<select id="getPartnerList" parameterType="com.acs.saasdb.account.entity.Partner" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> SELECT * FROM acs_partner <where> (partner_id IN (-1,8) OR id=partner_id) <if test="partner.partnerName !=null and partner.partnerName!=''"> AND partner_name LIKE CONCAT(CONCAT('%', #{partner.partnerName}),'%') </if> <if test="partner.companyType !=null and partner.companyType!='' or partner.companyType==0"> AND company_type =#{partner.companyType} </if> <if test="partner.contactName !=null and partner.contactName !='' "> AND contact_name LIKE CONCAT (CONCAT ('%',#{partner.contactName}),'%') </if> <if test="partner.contactMobile !=null and partner.contactMobile !='' "> AND contact_mobile LIKE CONCAT (CONCAT ('%',#{partner.contactMobile}),'%') </if> <if test="partner.businessType !=null and partner.businessType!='' or partner.businessType==0"> AND business_type =#{partner.businessType} </if> <if test="partner.createCompany !=null and partner.createCompany !='' "> AND create_company =#{partner.createCompany} </if> <if test="partner.state !=null and partner.state !='' "> AND state =#{partner.state} </if> </where> ORDER BY create_time DESC limit #{page.offset},#{page.limit} </select>
mybatis做if判断注意 mybatis做if 判断 注意:下面这种写法只适用于 id 类型为字符串. <if test="id != null and id != '' "> id = #{id} </if> 如果id类型为int 当id=0时 这个判断不会进入. 可以这样写<if test="id != null and id != '' or id==0">