《CCIE路由和交换认证考试指南(第5版) (第1卷)》——1.4节交换和桥接逻辑


本节书摘来自异步社区《CCIE路由和交换认证考试指南(第5版) (第1卷)》一书中的第1章,第1.4节交换和桥接逻辑,作者 【美】Narbik Kocharians(那比克 科查理安) , 【斯洛伐克】Peter Paluch(彼得 派拉奇),更多章节内容可以访问云栖社区“异步社区”公众号查看

1.4 交换和桥接逻辑


例1-2 查看MAC地址表学习过程的命令

Switch1# show mac-address-table dynamic
      Mac Address Table

Vla-    Mac Address   Type    Ports
----   -----------    ----    -----
  1   000f.2343.87cd  DYNAMIC  Fa0/13
  1   0200.3333.3333  DYNAMIC  Fa0/3
  1   0200.4444.4444  DYNAMIC  Fa0/13
Total Ma Addresses for this criterion: 3
! Above, Switch1's MAC address table lists three dynamically learned addresses,
! including Switch4's FA 0/13 MAC.
! Below, Switch1 pings Switch4's management IP address.
Switch1# ping

Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/2/4 ms
! Below Switch1 now knows the MAC address associated with Switch4's management IP
! address. Each switch has a range of reserved MAC addresses, with the first MAC
! being used by the switch IP address, and the rest being assigned in sequence to
! the switch interfaces – note 0xcd (last byte of 2 nd address in the table above)   
! is for Switch4's FA 0/13 interface, and is 13 (decimal) larger than Switch4's
! base MAC address.
Switch1# show mac-address-table dynamic
      Mac Address Table

Vlan   Mac Address    Type    Ports
----   -----------    ----    -----
  1   000f.2343.87c0  DYNAMIC  Fa0/13
  1   000f.2343.87cd  DYNAMIC  Fa0/13
  1   0200.3333.3333  DYNAMIC  Fa0/3
  1   0200.4444.4444  DYNAMIC  Fa0/13
Total Mac Addresses for this criterion: 4
! Not shown: PC1 ping (R3) PC1's MAC in its MAC address table

Vla-   Mac Address    Type    Ports
----  -----------    ----    -----
  1  000f.2343.87c0  DYNAMIC  Fa0/13
  1  000f.2343.87cd  DYNAMIC  Fa0/13
  1  0010.a49b.6111  DYNAMIC  Fa0/13
  1  0200.3333.3333  DYNAMIC  Fa0/3
  1  0200.4444.4444  DYNAMIC  Fa0/13
Total Mac Addresses for this criterion: 5
! Above, Switch1 learned the PC's MAC address, associated with FA 0/13,
! because the frames sent by the PC came into Switch1 over its FA 0/13.
! Below, Switch4's MAC address table shows PC1's MAC off its FA 0/6
switch4# show mac-address-table dynamic
      Mac Address Table

Vla-    Mac Address    Type    Ports
----    -----------    -------  -----
  1    000a.b7dc.b780  DYNAMIC  Fa0/13
  1    000a.b7dc.b78d  DYNAMIC  Fa0/13
  1    0010.a49b.6111  DYNAMIC  Fa0/6
  1    0200.3333.3333  DYNAMIC  Fa0/13
  1    0200.4444.4444  DYNAMIC  Fa0/4
Total Mac Addresses for this criterion: 5
! Below, for example, the aging timeout (default 300 seconds) is shown, followed     
! by a command just listing the mac address table entry for a single address.     
switch4# show mac-address-table aging-time
Vlan   Aging Time
----   ----------
  1   300
switch4# show mac-address-table address 0200.3333.3333
      Mac Address Table


Vlan   Mac Address    Type      Ports
----   -----------    -------    -----
  1   0200.3333.3333  DYNAMIC    Fa0/13                       
Total Mac Addresses for this criterion: 1
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本节书摘来自异步社区《趣学CCNA——路由与交换》一书中的目录,作者 田果 , 彭定学,更多章节内容可以访问云栖社区“异步社区”公众号查看
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