |
DragEvent |
Mozilla specific |
An element is dropped (use drop instead). |
dragexit |
DragEvent |
Mozilla specific |
A drag operation is being ended(use dragend instead). |
draggesture |
DragEvent |
Mozilla specific |
The user starts dragging an element or text selection (use dragstart instead). |
icccardlockerror |
Firefox OS specific |
the MozMobileConnection.unlockCardLock() or MozMobileConnection.setCardLock() methods fails. |
iccinfochange |
Firefox OS specific |
The MozMobileConnection.iccInfo object changes. |
localized |
Mozilla Specific |
The page has been localized using data-l10n-* attributes. |
mousewheel |
IE invented |
The wheel button of a pointing device is rotated. |
MozAudioAvailable |
Event |
Mozilla specific |
The audio buffer is full and the corresponding raw samples are available. |
MozBeforeResize |
Mozilla specific |
A window is about to be resized. |
mozbrowseractivitydone |
Firefox OS Browser API-specific |
Sent when some activity has been completed (complete description TBD.) |
mozbrowserasyncscroll |
Firefox OS Browser API-specific |
Sent when the scroll position within a browser <iframe> changes. |
mozbrowseraudioplaybackchange |
Firefox OS Browser API-specific |
Sent when audio starts or stops playing within the browser <iframe> content. |
mozbrowsercaretstatechanged |
Firefox OS Browser API-specific |
Sent when the text selected inside the browser <iframe> content changes. |
mozbrowserclose |
Firefox OS Browser API-specific |
Sent when window.close() is called within a browser <iframe> . |
mozbrowsercontextmenu |
Firefox OS Browser API-specific |
Sent when a browser <iframe> try to open a context menu. |
mozbrowserdocumentfirstpaint |
Firefox OS Browser API-specific |
Sent when a new paint occurs on any document in the browser <iframe> . |
mozbrowsererror |
Firefox OS Browser API-specific |
Sent when an error occured while trying to load a content within a browser iframe |
mozbrowserfindchange |
Firefox OS Browser API-specific |
Sent when a search operation is performed on the browser <iframe> content (see HTMLIFrameElement search methods.) |
mozbrowserfirstpaint |
Firefox OS Browser API-specific |
Sent when the <iframe> paints content for the first time (this doesn't include the initial paint from about:blank.) |
mozbrowsericonchange |
Firefox OS Browser API-specific |
Sent when the favicon of a browser iframe changes. |
mozbrowserlocationchange |
Firefox OS Browser API-specific |
Sent when an browser iframe's location changes. |
mozbrowserloadend |
Firefox OS Browser API-specific |
Sent when the browser iframe has finished loading all its assets. |
mozbrowserloadstart |
Firefox OS Browser API-specific |
Sent when the browser iframe starts to load a new page. |
mozbrowsermanifestchange |
Firefox OS Browser API-specific |
Sent when a the path to the app manifest changes, in the case of a browser <iframe> with an open web app embedded in it. |
mozbrowsermetachange |
Firefox OS Browser API-specific |
Sent when a <meta> elelment is added to, removed from or changed in the browser <iframe> 's content. |
mozbrowseropensearch |
Firefox OS Browser API-specific |
Sent when a link to a search engine is found. |
mozbrowseropentab |
Firefox OS Browser API-specific |
Sent when a new tab is opened within a browser <iframe> as a result of the user issuing a command to open a link target in a new tab (for example ctrl/cmd + click.) |
mozbrowseropenwindow |
Firefox OS Browser API-specific |
Sent when is called within a browser iframe. |
mozbrowserresize |
Firefox OS Browser API-specific |
Sent when the browser <iframe> 's window size has changed. |
mozbrowserscroll |
Firefox OS Browser API-specific |
Sent when the browser <iframe> content scrolls. |
mozbrowserscrollareachanged |
Firefox OS Browser API-specific |
Sent when the available scrolling area in the browser <iframe> changes. This can occur on resize and when the page size changes (while loading for example.) |
mozbrowserscrollviewchange |
Firefox OS Browser API-specific |
Sent when asynchronous scrolling (i.e. APCZ) starts or stops. |
mozbrowsersecuritychange |
Firefox OS Browser API-specific |
Sent when the SSL state changes within a browser iframe. |
mozbrowserselectionstatechanged |
Firefox OS Browser API-specific |
Sent when the text selected inside the browser <iframe> content changes. Note that this is deprecated, and newer implementations use mozbrowsercaretstatechanged instead. |
mozbrowsershowmodalprompt |
Firefox OS Browser API-specific |
Sent when alert() , confirm() or prompt() are called within a browser iframe |
mozbrowsertitlechange |
Firefox OS Browser API-specific |
Sent when the document.title changes within a browser iframe. |
mozbrowserusernameandpasswordrequired |
Firefox OS Browser API-specific |
Sent when an HTTP authentification is requested. |
mozbrowservisibilitychange |
Firefox OS Browser API-specific |
Sent when the visibility state of the current browser iframe <iframe> changes, for example due to a call to setVisible() . |
MozGamepadButtonDown |
To be specified |
A gamepad button is pressed down. |
MozGamepadButtonUp |
To be specified |
A gamepad button is released. |
MozMousePixelScroll |
Mozilla specific |
The wheel button of a pointing device is rotated (detail attribute is a number of pixels). (use wheel instead) |
MozOrientation |
Mozilla specific |
Fresh data is available from an orientation sensor (see deviceorientation). |
MozScrolledAreaChanged |
UIEvent |
Mozilla specific |
The document view has been scrolled or resized. |
moztimechange |
Mozilla specific |
The time of the device has been changed. |
MozTouchDown |
Mozilla specific |
A touch point is placed on the touch surface (use touchstart instead). |
MozTouchMove |
Mozilla specific |
A touch point is moved along the touch surface (use touchmove instead). |
MozTouchUp |
Mozilla specific |
A touch point is removed from the touch surface (use touchend instead). |
alerting |
CallEvent |
To be specified |
The correspondent is being alerted (his/her phone is ringing). |
busy |
CallEvent |
To be specified |
The line of the correspondent is busy. |
callschanged |
CallEvent |
To be specified |
A call has been added or removed from the list of current calls. |
onconnectedconnected |
CallEvent |
To be specified |
A call has been connected. |
connecting |
CallEvent |
To be specified |
A call is about to connect. |
delivered |
SMSEvent |
To be specified |
An SMS has been successfully delivered. |
dialing |
CallEvent |
To be specified |
The number of a correspondent has been dialed. |
disabled |
Firefox OS specific |
Wifi has been disabled on the device. |
disconnected |
CallEvent |
To be specified |
A call has been disconnected. |
disconnecting |
CallEvent |
To be specified |
A call is about to disconnect. |
enabled |
Firefox OS specific |
Wifi has been enabled on the device. |
error |
CallEvent |
To be specified |
An error occurred. |
held |
CallEvent |
To be specified |
A call has been held. |
holding |
CallEvent |
To be specified |
A call is about to be held. |
incoming |
CallEvent |
To be specified |
A call is being received. |
received |
SMSEvent |
To be specified |
An SMS has been received. |
resuming |
CallEvent |
To be specified |
A call is about to resume. |
sent |
SMSEvent |
To be specified |
An SMS has been sent. |
statechange |
CallEvent |
To be specified |
The state of a call has changed. |
statuschange |
Firefox OS specific |
The status of the Wifi connection changed. |
overflow |
UIEvent |
Mozilla specific |
An element has been overflowed by its content or has been rendered for the first time in this state (only works for elements styled with overflow != visible ). |
smartcard-insert |
Mozilla specific |
A smartcard has been inserted. |
smartcard-remove |
Mozilla specific |
A smartcard has been removed. |
stkcommand |
Firefox OS specific |
The STK Proactive Command is issued from ICC. |
stksessionend |
Firefox OS specific |
The STK Session is terminated by ICC. |
touchenter |
TouchEvent |
Touch Events Removed |
touchleave |
TouchEvent |
Touch Events Removed |
underflow |
UIEvent |
Mozilla specific |
An element is no longer overflowed by its content (only works for elements styled with overflow != visible ). |
uploadprogress |
ProgressEvent |
Mozilla Specific |
Upload is in progress (see progress ). |
Firefox OS specific |
A new USSD message is received |
voicechange |
Firefox OS specific |
The MozMobileConnection.voice object changes values. |
msContentZoom |
Microsoft specific |
MSManipulationStateChanged |
Microsoft specific |
MSPointerHover |
Microsoft specific |