使用 cx recipe 安装 Hybris Commerce Cloud 之后,遇到 indexer workder failed 错误

简介: 使用 cx recipe 安装 Hybris Commerce Cloud 之后,遇到 indexer workder failed 错误

这个错误导致我在 Accelerator Storefront 上无法进行产品搜索:


我确认 Solr server 已经成功启动了,监听在端口 8983 上:


重新通过 recipe 启动试试:




Caused by: de.hybris.platform.solrfacetsearch.indexer.exceptions.IndexerException: Indexer worker failed. Max number of retries in total has been reached
at de.hybris.platform.solrfacetsearch.indexer.strategies.impl.DefaultIndexerStrategy.runWorkers(DefaultIndexerStrategy.java:145) ~[solrfacetsearchserver.jar:?]
at de.hybris.platform.solrfacetsearch.indexer.strategies.impl.DefaultIndexerStrategy.doExecute(DefaultIndexerStrategy.java:88) ~[solrfacetsearchserver.jar:?]
… 12 more
Caused by: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClientR e m o t e S o l r E x c e p t i o n : E r r o r f r o m s e r v e r a t h t t p s : / / l o c a l h o s t : 8983 / s o l r : S o l r C o r e ′ m a s t e r p o w e r t o o l s P r o d u c t d e f a u l t ′ i s n o t a v a i l a b l e d u e t o i n i t f a i l u r e : F a i l e d t o c r e a t e n e w M a n a g e d R e s o u r c e / s c h e m a / a n a l y s i s / s y n o n y m s / e n o f t y p e o r g . a p a c h e . s o l r . r e s t . s c h e m a . a n a l y s i s . M a n a g e d S y n o n y m G r a p h F i l t e r F a c t o r y RemoteSolrException: Error from server at https://localhost:8983/solr: SolrCore 'master_powertools_Product_default' is not available due to init failure: Failed to create new ManagedResource /schema/analysis/synonyms/en of type org.apache.solr.rest.schema.analysis.ManagedSynonymGraphFilterFactoryRemoteSolrException:
SolrCore ′masterp owertoolsp roductd efault ′isnotavailableduetoinitfailure:
SynonymManager due to: org.noggit.JSONParser$ParseException: JSON Parse Error: char=
Caused by: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClientR e m o t e S o l r E x c e p t i o n : E r r o r f r o m s e r v e r a t h t t p s : / / l o c a l h o s t : 8983 / s o l r : S o l r C o r e ′ m a s t e r p o w e r t o o l s P r o d u c t d e f a u l t ′ i s n o t a v a i l a b l e d u e t o i n i t f a i l u r e : F a i l e d t o c r e a t e n e w M a n a g e d R e s o u r c e / s c h e m a / a n a l y s i s / s y n o n y m s / e n o f t y p e o r g . a p a c h e . s o l r . r e s t . s c h e m a . a n a l y s i s . M a n a g e d S y n o n y m G r a p h F i l t e r F a c t o r y RemoteSolrException: Error from server at https://localhost:8983/solr: SolrCore 'master_powertools_Product_default' is not available due to init failure: Failed to create new ManagedResource /schema/analysis/synonyms/en of type org.apache.solr.rest.schema.analysis.ManagedSynonymGraphFilterFactoryRemoteSolrException:
SolrCore ′masterp owertoolsp roductd efault ′isnotavailableduetoinitfailure:
SynonymManager due to: org.noggit.JSONParser$ParseException: JSON Parse Error: char=
INFO [update-apparel-ukIndex-cronJob::de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.internal.jalo.ServicelayerJob] (update-apparel-ukIndex-cronJob) [SolrIndexerJob] Started indexer cronjob.
INFO [update-apparel-ukIndex-cronJob::de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.internal.jalo.ServicelayerJob] (update-apparel-ukIndex-cronJob) [SolrIndexerJob] Finished indexer cronjob.
INFO [update-electronicsIndex-cronJob::de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.internal.jalo.ServicelayerJob] (update-electronicsIndex-cronJob) [SolrIndexerJob] Started indexer cronjob.
INFO [update-apparel-deIndex-cronJob::de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.internal.jalo.ServicelayerJob] (update-apparel-deIndex-cronJob) [SolrIndexerJob] Started indexer cronjob.
INFO [update-apparel-deIndex-cronJob::de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.internal.jalo.ServicelayerJob] (update-apparel-deIndex-cronJob) [SolrIndexerJob] Finished indexer cronjob.
INFO [update-powertoolsIndex-cronJob::de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.internal.jalo.ServicelayerJob] (update-powertoolsIndex-cronJob) [SolrIndexerJob] Started indexer cronjob.
INFO [update-backofficeIndex-CronJob::de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.internal.jalo.ServicelayerJob] (update-backofficeIndex-CronJob) [SolrIndexerJob] Started indexer cronjob.
INFO [update-backofficeIndex-CronJob::de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.internal.jalo.ServicelayerJob] (update-backofficeIndex-CronJob) [AbstractIndexerStrategy] No active index found, FULL indexer operation must be performed before any other operation



到 Backoffice 去:

(System > Search and Navigation > Facet Search Configurations).

做一次类型为 full 的 indexing:


看到 Indexing finished successfully 消息后:




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