vue中v-on支持的事件总结 (2)

简介: vue中v-on支持的事件总结 (2)


Event Name Event Type Specification Fired when...
afterscriptexecute Event Mozilla Specific A script has been executed.
beforescriptexecute Event Mozilla Specific A script is about to be executed.
beforeinstallprompt Event Chrome specific A user is prompted to save a web site to a home screen on mobile.
cardstatechange   Firefox OS specific The MozMobileConnection.cardState property changes value.
change DeviceStorageChangeEvent Firefox OS specific This event is triggered each time a file is created, modified or deleted on a given storage area.
connectionInfoUpdate   Firefox OS specific The informations about the signal strength and the link speed have been updated.
cfstatechange   Firefox OS specific The call forwarding state changes.
datachange   Firefox OS specific The object changes values.
dataerror   Firefox OS specific The object receive an error from the RIL.
DOMMouseScroll   Mozilla specific The wheel button of a pointing device is rotated (detail attribute is a number of lines). (use wheel instead)
dragdrop DragEvent Mozilla specific An element is dropped (use drop instead).
dragexit DragEvent Mozilla specific A drag operation is being ended(use dragend instead).
draggesture DragEvent Mozilla specific The user starts dragging an element or text selection (use dragstart instead).
icccardlockerror   Firefox OS specific the MozMobileConnection.unlockCardLock() or MozMobileConnection.setCardLock() methods fails.
iccinfochange   Firefox OS specific The MozMobileConnection.iccInfo object changes.
localized   Mozilla Specific The page has been localized using data-l10n-* attributes.
mousewheel   IE invented The wheel button of a pointing device is rotated.
MozAudioAvailable Event Mozilla specific The audio buffer is full and the corresponding raw samples are available.
MozBeforeResize   Mozilla specific A window is about to be resized.
mozbrowseractivitydone   Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when some activity has been completed (complete description TBD.)
mozbrowserasyncscroll   Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when the scroll position within a browser <iframe> changes.
mozbrowseraudioplaybackchange   Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when audio starts or stops playing within the browser <iframe> content.
mozbrowsercaretstatechanged   Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when the text selected inside the browser <iframe> content changes.
mozbrowserclose   Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when window.close() is called within a browser <iframe>.
mozbrowsercontextmenu   Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when a browser <iframe> try to open a context menu.
mozbrowserdocumentfirstpaint   Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when a new paint occurs on any document in the browser <iframe>.
mozbrowsererror   Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when an error occured while trying to load a content within a browser iframe
mozbrowserfindchange   Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when a search operation is performed on the browser <iframe> content (see HTMLIFrameElement search methods.)
mozbrowserfirstpaint   Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when the <iframe> paints content for the first time (this doesn't include the initial paint from about:blank.)
mozbrowsericonchange   Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when the favicon of a browser iframe changes.
mozbrowserlocationchange   Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when an browser iframe's location changes.
mozbrowserloadend   Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when the browser iframe has finished loading all its assets.
mozbrowserloadstart   Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when the browser iframe starts to load a new page.
mozbrowsermanifestchange   Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when a the path to the app manifest changes, in the case of a browser <iframe> with an open web app embedded in it.
mozbrowsermetachange   Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when a <meta> elelment is added to, removed from or changed in the browser <iframe>'s content.
mozbrowseropensearch   Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when a link to a search engine is found.
mozbrowseropentab   Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when a new tab is opened within a browser <iframe> as a result of the user issuing a command to open a link target in a new tab (for example ctrl/cmd + click.)
mozbrowseropenwindow   Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when is called within a browser iframe.
mozbrowserresize   Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when the browser <iframe>'s window size has changed.
mozbrowserscroll   Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when the browser <iframe> content scrolls.
mozbrowserscrollareachanged   Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when the available scrolling area in the browser <iframe> changes. This can occur on resize and when the page size changes (while loading for example.)
mozbrowserscrollviewchange   Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when asynchronous scrolling (i.e. APCZ) starts or stops.
mozbrowsersecuritychange   Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when the SSL state changes within a browser iframe.
mozbrowserselectionstatechanged   Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when the text selected inside the browser <iframe> content changes. Note that this is deprecated, and newer implementations use mozbrowsercaretstatechanged instead.
mozbrowsershowmodalprompt   Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when alert(), confirm() or prompt() are called within a browser iframe
mozbrowsertitlechange   Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when the document.title changes within a browser iframe.
mozbrowserusernameandpasswordrequired   Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when an HTTP authentification is requested.
mozbrowservisibilitychange   Firefox OS Browser API-specific Sent when the visibility state of the current browser iframe <iframe> changes, for example due to a call to setVisible().
MozGamepadButtonDown   To be specified A gamepad button is pressed down.
MozGamepadButtonUp   To be specified A gamepad button is released.
MozMousePixelScroll   Mozilla specific The wheel button of a pointing device is rotated (detail attribute is a number of pixels). (use wheel instead)
MozOrientation   Mozilla specific Fresh data is available from an orientation sensor (see deviceorientation).
MozScrolledAreaChanged UIEvent Mozilla specific The document view has been scrolled or resized.
moztimechange   Mozilla specific The time of the device has been changed.
MozTouchDown   Mozilla specific A touch point is placed on the touch surface (use touchstart instead).
MozTouchMove   Mozilla specific A touch point is moved along the touch surface (use touchmove instead).
MozTouchUp   Mozilla specific A touch point is removed from the touch surface (use touchend instead).
alerting CallEvent To be specified The correspondent is being alerted (his/her phone is ringing).
busy CallEvent To be specified The line of the correspondent is busy.
callschanged CallEvent To be specified A call has been added or removed from the list of current calls.
onconnectedconnected CallEvent To be specified A call has been connected.
connecting CallEvent To be specified A call is about to connect.
delivered SMSEvent To be specified An SMS has been successfully delivered.
dialing CallEvent To be specified The number of a correspondent has been dialed.
disabled   Firefox OS specific Wifi has been disabled on the device.
disconnected CallEvent To be specified A call has been disconnected.
disconnecting CallEvent To be specified A call is about to disconnect.
enabled   Firefox OS specific Wifi has been enabled on the device.
error CallEvent To be specified An error occurred.
held CallEvent To be specified A call has been held.
holding CallEvent To be specified A call is about to be held.
incoming CallEvent To be specified A call is being received.
received SMSEvent To be specified An SMS has been received.
resuming CallEvent To be specified A call is about to resume.
sent SMSEvent To be specified An SMS has been sent.
statechange CallEvent To be specified The state of a call has changed.
statuschange   Firefox OS specific The status of the Wifi connection changed.
overflow UIEvent Mozilla specific An element has been overflowed by its content or has been rendered for the first time in this state (only works for elements styled with overflow != visible).
smartcard-insert   Mozilla specific A smartcard has been inserted.
smartcard-remove   Mozilla specific A smartcard has been removed.
stkcommand   Firefox OS specific The STK Proactive Command is issued from ICC.
stksessionend   Firefox OS specific The STK Session is terminated by ICC.
touchenter TouchEvent Touch Events Removed  
touchleave TouchEvent Touch Events Removed  
underflow UIEvent Mozilla specific An element is no longer overflowed by its content (only works for elements styled with overflow != visible).
uploadprogress ProgressEvent Mozilla Specific Upload is in progress (see progress).


  Firefox OS specific A new USSD message is received
voicechange   Firefox OS specific The MozMobileConnection.voice object changes values.
msContentZoom   Microsoft specific  
MSManipulationStateChanged   Microsoft specific  
MSPointerHover   Microsoft specific  

Mozilla 特定事件

注意:这些事件不会暴露给 Web 内容使用,只能在 chrome 内容的上下文中使用。

XUL 事件

Event Name Event Type Specification Fired when...
broadcast   XUL An observer noticed a change to the attributes of a watched broadcaster.
CheckboxStateChange   XUL The state of a checkbox has been changed either by a user action or by a script (useful for accessibility).
close   XUL The close button of the window has been clicked.
command   XUL An element has been activated.
commandupdate   XUL A command update occurred on a commandset element.
DOMMenuItemActive   XUL A menu or menuitem has been hovered or highlighted.
DOMMenuItemInactive   XUL A menu or menuitem is no longer hovered or highlighted.
popuphidden PopupEvent XUL A menupopup, panel or tooltip has been hidden.
popuphiding PopupEvent XUL A menupopup, panel or tooltip is about to be hidden.
popupshowing PopupEvent XUL A menupopup, panel or tooltip is about to become visible.
popupshown PopupEvent XUL A menupopup, panel or tooltip has become visible.
RadioStateChange   XUL The state of a radio has been changed either by a user action or by a script (useful for accessibility).
ValueChange   XUL The value of an element has changed (a progress bar for example, useful for accessibility).


Event Name Event Type Specification Fired when...
MozSwipeGesture   Addons specific A touch point is swiped across the touch surface
MozMagnifyGestureStart   Addons specific Two touch points start to move away from each other.
MozMagnifyGestureUpdate   Addons specific Two touch points move away from each other (after a MozMagnifyGestureStart).
MozMagnifyGesture   Addons specific Two touch points moved away from each other (after a sequence of MozMagnifyGestureUpdate).
MozRotateGestureStart   Addons specific Two touch points start to rotate around a point.
MozRotateGestureUpdate   Addons specific Two touch points rotate around a point (after a MozRotateGestureStart).
MozRotateGesture   Addons specific Two touch points rotate around a point (after a sequence of MozRotateGestureUpdate).
MozTapGesture   Addons specific Two touch points are tapped on the touch surface.
MozPressTapGesture   Addons specific A "press-tap" gesture happened on the touch surface (first finger down, second finger down, second finger up, first finger up).
MozEdgeUIGesture   Addons specific A touch point is swiped across the touch surface to invoke the edge UI (Win8 only).
MozAfterPaint   Addons specific Content has been repainted.
DOMPopupBlocked   Addons specific A popup has been blocked
DOMWindowCreated   Addons specific A window has been created.
DOMWindowClose   Addons specific A window is about to be closed.
DOMTitleChanged   Addons specifc The title of a window has changed.
DOMLinkAdded   Addons specifc A link has been added a document.
DOMLinkRemoved   Addons specifc A link has been removed inside from a document.
DOMMetaAdded   Addons specific A meta element has been added to a document.
DOMMetaRemoved   Addons specific A meta element has been removed from a document.
DOMWillOpenModalDialog   Addons specific A modal dialog is about to open.
DOMModalDialogClosed   Addons specific A modal dialog has been closed.
DOMAutoComplete   Addons specific The content of an element has been auto-completed.
DOMFrameContentLoaded   Addons specific The frame has finished loading (but not its dependent resources).
AlertActive   Addons specific A notification element is shown.
AlertClose   Addons specific A notification element is closed.
fullscreen   Addons specific Browser fullscreen mode has been entered or left.
sizemodechange   Addons specific Window has entered/left fullscreen mode, or has been minimized/unminimized.
MozEnteredDomFullscreen   Addons specific DOM fullscreen mode has been entered.
SSWindowClosing   Addons specific The session store will stop tracking this window.
SSTabClosing   Addons specific The session store will stop tracking this tab.
SSTabRestoring   Addons specific A tab is about to be restored.
SSTabRestored   Addons specific A tab has been restored.
SSWindowStateReady   Addons specific A window state has switched to "ready".
SSWindowStateBusy   Addons specific A window state has switched to "busy".
TabOpen   Addons specific A tab has been opened.
TabClose   Addons specific A tab has been closed.
TabSelect   Addons specific A tab has been selected.
TabShow   Addons specific A tab has been shown.
TabHide   Addons specific A tab has been hidden.
TabPinned   Addons specific A tab has been pinned.
TabUnpinned   Addons specific A tab has been unpinned.


Event Name Event Type Specification Fired when...
CssRuleViewRefreshed   devtools specific The "Rules" view of the style inspector has been updated.
CssRuleViewChanged   devtools specific The "Rules" view of the style inspector has been changed.
CssRuleViewCSSLinkClicked   devtools specific A link to a CSS file has been clicked in the "Rules" view of the style inspector.
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