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#include <stdlib.h> //used to terminate the program
#include <string> //used for the string variable
#include <iomanip> //used for setprecision function
using namespace std;

 string array;
 string Data[3][10]= {{"Milk", "Bread", "Chocolatte","Towel","Toothpaste","Soap","Pen","Biscuits","Lampost","Battery"},
 {"0120001", "0120002", "0120003", "0120004", "0120005", "0120006", "0120007", "0120008", "0120009", "0120010"},
 {"10.50", "5.50", "8.00", "12.10", "6.75", "5.20", "2.00", "4.45", "20.50", "10.00"}}; //2D array to store and fetch the table information

 float sumMoney;
int main ()
        string currentPrice;
        char customer = 'y';
        while (customer == 'y')
        { //creates a while loop which resets the program if 'y' is inputted, and terminates otherwise

        cout << "*****************************************************" << endl; //simple welcome greeting
        cout << "*  WELCOME TO HERTS SUPERMARKET CHECKOUT SYSTEM     *" << endl;
        cout << "* Scan the barcode or manually type the barcode ID  *" << endl;
        cout << "*****************************************************" << endl;

        bool found = false;
        string ch = "n"; //char used to create the loop
        cout << "Type a Barcode, or type 'f' to finish: " << endl;
        cout << "\n";

        // loops untill input is "f"
        // takes input assigns it to ch variable which is being test for termination
        cin >> ch;
        // defines counter variable for loop
        int i = 0;
        //used to test if the barcode was found (changed to true when its found else its false)
        //used as a break case for the loop
        found = false;

        //while the item isn't found and the counter isn't at the end of the array
        This loops through the array and compares it to the search term
        has 2 break cases
        1: found the search term in the array (found = true)
        2: reach the end of the array (i reaches 9)
        If found then price is assigned and outputted
        If not found error is outputted
        while((found==false) && (i<9))  {
            // if the given barcode is equal to the current
                // the price corresponding to the current i value is assigned
                currentPrice = Data[2][i];
                // break case for found is triggered (case 1)
                found = true;
                // outputs price not needed but was a debug line
                cout << currentPrice << endl;
            // if the counter reaches the end of the array without finding something
               else if(i>=9){
                cout << "Not found. Please input a Barcode: " << endl;
            // increment i
                        float thechange();
                        float cashgiven,changegiven,sumprice;

                        sumprice = sumMoney;
                        cout << setprecision(2) << fixed << showpoint;
                        cout << "\n";

                        cout <<"The total price is: " << char(156) << sumprice << endl;

                        while (sumprice > 0)
                                    cout << endl;
                                    cout << "Cash received: " << char(156);
                                    cin >> cashgiven;
                                    sumprice = sumprice - cashgiven;

                                    if (sumprice > 0)
                                                cout << "Insufficient Funds, cash needed: " << char(156) << sumprice;

                                    if (sumprice <= 0)
                                        changegiven = sumprice * -1;
                                        cout  << "The Change Given: " << char(156) << changegiven;


                                    cout << "Next Customer (Y/N): \n";
                                    cin >> customer;

                        return 0;

aqal5zs3gkqgc 2019-12-19 20:19:34 3014 0
1 条回答
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  • 你没有测试ch后cin >> ch...因此,即使输入是“f”,代码也将继续输入while循环。您需要检查输入是否成功,并测试输入是否为“f”,然后再继续进行代码。

    2019-12-19 20:20:05
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