【1108】Finding Average (20分)【字符串处理】

简介: 【1108】Finding Average (20分)【字符串处理】【1108】Finding Average (20分)【字符串处理】
using namespace std;  
int main(){   
  int n,cnt=0;
  char a[50],b[50];
  double temp,sum=0.0;
  for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
    int flag=0;
    for(int j=0;j<strlen(a);j++)
      if(a[j] != b[j])  flag=1;
    if(flag || temp< -1000 || temp>1000){
      printf("ERROR: %s is not a legal number\n",a);
      sum += temp;
  if(cnt ==1)
    printf("The average of 1 number is %.2f",sum);
  else if(cnt>1)
    printf("The average of %d numbers is %.2f",cnt,sum/cnt);
    printf("The average of 0 numbers is Undefined");
    return 0;   
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